Should You Mix Pleasure with Business - New Random Girl at The Dude Society

It's about time...right?!? The hot boys over at The Dude Society are letting me play in their space again.

This time I'm taking on hot office hook-ups, or at least what to think about if you are tempted to get it on in the supply closet.

Check it out, leave me some comment love, and pick out who you would bang in the copy room at your office...just for hypothetical fun of course! I would never encourage such shenanigans!

Here's  sneak peek of what is going on at The Dude Society...

Should You Mix Pleasure With Business?

If you are like most guys, slaving away to make a living, you find yourself spending more time with the people you work with than anyone else in your life. It only stands to reason, that at some point, you will probably find yourself attracted to one of your workplace counterparts.

Should you take advantage of this job “perk” or keep it strictly professional?

Office hook-ups are common, but can come with some major complications that should be considered before making a hot visit to the supply closet.