oh... come on!

All right Chick-Fil-A….let’s talk.

You bitches need to get your shit together.

The only time I fucking want your savory chickeny chick chick chicken goodness, is on Sunday…and you guys are conveniently closed…what the fuck, Christians?

What. The. Fuck.

Now, look….I get it…God wrote on some tablets and said some crap about Sunday being his fun day…blah, blah,blah…but when someone’s religion get’s in the way of my fast food consumption, I gets pissed.

And when this bitch is hungry and pissed….aw helllllllllll nah. Shit’s going down.

Deal with it.

Taco Bell’s got their shit together. Get on there level, Mr. Fil-a.

Their best deals are on Sunday. Why, you ask? Because it’s the Lord’s day…and on that sacred day…God said, “My fellow minions will one day run the earth straight to hell from too much boozing, unprotected sex and women/Asian drivers, and thus I would at least like their stomachs and hearts filled with the greatest gift I could give.”

… and thus created the greatest hangover elixir ever….Grade F meat, steak quesadillas.

And all you vegetarians can shut the fuck up….we all know that shit isn’t really meat, so shut your hole with a beautiful “steak” quesadilla and finally live.

So come on Chick- Fil-a? What’s your fucking deal man? You’ve created a drug mister and let me tell you, word around the street mister, business is a booming.

And I know…I know…you think God will be a little peeved, that you’re working on the “Lord’s Day” and he said not to do that and shit…but honestly, if you really think about it…you’re doing him a disfavor.

God love’s everything he ever created…including a number 4 with an extra side of polynesian sauce….and you wouldn’t bitch out on God? Would you?

I didn’t think so.

…I’ll see you this Sunday, Mr. Fil-a.
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