Badass Chicks - No threesomes or sex torsos today I promise

Thanks for still following after my disturbing sex toy/creepy lady torso post from "Soft-Core Friday". I will try to not do that again but I couldn't keep my disturbing finds to myself. Sorry kids!

I felt obligated to post something new today just to help erase that image from our brains, and to get it off the top of my blog archive. Even I was tired of looking at it.

So for a change of scenery on this lovely weekend, I wanted to focus on a new topic: Badass Chicks: Scary or Sexy? I know what I think since I have the pleasure of knowing some dead sexy badass chicks myself (you know who you are you sexy bitches!) but wondered what your thoughts are.
I'm working on a post for The Dude Society about just such a topic so I wanted to get your thoughts on powerful, kickass women. Do you want to get down with them, or do you just hope they don't bitch slap you and make you cry?

Here is a little sneak peek of what I'm working on. Give me your feedback kids!

Chicks that Kick Ass: Hot or Scary?

Are chicks that kick ass hot or scary to the guys?

Obviously, in the case of the movie heroine badass, most guys would vote for “hot” without hesitation. Who doesn’t want to see Vanessa Hudgens scantily clad in a leather bustier and shooting an AK47?  But if it came down to a real life bad ass being your girl, would you think differently?

The Need to Be Needed

Most guys have the inherent need to be the protector of their girl. Defend her honor. Fight off the bad guys. Be the stud. What if your girl doesn’t really need or want that from you? Is it a threat to your masculinity or do you think a girl that can defend her own honor and doesn’t hesitate to do so is a turn on?