If only I'd taken a left at Albuquerque maybe I woulda ended up somewhere other than El Paso, Texas, which is where your fearless correspondent (me) finds himself today. But not snatched by a giant hand jutting up from the ground! That shot was taken in Saskatoon at their lovely, but mighty weird sculpture garden.
Last night I played Albuquerque Zen Center to a ravenous crowd of thrill seekers from the Rinzai school! I had a load of fun, though I had been filled up with beans at a local eatery only an hour before I took the stage. Luckily no one was seriously injured. The Albuquerque Zen Center was founded by the legendary Joshu Sasaki Roshi, whose book Buddha is the Center of Gravity I often quote from. Don't look for it on Amazon, though. You'll never find it! Sasaki apparently hated it and never allowed it to be reprinted.
Today I'm in El Paso just hanging out. Tomorrow I'll be talking here. And if you want to know where, check out the link over there to your left about my book tour. It's in there! The following day I'm in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Yet another international stop on my tour! (Yeah, yeah, I know it's America, but I'm told a number of our politicians don't!)
Hope to see ya there!
Here's an excerpt from "Zen Wrapped in Karma" that appeared in Newspaper Tree an on-line paper in El Paso. It's not one of the dirty parts!