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Here is my take on it
The sun was red that evening
Not orange, but blazing red
It burned through the haze
Struggling to stay in the sky
Like me
Fighting the inevitable night that would come
Barely over the horizon now
I watched it in my rearview mirror
Driving down the long stretch of black highway
Away from the day
Into the darkness
It was cold and demanding, like you
Not waiting patiently
But taking by force
Again he would have his way
The last blaze of red retreating
Hiding behind the soft curve of the earth
It didn’t want to be a witness to what was to come
That left the darkness
That left him
And that left me with him
I wanted the sun to stay and fight for me
Fend off the approaching night, show its strength
But it was not within either of our control
Do as you’re told
There is no point in protesting
The decision is made
Made for me
Like the fierce red flame
Silenced by a movement
Enveloped in the darkness
You are over me
You control me
The darkness has taken both of us