It's funny how things seem when you read them as opposed to when you actually live through them. It's like when John Lennon started taking heat for his statement that The Beatles were bigger than Jesus. He said something like, "When I said Beatles I wasn't really thinking of us. I was thinking of those other Beatles, the ones that get in the papers all the time." I totally get that. It really does feel that way to me these days. I have no idea who this Brad Warner person people are getting all worked up about is. He sounds like a dick to me!
I wonder if I would even like "Brad Warner" if I wasn't Brad Warner. I think I'd probably be all aloof to him. Like I wouldn't even pay attention. That's how I was when Nirvana was big. These days I realize how great they were. I probably would have realized it even then if I'd bothered to listen. But they were so huge I just felt like they already had enough listeners. Besides, my bands had done that stuff five or ten years earlier and nobody had paid attention. Granted maybe we weren't doing it quite as well. But there were no innovations in Nirvana's music that I hadn't been associated with years before. I guess I mostly hated when people acted like Nirvana had invented everything.
Wow. That was a tangent!
Anyway, I'm not sure I'm anywhere near "the most visible Zen teacher in North America" as the article says. I'm not invisible, I guess. I'm still working on the serum for that.
I gotta run. I'll be at Casa del Popolo in Montreal tonight. Details are linked over there to your left. It should be a fun show. People drink beer there! I don't talk Zen to people drinking beer very often.
Oh! Fun facts you should know about Canada:
• The beer here is stronger than US beer. I'm not a drinker, but I'll have a beer every now and again (6 or 7 beers a year possibly). So I discovered this the hard way. I have an extremely low tolerance for alcohol and went over my very low limit (about 1 and a half in the US is enough to get me totally wasted) much faster than I expected. I'm going Straight Edge for the rest of the tour.
• The Sunday funnies are published in the Saturday paper! Weird!
I'll try to think of more fun Canada facts for next time.
And you Detroiters don't forget the Zero Defex gig May 1st. See the flyer to your left!