I suppose it all started Friday when I was balancing a connection with Ja and F, at different times of course. Ja is an acquaintance of the almost was boyfriend, porn actor and current friend Je. Je informed me via text message several days ago that I should expect to be contacted by his friend Ja in a few days. Ja is a fellow New Yorker who's performing in the national tour of a very popular musical that just happens to be in Beantown for the next week. Sure enough, Ja hit me up on Adam4adam with pics unlocked and phone number in the email. After being pleasantly surprised with his photos, I gave him a call. He's a 6'3", 8"c, 29 year old black top. Yeah. I kinda couldn't dial the number fast enough. Moreover, his speaking voice was intelligent and not once did he fall into any "sup" "yo" or "a'ight" bullshit that grates on my nerves. We talked for a few minutes and he proved to be very similar in character to me: He just says what he's thinking. He commented, "well, if you know Je I assume you must really like sex, huh?" I remember thinking, dude, you don't know the half of it. I fell short of mentioning this blog, but I did admit that yes, he had me pegged correctly. We agreed to meet 2 days later, which would put us at Friday.
A follow-up text had us delicately negotiating the bareback v. condom issue. In a somewhat roundabout way, we both said (without actually saying it) that we wanted to go raw. Given his association with Je, I'd also made an assumption about him, despite what he declared his HIV status to be in his A4A profile. At any rate, Friday came and he said he'd text me during the intermission of his show to see where I was with things. Before that message came through, I was farting around A4A when F came online and asked if I wanted to fuck. Yeah, he really typed that. F is a young, travel-sized Honduran with a cute 6 incher who hooked up with me over a year ago back at the last apartment. He's very polite and definitely likes to make out...like a straight guy. Sometimes I don't know what the hell he's doing to my nipples, but he's very intent on doing it. The abridged version to this story is that, while we 69'd, I sucked him so well he blew his nutt before he was quite ready. There was a moment when he threw his head back, hissed through clenched teeth (very politely I might add *grin*), pulled his dick out of my mouth and gripped the base for all he was worth. We both thought he'd managed to stave off his orgasm, but no such luck. In a few seconds, he was shooting a sweet load of jizz onto his little belly. I licked
of pearly goodness off his abdomen. We cuddled for about 20 minutes more and that was a rap. I ended up not connecting with Ja because he wouldn't be ready for me until after midnight. The train stops running around 12:45a and I wasn't going to take any cabs, borrow my roomie's car or spend the night. Neither of us really seemed to mind. We vowed to make it happen during this last week.
Saturday was my time to just stroke my dick all fucking day. (Yeah, like I hadn't spent the entire goddamn week doing just that anyway.) At 11:30p, while going over music for rehearsal the next day, my 71 year old, retired Harvard professor client (that's right: 71) called upon me to make a visit to him in 45 minutes. I accepted. Honestly, we just cuddle; kiss; talk about art, music, his kids, his wife; swap some head, what the hell ever. He LOVES eating my ass and I LOVE him doing it. His house is just absotootly amazing. It's like he lives in the Museum of Fine Art. Everything and I mean everything is an original work of art. He's had stone flown in from Jerusalem to create much of the flooring. (Oh yeah, he's a big Jew.) The bathroom is totally custom with the requisite bidet and the lawn is quite impressive. So he's got a ton of cash and no problem paying my fee of $200/hour for several hours of just hanging. I always have to decline the offer to spend the night and I always have to be the one to say, "hey, I'm going to go now." The longest I've ever managed to stay was 3 hours. That's long enough actually. After about 4 visits, I still hadn't fucked him and he asked me to return Sunday night (the very next night) to do just that. I said okay.
Sunday turned out to be very busy. After a full week of no clients and nothing to do except hit the gym (and sleep until 12 or 1), I earned my stripes yesterday. There were several hours of rehearsal with the jazz band for the gig in NYC this coming Saturday. Following which was a 3some with a friend and the hot, white, sexy E of the 9.5"c DICK (that ain't no penis.) (I had taken a Stiff Nights capsule beforehand because I knew what the night had in store.) E is fully versatile and I love him for it. He truly gives as well as he gets. The three of us all had dick in us and topped at some point, as well as swapped rim jobs, spit in each others' mouths and sucked each other. At one point, we engaged in a position I think should be called the Dragon With 3 Heads: E was on his back, I was impaled to the balls on that white pony and my friend D was somehow fucking E with his legs stretched along either side of E's body so that his feet framed E's head. I also really enjoyed having the entire length of E in me as I laid on my stomach, while D pounded the fuck out of him. I had to constantly remind E not to get crazy while pounding me. His dick is just too big for that and this ain't no goddamned Machofuckers video. Nuh uh. Do. Not. Fuck. Me. Like. That. Thank you. With a bone that size, all he has to do is hold it in there and let me grind back into him.
By the time we were all done fucking, my hole was good and open and very greasy. I was disappointed that E didn't spray his load all over my prostate. He pulled out at the very last second and shot all over my hole. (Did I mention that all of this was bareback?) Later, when I was at M's place, I know he must've tasted E's cum around my ass lips because I never wiped myself off. I literally jumped up after 2 minutes of afterglow cool down, got dressed, asked to borrow the car, and ran out the door with a quick, "I hate to fuck and run, but I've got to go to work." Back at M's place for the 2nd night in a row, we listened to Jussi Bjorling, drank Grappa and I fucked him. Finally! I still hadn't cum though because I had one more client all the way in Dedham to handle. Hey, when it rains it pours, which is something we Bostonians know a lot about right now. It was fucking 1:40a and I didn't arrive at the Dedham Place Hilton until about 2:20a. D was another older guy, but cool, very personable and someone I had a good time with sexually. He was easy to talk to and I did enjoy the 1.5 hours. He wanted to rumble raw and asked if I'd cum inside him. He came THREE times. The first two were when I was massaging his back. The 3rd time was while he was on all fours with my very hard dick inside him. He doesn't know this, but he gave me something I don't think I'd ever had: the experience of shooting in someone. He busted before I did and normally I would've just stopped, but I was finally rock hard again. There would be no more clients before bed and I wanted to plant my load inside, after being given permission. I loved the power I felt working myself in and out of him. He was trying to get away from the dick. He'd had enough, but I hadn't. I was so close and I wasn't about to leave him unbred. And in a few moments, it happened. You already know my loads are quite underwhelming at best, but still it felt great at the ripe old age of 34 to finally let go (inside.)
The pic above is me.