There are at least 60 victims, all young white females, of Muslim paedophile gangs operating in Shropshire, centred around Telford, a mother of one of the girls interviewed in connection with an attack has told the British National Party.
The hidden epidemic in Shropshire has effectively been covered up by the national media, and only occasional reports have made it into the local county press,” said Phil Spencer, south Shropshire organiser.
“The information about the number of victims came from a response to a new leafleting campaign the British National Party has been conducting in Telford warning of the dangers which the local population face,” Mr Spencer said.
The striking leaflets focussed on one attack in particular, where a Muslim gang from Wellington abducted and raped a young woman in September.
According to reports, the attack began after the victim went into the ‘Flames’ kebab shop in Market Square, Wellington.
The shop has ceased trading since the incident, which saw five Muslims arrested, including an illegal immigrant who needed an interpreter during his court appearance.
In addition, the reverse side of the leaflet contained a list of a number of other immigrant-origin attacks in Shropshire.
The leaflet contains local party contact details, and Mr Spencer said he had been approached by a member of the public who had received one of the leaflets.
“She revealed that her daughter was due to be video interviewed regarding one of the cases mentioned,” Mr Spencer said.
The person, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said that she thought it was “fantastic” that the British National Party was “highlighting these issues and making the public aware of what is going on.
“Obviously I am not allowed to say too much about the case, but am aware that there is a large ring of people involved not only from Telford but other areas.
“I was told by the C.I.D that there have been at least 60 victims of this crime just in Shropshire alone,” she said.
Another shocking revelation from this person dealt with the double standards given to Muslim and British offenders.
“I also know that suspects of the Muslim community were bailed until trial. One of the conditions of their bail was that they do not come back to Telford,” she continued.
“However just the other week when the Eid festival was happening, they were allowed to return to Telford for religious reasons. I think that was a disgraceful decision that was made by the courts to allow this.
“Had the suspects been non-Muslim, this decision would never have been allowed,” she correctly pointed out.