A Letter To The Bolton News
Author: blog xxxI would like to know why the Bolton Labour MP Yasmin Qureshi supports the banned militant extreamist Raed Salah, and could she explane to the people of Bolton why she was also planning to share a platform with him, knowing just what his veiws are. Raed Salah is a preacher of hate and as been banned from Britain by the Home Secretary. Also Labour MPs Jeremy Corbyn and Richard Burden are also planning to share the platform with him. Raed Shlah as already spoken in Leicester organised by a group of Islamist radicals, and now is due to speak at Westminster at the invitation of left wing Labour MPs. Why would anyone from the Labour Party knowing full well that Read Salah is a hate preacher and banned from Britain, invite him to speak for them? And does this also mean that the Labour Party are also militant extreamist as well. Could Yasmin Qureshi please explane.
Mrs D.Sayers.