The main purpose of this entry is to let people know that Zazen will happen as usual at the Hill St. Center in Santa Monica this Saturday, Nov. 29, 2008. Details are at the link over there on your left, just below the "picture of the gay vampire" (as one reader called it). OK?
So I spent Thanksgiving at Green Gulch Farm/Green Dragon Zen Temple in Marin County just north of San Francisco. That was my first Thanksgiving at a Zen temple. Pretty neat. Maybe someday I'll write eloquently about it. But I don't have time to do it justice right now. It was a beautiful thing. Thanks to Bryan, Steph and Alec for inviting us up there. The pies were yummy.
Hope everybody out there had a great Thanksgiving and are peacefully digesting today.
I should get some sort of award
Author: blog xxx
Here's the "smashing" blog post.
I consulted many people before deciding to blog this. Some people said it's very mean, and there are many others who said they completely don't see how it is mean at all.
So I just decided to blog it lor...
The gist of this post is simple: I photoshop other people's photos to make them good-looking.
When I say good-looking I mean obviously good-looking to me lah. In the "conventional beauty" way.
It started off when Andie and I were looking at this blogger chick's blog photos and kept going on about how ugly her make-up is. Then, I challenged Andie to a photoshop showdown to see who can photoshop this fugly chick into a hot chick!
In the end, I spent about half an hour doing it till, in my opinion, she looked perfect!
Then I thought to myself, "Wow! It's so much easier to like her when she looks like that (end product of photoshop)".
So I further thought... How will other people I don't like look like with photoshop?
And therefore I photoshopped more and more pictures till people started telling me it's a waste not to blog about them.
Since most of the "victims" (or maybe they are privileged, coz loads of people wanna pay me to photoshop them) are people I don't like, I decided, for the fairness of this post, I'm gonna throw in also...
- People I do like
- People I am neutral towards.
- Random people I don't know at all.
Sorry if you got chosen... If I never expressed disliking you, it means that you are just randomly picked!
I was planning to do it on myself as well, but you saw that trick before.
Enough of the whining... Photos!
These photos you see are the photoshopped versions.
To see the originals (and the answers), please HOVER your mouse over the pictures!
Patience... It might take a while to load but it eventually will! Just keep your mouse on the picture!

Yes, she is a real person.
So which is your favourite?
p/s: All the original photos are either easily available online or proudly displayed on their owner's blogs. Credits to them.
I consulted many people before deciding to blog this. Some people said it's very mean, and there are many others who said they completely don't see how it is mean at all.
So I just decided to blog it lor...
The gist of this post is simple: I photoshop other people's photos to make them good-looking.
When I say good-looking I mean obviously good-looking to me lah. In the "conventional beauty" way.
It started off when Andie and I were looking at this blogger chick's blog photos and kept going on about how ugly her make-up is. Then, I challenged Andie to a photoshop showdown to see who can photoshop this fugly chick into a hot chick!
In the end, I spent about half an hour doing it till, in my opinion, she looked perfect!
Then I thought to myself, "Wow! It's so much easier to like her when she looks like that (end product of photoshop)".
So I further thought... How will other people I don't like look like with photoshop?
And therefore I photoshopped more and more pictures till people started telling me it's a waste not to blog about them.
Since most of the "victims" (or maybe they are privileged, coz loads of people wanna pay me to photoshop them) are people I don't like, I decided, for the fairness of this post, I'm gonna throw in also...
- People I do like
- People I am neutral towards.
- Random people I don't know at all.
Sorry if you got chosen... If I never expressed disliking you, it means that you are just randomly picked!
I was planning to do it on myself as well, but you saw that trick before.
Enough of the whining... Photos!
Let's make this more interesting, shall we?
These photos you see are the photoshopped versions.
To see the originals (and the answers), please HOVER your mouse over the pictures!
Patience... It might take a while to load but it eventually will! Just keep your mouse on the picture!
Yes, she is a real person.
So which is your favourite?
p/s: All the original photos are either easily available online or proudly displayed on their owner's blogs. Credits to them.
Yoga Poses to Help With Doing Zazen
Author: blog xxx
Since I keep getting asked this question I've now added a permanent link to the drawing that Patrick of Yoga Garden in Yokohama drew up for me showing the various yoga poses he recommends for helping people get into full or half lotus posture. It's right there next to this article and it will be forever accessible via a link in the links section over to your left.
Although I do yoga myself, I didn't really personally use these poses to be able to get into full lotus. For reasons I cannot understand, I've always been able to get my legs into the full lotus posture, even back in the days when the rest of my body was so stiff I couldn't even touch my toes. The only problem was I couldn't hold the posture for more than a couple minutes. What I did was just hold the full lotus posture as long as I could and then switch to half lotus. After about six months of doing this twice a day every day I could hold the full lotus for a full 40 minutes.
But that's my story, not yours. These postures have helped yoga people get into the lotus posture for a few thousand years. So maybe you can benefit from them.
Author: blog xxx
I've started reading science fiction again lately. I used to read tons of the stuff, all through high school and well into my thirties. About ten years ago I kind of lost interest and haven't read much of it since. But the other day I was in the Iliad used book store in North Hollywood and they had a couple hundred of the kinds of titles I used to devour all for about $2 a piece. So I bought some and took 'em home and started reading. I'd forgotten how fun some of that hogwash can be.
Which brings me to a couple questions that I get asked from time to time. Every so often a writer with aspirations to Buddhist practice will write and ask me if I think it's OK that he (it's always been guys so far) writes fiction. I don't know why they think they need my approval. But I always say it's fine with me. The word "fiction" doesn't mean lying (although I think Robert A. Heinlein in Stranger In A Strange Land has a Martian character who believes that). There are areas of the human condition that are very hard to describe in any other way than in a work of fiction. A work of fiction can often be far more truthful than a work of non-fiction. Shee-oot. I was in a Buddhist book shop the other day and I'd say at least 90% of the books in there weren't just fiction or even science fiction. They were works of pure unadulterated fantasy being pawned off as "spirituality." I'd much rather see truthful fiction than that kind of codswallop.
The other question I get, semi-related to this, is whether I, as a writer, think it's OK to take books out from the library rather than buying them. I take books out of the library all the time myself so I often ponder this one. Yeah, as a writer I'd rather you buy my books. But I know not everyone can afford to buy books and lots of people are far more voracious readers than their wallets could handle if they had to buy everything they wanted to read. Some people, like me, will take books out of the library and, if they like them, buy them even though they've already read them, just to support the writers. So libraries are OK by me. Anyway, libraries buy the books too.
When I lived in Japan libraries weren't really an option. In fact one of the main reasons I learned to read Japanese was because I wanted to stop spending so much money ordering books from Amazon. If I could check the Japanese editions out of the library it'd be so much cheaper.
It's a good thing to support writers you like by buying their books. It's also good to support book stores you like by buying those books from the shops even if it means paying a little more. You're paying that little bit extra to keep that book store open in your community. I don't have anything against Amazon. I like them a lot, in fact. But book stores have it tough these days. I always try and support them when I can.
So write fiction and buy fiction (or non-fiction, or pop-up books, or whatever).
Good? Good.
Have a Merry Indulgz Xmas and a happy new year!
Author: blog xxx
Update: New stuff at bottom of this post.
Once again it's an Indulgz free dinner! Wooo! This time they invited me over for tasting their spanking new festive Xmas and New Year menu.
So in case you are now kiasu-ly making plans for your holiday celebrations already, maybe you can consider dining at Indulgz!
This time I invited Ming (founder of Nuffnang and also a personal friend of mine) and his girlfriend Estee to have a quiet sort of dinner with Mike and I.
The last few times I went to Indulgz it was more like a rowdy party and kinda stressed me out coordinating everyone's timing and bringing props - so today I'm just relaxed, double-dating and happy!

Mike and I arrived first. It seems to rain everytime we go to Indulgz! That sounds like a mood-dampener but I actually felt extra romantic cozying inside the snug restaurant. :)

Beautifully decorated for Xmas. The people here really don't scrimp on making the ambiance right.

I'm dressed in a high neck, bare-back ruffled navy blue dress!
Very Christmasy right?

Mike in his usual boring clothes. I need to bring him shopping.

Ming and Estee arrives!
I asked Mike to help us girls take the traditional photo at Indulgz' entrance.

Bah. Before I know what was going on, Mike already snatched the camera and proceeded to take a picture in double quick time. He then shoved the cam to me, like "Ok done, let's go back in"!!
The pic is totally fail lor! I told him to take another.

Same fail picture! No warning or 1,2,3 or whatever! I asked him to take another and he was like, "You want me to stand in the rain somemore?!"
He was so grouchy that day! I forgive him though coz I think he just can't wait to start on the food.

Third pic still not great but passable.

Ming and Estee.
Today we got to preview the Xmas and New Year menu!
Xmas ones are available on Xmas eve and day - and each meal comes with a Xmas cocktail. You can pick to come at 5.30pm to 8pm, or 8.30pm to 11pm. $89.90 per set!
The New Year menu is available from 31 Dec 2008 to 1st Jan 2009.
Ming and Estee were impressed by Indulgz's first dish!
This newly created soup tastes just like how I remember my grandma used to boil hearty soups - except even better.
It is savoury and sweet and when you drink it, you immediately know that someone took a damn long time to boil this such that all the ingredients' favours are fully infused into the soup!

Check out the smoke! I should take home some to drink during a cold night while watching an old movie with Mike. :D
And the best part about these clear soups is that you will never get tired of drinking it!


Yums! I've already gushed about this before but here we go again!
This soup is thick, seafoody and creamy at the same time. I don't know how they do it!

The crab is painstakingly handpicked from cruel shells and served to us lazy eaters.

Our soups.
Just as we were craving for drinks, our cocktail is served to us.

This is included in the Xmas set meal and it's sparkling joy in a glass!
Normally I hate anything alcoholic but Indulgz has mastered the art of making alcohol taste like any other sweet drink - yet it's pretty strong.
This is made of sweet white wine and something else... Some of us guessed plum, some guessed ginger beer, and I think it tastes like apple! It's actually passionfruit.
Maybe you can be a better guesser than all of us.


Ming and Estee said they look ugly in this pic so I chopped off their heads.

After Cocktail fun
Mike and I tied knots with cherry stems while Ming and Estee looked on, laughing.
Ming asked why people bother to do that and I said it's for girls to prove that their tongues are super strong and will do great in blowjobs and kisses.
Honestly though, it's not that hard to tie a knot so I doubt it proves anything! I think the double knot one is probably really hard. Know anyone who can do that?

Soup finished.

Nice pic! I'm thinking of framing it.

Yippee! Free candy cane!
Next we are served more soups:


Creamy and delicious! Very tasty and chockful of whole baby clams!

Loves! Normally clam chowders are a litle too thick for my liking. I like that Indulgz's is slightly less thick, but still very creamy and tasty.
There's corn, carrot and celery bits in it. Eeww to the celeries. But I didn't taste them at all coz they are all cooked till real soft.
Does this make your mouth water or what?!
Indulgz makes this soup from scratch with real tomatoes that are pureed till they are reduced to this state!
The final result is very tasty tomato soup that's more sweet than it is sour - yet very creamy.
It's like tomatos full blast without the sour and raw part of it. :)
Did I neglect to mention that thing in the middle?

That's right, fresh jumbo scallop!
Needless to say how nice and fresh this is.

I do the cutting to prevent fights.

Proof that we loved it.
Time to cleanse our palette!
We had an intermission of...


I love sorbets! This one is lovingly homemade and tastes like strawberries margarita. Cointreau is used so it's not too strong (but still quite strong as in alcoholic amount, not taste).
It is very refreshing and totally does its job of cleansing your palette for the main courses.
This is cooked using the most tender cut of loin, and roasted for hours and hours to retain its juices!
Comes with sweet mashed potatoes and festive Xmas stuffings - and not to mention a dash of red wine sauce to go with the pork.
The stuffings are sweet and immediately reminds me of the joy of Xmas!
Made of walnuts, apples, raisins - among other things.

Ming keeps praising this dish and saying how difficult it is to make a meat so dense so juicy and soft.
One mystery though!
The loin is in one whole piece and they said "no meat is wasted". We guessed they drilled a hole in the pork but it is not the right method.
Any guesses? Please tell me coz I am dying of curiosity! The chef won't share his secret. :(

Baby seabass - marinated and grilled. Served with white wine caviar sauce and fine beans. Drenched with a generous amount of almond flakes.

I love this!
The fish is exceedingly fresh and every bite is full of zest as the fish is done just right with really crispy skin!
The flavour is magically brought out with seasonings on the fish (peppery and salty) as well as, interestingly enough, the almonds.

Pork Loin and Seabass gone! I actually finished the fine beans and mashed potatoes after that.
I know. I'm so gluttony!

Grumpy Mike is happier now!
More courses await us....

GRILLED RIBEYE w Mushroom ragout,
Sauteed spinach and red wine sauce (NY)
I thought that Indulgz's beef can never get any better, but they prove me wrong time and again.
Their beef is well-marbled, and kept fresh by promising never to freeze but to chill.
Ribeye is the second most expensive cut of beef following tenderloin, and...

every bite is really like some taste explosion!
It's very juicy and more juices flow out with every chew. *goes soft thinking about it*
And what makes it even more perfect now is the combination of a few of my favourite things: Namely sauteed spinach and creamy mushrooms!
Omg again!
So fucking nice.

I know you are salivating.
But enough gushing about the beef. Next!!

w Carrot Butter Sauce (NY)
Fresh red snapper... Comes with creamy carrot sauce and asparagus.
Bonus: Also comes with 2 deep-fried oysters!

Soft, meaty and just divine on the inside, with a crispy skin on top of it.
The carrot cream sauce is innovative yet well made. The initial taste is cream and the aftertaste is a subtle taste of carrots.
Mike is overjoyed at the sight of this coz Red Snapper is his favourite fish.
We play with the candy canes.

Force-feeding Mike. "EAT THIS!"

Estee thinks of a better thing to do with the candy cane:

Haha! Looks good on you, Ming!
One more dish awaits us! This is the Special for this week. There will be at least one special dish every week to entice your tastebuds. If you would like to find out what is the specials of the week, just give Indulgz a call at 6238 7032.
We got...

for our special!

Filled with mussels, squid and salmon chunks... Soft angel's hair pasta... Covered in creamy sauce.

Generous portions.
We tuck in!

Check out the piping hot goodness.

I thought I was goddamn full by this point but I still ate it! Coz it's damn nice!
Normally I like my pasta al dente, but since angel's hair is so fine, it can never be semi-cooked like normal pasta can.
Nonetheless, it more than makes up for it because being so fine, the pasta soaks up more sauce than it normally will. It's something different, yet nice for a change!
The pasta is soft but not mushy, and goes great with the cream sauce!
We guess banana cake, chocolate, and other rubbish (after tasting it mind you) and we were all wrong!

Interesting isn't it!?
I'm very impressed because usually interesting stuff are not very yummy but this is great!
It is generously sided with Indulgz's homemade caramel sauce. The inside is nutty, sticky, and sweet with an edge to it.
The slightly burnt aftertaste of the caramel also goes really well with the dense cake.
On top of it is something also surprising: SOUR CREAM!
And remarkably enough it goes great with the cake! It's like magic! Just like parma ham goes with melon! Or Mike goes with me! Hahaha

Estee likes it.
Last but not least, we have our Chocolate Mousse!

White Chocolate Shavings (NY)

Chocolate mousse is relatively common but getting it absolutely right is not easy!
This one is perfect:

It tastes like soft chocolate ice-cream that's extra creamy and melts in your mouth. Love!

Chef Lawrence comes out to greet us!
I told him that this photo is very boring so I told him to give a cuter pose.
Work in a company and would like to book a venue for corporate functions? Now you can at Indulgz! Check out this flyer for more info:
Mike and I just did something that makes me snigger in happiness everytime I think about it.
See, we had a pest problem.
Our door, our dear vulnerable wooden door, is attacked by what is called "woodborers".
Everyday an irritating amount of round hard wooden... shavings? pellets? fall out from under the door!
Day after day we keep stepping on these wood bits and after literally a year of procrastination, I decided to call the pest exterminators to come over to see what the hell is the problem with my stupid door.
The people from Ridokill (is this how to spell it?) were really nice and two guys came over wearing lethal-looking masks and looked like they were about to stop all my problems and give the culprits a good spanking at the same time.
The guys felt underneath the door and declared that there are indeed beetles living inside the door, because they could feel the little holes.
Apparently, these bastards eat the wood and multiply... AND GUESS WHAT?
That's right.
Those little wooden pellets that we thought we were stepping on is actually their GODDAMN FECES!
I've been stepping on them and going on my bed and sleeping literally with beetle shit!
So anyway, the guys sprayed something that the beetles won't like into the holes.
"M'dm," he declared. "I cannot guarantee that this will kill all the beetles because the holes might be very deep and maybe the spray cannot reach them. But if they go to the area with the spray, they will die."
"Take how long to die?" I asked, imagining a beetle struggling for life futilely on its back and smiling to myself.
"Immediately." My smile widened.
I paid him $120.
Before he left he also assured me that their corpses will remain inside the door and not drop out of it, inconveniencing me. I know, right? How sweet of the beetles to die in a considerate way.
So weeks later...
Still the fuckers are alive and shitting!
I fucking had enough!
One day, Mike took clear duct tape and taped up the bottom portion of the door where their housing entrance is!!!
I imagine this is what will happen to them.
Young beetle:
Ma... I can't get out of the house for a bit for fresh air.
Mom beetle, looks up from eating my door and shitting at the same time:
Good. Come eat some more of this wood.
Young beetle:
Mommmmmmm........ I am sick of eating the same shit everyday! I want to eat something else! And I want to have a life!
Mom beetle:
Om nom nom.
Why is it so smelly?
ARGH! My humongous amount of shit is catching up with me! I am literally suffocating with the shit that's threatening to engulf me! Help! I have no space to manoeuvre! Oh dear what should I do what should I do?
If I don't eat I won't shit anymore but I will die of hunger. If I eat I get more space to move but I also will shit! Arghhhhhhhhhhhh! My life is a meaningless tragedy!
Oh but delicious wood! Om nom nom.
Beetles are dead and squished up in their own shit pellets - which they used to torment me and Mike for a year. It's almost like poetic justice or something.
What does this tell us, girls? That's right... Anything is possible.
p/p/s: I demand that I am also shown Jerry Yan's appendage!!!!!
Just joking. I only love Mike and penises frighten me.
p/p/p/s: Don't know if you have seen this, but it's really funny.
Update: New stuff at bottom of this post.
Once again it's an Indulgz free dinner! Wooo! This time they invited me over for tasting their spanking new festive Xmas and New Year menu.
So in case you are now kiasu-ly making plans for your holiday celebrations already, maybe you can consider dining at Indulgz!
This time I invited Ming (founder of Nuffnang and also a personal friend of mine) and his girlfriend Estee to have a quiet sort of dinner with Mike and I.
The last few times I went to Indulgz it was more like a rowdy party and kinda stressed me out coordinating everyone's timing and bringing props - so today I'm just relaxed, double-dating and happy!
Mike and I arrived first. It seems to rain everytime we go to Indulgz! That sounds like a mood-dampener but I actually felt extra romantic cozying inside the snug restaurant. :)
Beautifully decorated for Xmas. The people here really don't scrimp on making the ambiance right.
I'm dressed in a high neck, bare-back ruffled navy blue dress!
Very Christmasy right?
Mike in his usual boring clothes. I need to bring him shopping.
Ming and Estee arrives!
I asked Mike to help us girls take the traditional photo at Indulgz' entrance.
Bah. Before I know what was going on, Mike already snatched the camera and proceeded to take a picture in double quick time. He then shoved the cam to me, like "Ok done, let's go back in"!!
The pic is totally fail lor! I told him to take another.
Same fail picture! No warning or 1,2,3 or whatever! I asked him to take another and he was like, "You want me to stand in the rain somemore?!"
He was so grouchy that day! I forgive him though coz I think he just can't wait to start on the food.
Third pic still not great but passable.
Ming and Estee.
Today we got to preview the Xmas and New Year menu!
Xmas ones are available on Xmas eve and day - and each meal comes with a Xmas cocktail. You can pick to come at 5.30pm to 8pm, or 8.30pm to 11pm. $89.90 per set!
The New Year menu is available from 31 Dec 2008 to 1st Jan 2009.

Ming and Estee were impressed by Indulgz's first dish!
This newly created soup tastes just like how I remember my grandma used to boil hearty soups - except even better.
It is savoury and sweet and when you drink it, you immediately know that someone took a damn long time to boil this such that all the ingredients' favours are fully infused into the soup!
Check out the smoke! I should take home some to drink during a cold night while watching an old movie with Mike. :D
And the best part about these clear soups is that you will never get tired of drinking it!
Yums! I've already gushed about this before but here we go again!
This soup is thick, seafoody and creamy at the same time. I don't know how they do it!
The crab is painstakingly handpicked from cruel shells and served to us lazy eaters.
Our soups.
Just as we were craving for drinks, our cocktail is served to us.
This is included in the Xmas set meal and it's sparkling joy in a glass!
Normally I hate anything alcoholic but Indulgz has mastered the art of making alcohol taste like any other sweet drink - yet it's pretty strong.
This is made of sweet white wine and something else... Some of us guessed plum, some guessed ginger beer, and I think it tastes like apple! It's actually passionfruit.
Maybe you can be a better guesser than all of us.
Ming and Estee said they look ugly in this pic so I chopped off their heads.
After Cocktail fun
Mike and I tied knots with cherry stems while Ming and Estee looked on, laughing.
Ming asked why people bother to do that and I said it's for girls to prove that their tongues are super strong and will do great in blowjobs and kisses.
Honestly though, it's not that hard to tie a knot so I doubt it proves anything! I think the double knot one is probably really hard. Know anyone who can do that?
Soup finished.
Nice pic! I'm thinking of framing it.
Yippee! Free candy cane!
Next we are served more soups:
Creamy and delicious! Very tasty and chockful of whole baby clams!
Loves! Normally clam chowders are a litle too thick for my liking. I like that Indulgz's is slightly less thick, but still very creamy and tasty.
There's corn, carrot and celery bits in it. Eeww to the celeries. But I didn't taste them at all coz they are all cooked till real soft.
Major Yums:

Does this make your mouth water or what?!
Indulgz makes this soup from scratch with real tomatoes that are pureed till they are reduced to this state!
The final result is very tasty tomato soup that's more sweet than it is sour - yet very creamy.
It's like tomatos full blast without the sour and raw part of it. :)
Did I neglect to mention that thing in the middle?
That's right, fresh jumbo scallop!
Needless to say how nice and fresh this is.
I do the cutting to prevent fights.
Proof that we loved it.
Time to cleanse our palette!
We had an intermission of...
I love sorbets! This one is lovingly homemade and tastes like strawberries margarita. Cointreau is used so it's not too strong (but still quite strong as in alcoholic amount, not taste).
It is very refreshing and totally does its job of cleansing your palette for the main courses.

This is cooked using the most tender cut of loin, and roasted for hours and hours to retain its juices!
Comes with sweet mashed potatoes and festive Xmas stuffings - and not to mention a dash of red wine sauce to go with the pork.
The stuffings are sweet and immediately reminds me of the joy of Xmas!
Made of walnuts, apples, raisins - among other things.
Ming keeps praising this dish and saying how difficult it is to make a meat so dense so juicy and soft.
One mystery though!
The loin is in one whole piece and they said "no meat is wasted". We guessed they drilled a hole in the pork but it is not the right method.
Any guesses? Please tell me coz I am dying of curiosity! The chef won't share his secret. :(
Baby seabass - marinated and grilled. Served with white wine caviar sauce and fine beans. Drenched with a generous amount of almond flakes.
I love this!
The fish is exceedingly fresh and every bite is full of zest as the fish is done just right with really crispy skin!
The flavour is magically brought out with seasonings on the fish (peppery and salty) as well as, interestingly enough, the almonds.
Pork Loin and Seabass gone! I actually finished the fine beans and mashed potatoes after that.
I know. I'm so gluttony!
Grumpy Mike is happier now!
More courses await us....
GRILLED RIBEYE w Mushroom ragout,
Sauteed spinach and red wine sauce (NY)
I thought that Indulgz's beef can never get any better, but they prove me wrong time and again.
Their beef is well-marbled, and kept fresh by promising never to freeze but to chill.
Ribeye is the second most expensive cut of beef following tenderloin, and...
every bite is really like some taste explosion!
It's very juicy and more juices flow out with every chew. *goes soft thinking about it*
And what makes it even more perfect now is the combination of a few of my favourite things: Namely sauteed spinach and creamy mushrooms!
Omg again!
So fucking nice.
I know you are salivating.
But enough gushing about the beef. Next!!
w Carrot Butter Sauce (NY)
Fresh red snapper... Comes with creamy carrot sauce and asparagus.
Bonus: Also comes with 2 deep-fried oysters!
Soft, meaty and just divine on the inside, with a crispy skin on top of it.
The carrot cream sauce is innovative yet well made. The initial taste is cream and the aftertaste is a subtle taste of carrots.
Mike is overjoyed at the sight of this coz Red Snapper is his favourite fish.
We play with the candy canes.
Force-feeding Mike. "EAT THIS!"

Estee thinks of a better thing to do with the candy cane:
Haha! Looks good on you, Ming!
One more dish awaits us! This is the Special for this week. There will be at least one special dish every week to entice your tastebuds. If you would like to find out what is the specials of the week, just give Indulgz a call at 6238 7032.
We got...
for our special!
Filled with mussels, squid and salmon chunks... Soft angel's hair pasta... Covered in creamy sauce.
Generous portions.
We tuck in!
Check out the piping hot goodness.
I thought I was goddamn full by this point but I still ate it! Coz it's damn nice!
Normally I like my pasta al dente, but since angel's hair is so fine, it can never be semi-cooked like normal pasta can.
Nonetheless, it more than makes up for it because being so fine, the pasta soaks up more sauce than it normally will. It's something different, yet nice for a change!
The pasta is soft but not mushy, and goes great with the cream sauce!

Can anyone guess that this is?
Can anyone guess that this is?
We guess banana cake, chocolate, and other rubbish (after tasting it mind you) and we were all wrong!
Interesting isn't it!?
I'm very impressed because usually interesting stuff are not very yummy but this is great!
It is generously sided with Indulgz's homemade caramel sauce. The inside is nutty, sticky, and sweet with an edge to it.
The slightly burnt aftertaste of the caramel also goes really well with the dense cake.
On top of it is something also surprising: SOUR CREAM!
And remarkably enough it goes great with the cake! It's like magic! Just like parma ham goes with melon! Or Mike goes with me! Hahaha
Estee likes it.
Last but not least, we have our Chocolate Mousse!
White Chocolate Shavings (NY)
Chocolate mousse is relatively common but getting it absolutely right is not easy!
This one is perfect:
It tastes like soft chocolate ice-cream that's extra creamy and melts in your mouth. Love!
Chef Lawrence comes out to greet us!
I told him that this photo is very boring so I told him to give a cuter pose.

Now he looks like a happy chef!

Happy meal thanks to him!
Wonder if he feels a lot of job satisfaction? Coz we love his food!

Now he looks like a happy chef!
Happy meal thanks to him!
Wonder if he feels a lot of job satisfaction? Coz we love his food!
Please call Indulgz at 62387032 for reservations or email them at!!
Work in a company and would like to book a venue for corporate functions? Now you can at Indulgz! Check out this flyer for more info:
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Mike and I just did something that makes me snigger in happiness everytime I think about it.
See, we had a pest problem.
Our door, our dear vulnerable wooden door, is attacked by what is called "woodborers".
Everyday an irritating amount of round hard wooden... shavings? pellets? fall out from under the door!
Day after day we keep stepping on these wood bits and after literally a year of procrastination, I decided to call the pest exterminators to come over to see what the hell is the problem with my stupid door.
The people from Ridokill (is this how to spell it?) were really nice and two guys came over wearing lethal-looking masks and looked like they were about to stop all my problems and give the culprits a good spanking at the same time.
The guys felt underneath the door and declared that there are indeed beetles living inside the door, because they could feel the little holes.
Apparently, these bastards eat the wood and multiply... AND GUESS WHAT?
That's right.
Those little wooden pellets that we thought we were stepping on is actually their GODDAMN FECES!
I've been stepping on them and going on my bed and sleeping literally with beetle shit!
So anyway, the guys sprayed something that the beetles won't like into the holes.
"M'dm," he declared. "I cannot guarantee that this will kill all the beetles because the holes might be very deep and maybe the spray cannot reach them. But if they go to the area with the spray, they will die."
"Take how long to die?" I asked, imagining a beetle struggling for life futilely on its back and smiling to myself.
"Immediately." My smile widened.
I paid him $120.
Before he left he also assured me that their corpses will remain inside the door and not drop out of it, inconveniencing me. I know, right? How sweet of the beetles to die in a considerate way.
So weeks later...
Still the fuckers are alive and shitting!
I fucking had enough!
One day, Mike took clear duct tape and taped up the bottom portion of the door where their housing entrance is!!!
I imagine this is what will happen to them.
Day 1:
Young beetle:
Ma... I can't get out of the house for a bit for fresh air.
Mom beetle, looks up from eating my door and shitting at the same time:
Good. Come eat some more of this wood.
Young beetle:
Mommmmmmm........ I am sick of eating the same shit everyday! I want to eat something else! And I want to have a life!
Mom beetle:
Om nom nom.
Day 23:
Why is it so smelly?
Day 40:
ARGH! My humongous amount of shit is catching up with me! I am literally suffocating with the shit that's threatening to engulf me! Help! I have no space to manoeuvre! Oh dear what should I do what should I do?
If I don't eat I won't shit anymore but I will die of hunger. If I eat I get more space to move but I also will shit! Arghhhhhhhhhhhh! My life is a meaningless tragedy!
Oh but delicious wood! Om nom nom.
Day 50:
Beetles are dead and squished up in their own shit pellets - which they used to torment me and Mike for a year. It's almost like poetic justice or something.
New video clips!

Bff finals! Check out who wins!
New video clips!
Bff finals! Check out who wins!
p/s: Ten years ago when I was 14 and Prince William was 16, all I thought of was marrying the cutest prince ever (that was before Harry usurped his position) and becoming a princess. Now, in year 2008, I got to see his penis. It's like... inconceivable. I am this much closer to my dream.What does this tell us, girls? That's right... Anything is possible.
p/p/s: I demand that I am also shown Jerry Yan's appendage!!!!!
Just joking. I only love Mike and penises frighten me.
p/p/p/s: Don't know if you have seen this, but it's really funny.
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