Jealousy - Red Writing Hood Friday link up

It's almost time for another Red Writing Hood Friday link up but since I got it done early and just want to have fun with my "Soft-core Friday" posts on Friday, I am posting this to Random Girl a little ahead of time. Deal with it.

I am having a lot of fun taking on these writing prompts and this weeks prompt was a good one: JEALOUSY

There were a million ways I thought about going on this one but just a moment at the park while *watching my princess play in the sunshine this week told me exactly what I am most jealous of. Hope you enjoy!


I look at her with envy
She bounces effortlessly
From here to there
Captivating all who see her

Her smile shines
And her eyes sparkle
They are the perfect shade of blue

Her long blonde hair
Reflecting the rays of the sun
Looks almost like a halo
For the angel that she is

But it is more than her smile
Or her perfect blue eyes
It is her open heart
Her love that comes with no conditions
The joy that surrounds her

The freedom of loving
Without knowing hurt
Believing what she has been told
And knowing she is worthy

I am jealous
of her beautiful heart
of her true belief
of her joyful spirit
Because I want it too

*edit made to clarify the inspiration as being my princess after first 5 comments made. Seemed to be a little ambiguity about who the subject was so I wanted to clear it up.