My new Suicide Girls article is up now. It's called "Buddhism is Not Spirituality."
Also I have revamped my YouTube page extensively. There are now a ton more videos from lectures and suchlike up there, for those of you who enjoy that sort of thing. Plus a Zero Defex performance where the bassist is wearing Buddhist robes...
I'm still adding stops to my 2009 World Domination Tour (gotta think of a new name). The link is to your left. If you want to arrange a stop in your neighborhood, please contact me and we'll talk. The e-mail address is also on that page.
I want to continue discussing this "roshi" business. But I think the matter of Buddhism and spirituality is a lot more important. But just so you know, when I say something like "I am a roshi" or "I am a Zen Master" I'm trying to be ironic. Please don't call me either of those things. More on that later.
As far as the idea of spirituality is concerned, there's one thing I cut from the Suicide Girls article for the sake of space. I can accept the word "spirituality" being applied to Buddhism in certain cases. For example, it's certainly not a secular philosophy. So if your only choices are spiritual or secular, I'd probably go with spiritual. Also it does address spiritual matters, just not to the exclusion of material matters. Words seem to sometimes have as many definitions as there are people who use them, and the word "spiritual" is especially tricky. Still, in general Buddhism is not spirituality.
ONE MORE THING! I will be in Dallas, Texas from January 19 - 23. It's a family visit. And it's too early for book promotion. But if anybody wants to try and set something up for later, or have me come to some Zen group or whatever during the week, let me know at