Yesterday, my dick got hard from a phone call. Remember N, the married Latin dude? No, not the married Cuban security guard. His name is...uh...uh...Well, I can't remember, but not him. This married Latino appears sucking my dick in the September 19th entry entitled Latin Connection. To recap, he and I have been infrequent fuck buddies for a few years (maybe 3). He doesn't kiss, but he does like to fuck. More than anything, his voice makes me crazy. I'm not one to get overly excited about guys. I'm experienced, I've been around the block a lot and it's sometimes just all the same. Some bigger, some taller, some smaller, whatever. But this guy stands out because of his voice. It's like listening to a slower-speaking, deeper-voiced Antonio Banderas. I think I amuse him and catch him off guard when I betray just how attracted to him I really am. For instance, I told him yesterday that I've moved closer to Maverick Square, which is close to where I saw him walking with a small boy (his son?) about 1.5 months ago. He asked if I was sure it was him. I answered, "trust me, man. I would recognize you anywhere." He thought this was funny and I was rewarded by a laugh so sexy it made my dick jump (I'd already been sporting wood since I saw his name come up on my caller ID). Outwardly, I had to walk away from my mom (we were in the grocery aisle and I was helping her push the cart and load it with food for a post Christmas dinner with family. When he called I just left her standing there - hahaha). Inwardly, I was running through the store stripping off my clothes in order to leapfrog onto N's dick until I worked a load out of him. Like a teenage boy, I told him that I think about him a lot, but I don't call because I know his schedule is hectic (and he's married, fool - duh). He said he thinks about me too and we'll see more of each other in the new year. *Sigh* "Woooooouldn't iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit beeeeeee lovelllllly? LOVELLLLLLLY?"
The pics above are of my morning wood (soft and hard) from a few weeks back.
Check the tatts on THIS fukker.