Thursday through Saturday were sexually pretty busy for me. Thursday evening, J (the bi, tatted Italian from down the street) came over to make out for about 20 minutes and stroke a big load onto my butthole and back. I know. So romantic. About an hour after that, "donkey-dicked" C came over to spend the night and that really was romantic. As soon as he arrived, I brought him a glass of water and started rubbing his feet. "You don't have to do that." "I know. I want to." We talked a bit as I sat on the floor with his feet in my lap looking up into his playful eyes. I imagine we were both trying to read each other and check the other's expression for the slightest inkling as to what this new step in our relationship might mean, if anything. It was lovely sleeping cuddled in his arms. And you know how it is in the beginning: You just can't kiss enough no matter how you try. It did get very sexual at one point and that was cool. He fucked me once before we slept, then twice back to back before he left for work Friday morning. He left a load inside each time. Friday brought even more sexual escapades. R, heretofore unmentioned in this blog, is a redheaded white guy in his mid thirties who can suck the paint off a minivan from 10 blocks away. Plus, he likes to smoke weed and he brings his own shit to share. Right on. However, this mofo noodle head is slightly off his rocker.
I stepped out of the room to take a phone call and I started to hear this quick slapping of flesh that stops and starts, stops and starts. I peek back into the room and he's standing butt ass naked, smoking, gyrating to whatever music is playing in his head and sporadically using his hips to slap his dick back and forth on his thighs. Oh lord. Also, he's not into anal, which is totally fine by me. He makes up for it by being super into frottage. Man can that dude work up a sweat grinding his dick on another boner. He climbed on top of me and almost made me cum several times. Finally we busted with him stroking me while I was sucking him. Of course I swallowed his load. (I'm gen'rous like that). Several hours after that while shopping, I ran into D, a former massage client. He invited me back to his place and proceeded to whup my ass in the best possible way. It was this incredible mix of sensually therapeutic massage technique mixed with down and durty chest & ass slapping, biting and wrestling-inspired moves. God, I was in fucking slut heaven. All the while he was interspersing shit talk like, "you like that boy, don't you? You want your ass slapped? Get over here. Put your hands behind your head and don't move." Oh god, I'm ticklish. Please don't put your face...AUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Just like that. hehe. There was no penetration or oral, but we eventually both got naked. Bare-assed booty slaps hurt, by the way. D is a bear of guy, too. I swear he's a gay black man caught in a white gay man's body. It's pretty damn awesome.
He actually said, "child, you'll make a bottom want to be a top." He did look poised to pound me at one point, but I knew it wasn't going there. I left his place in Jamaica Plain without either of us cumming and that was absolutely okay. Remember; I hadn't slept since C left my place that morning around 10a. It was after 7p at that point. Saturday, I organized a very last minute sex party. As a result of it being a severe after thought, only 2 guys showed up. Only the dude fucking me shot a load...up my ass. The highlight: I was riding one guy's dick when the other one climbed onto the other dude's stomach and impaled himself onto my cock. I've never done a chain fuck in that position. I liked it. Like I said, I still didn't cum, though. This was after having stroked my dick ALL DAY without an orgasm. I was on fire with all the porn. I didn't shoot my load until just before crashing Sunday morning. If it was good enough for the God of the old testament, it's good enough for me. So I made Sunday my own little Seventh Day and rested from fucking, sucking, jacking, watching porn, everything. Although, I did have brunch with a 42-ish year old, 5'5" cutie who's practically throwing his hole at me. K is a guy I met over a year ago at yoga. Those greenish blue peepers are just beautiful, but I was entirely too tired to invite him over for anything. All things in time. Signing off for now, but the pic above is just one of the beauties taken at the Back Bay Hilton the other week. And yes, that is the photographer's cum leaking out of my asshole. Interestingly enough, before I left for the photo shoot, my roommate (half) jokingly said, "don't fuck the photographer." Don't fuck the photographer, he says. Don't fuck the photographer, he says. What do I do? I fucked the photographer. *sigh*
It's all about the position at minute 3:34
Churned butter, homiestyle