(Off Topic News April 14 2010)National Socialist Leader acquitted of racism charges. Update February 13 2010: 76 Bandidos bikers in Berlin are said to be joining the Hells Angels, Danish bikers have done the same. Bandidos join Hells Angels (racial divide was given as a reason on TV, but is not reflected in the article) Update August 20, 2009: Denmark: Violence explodes again - Policeman and two others shot in Copenhagen, shots fired i Odense. White Danish rapper Niarn injured Update August 16, 2009:Denmark’s Deputy Prime Minister Lene Espersen: Muslim threat worse than climate problems | ||
Update July 10: Denmark: AK81 saved elderly couple from attack by immigrant gang | ||
Update July 7 2009 - The Jackal Manifesto Jorn Jonke Nielsen, a prominent Danish Hells Angels spokesman, notorious for murdering the leader of the rival gang 'Bullshit' president 'Makrellen' (The Mackerel) in 1984, (did his time and a free man now) has published a manifesto about the ongoing war between mainly Danish biker groups and the immigrant gangs. It describes the situation from the point of view of the Hells Angels, and received tremendous attention in the Danish media, and support from large parts of Danish society including politicians such as Soren Pind former Copenhagen Mayor from the governing centre right party Venstre. Read a translation of the sensational 'Jackal Manifesto' at Gates of Vienna Hells Angels members are also becoming increasingly popular among celebrities and popstars: Casper Christensen (popular TV host, married to actress Iben Hjejle), Remee (pop artist and producer) Nikolaj Steen (musician: 'Brian and me are old time buddies'), Kira Eggers (porn star), David Nielsen (negro soccer player convicted for violence) og Robert Hansen (cocaine sniffing actor alcoholic) are not ashamed of being facebook friends with HA member Brian Sandberg (also a long time partner of the Danish 'Bernie Madoff'; Stein Bagger (now serving 7 year jail sentence). Source: B.T. | ||
Olcay-Ünal - Turkish criminal | ||
Olcay-Ünal was liquidated by several shots to the head on July 4 while sitting in his car. His bullet proof vest couldn't save his life. His good friend HA member Michael Brokside (murderer of Bandidos member Uffe Larsen) remembered his friend with a word of goodby Ekstra Bladet | Ekstra Bladet. Porn star Kira Eggers also mourned about her friend.. Again: So much happened during the last few weeks, several murders, shoot outs etc. that I couldn't do much else if I were to report about all of it. RACE! What is worth mentioning, is that the Danish media keep trying full strenght to make this 'a race issue', even though the biker's own reports, numerous friendships with non-white thugs, and 'experts Phd.s on TV' clearly witness something different. This should be a warning, that race actually is an issue; at least for the NWO - MSM media and their puppeteers. So better start thinking. If it means so much to them, that they are willing to openly and completely distort reality against all other opinions, it must mean something to you and me! Thanks for the wake up call fellows! END update July 7. 2009. | ||
Update March 24 2009 Australia: Hells Angels attacked by rivaling gang 'Comancheros'. Anthony Zervas(29) brother of Angel Peter Zervas killed by Comancheros member. 'Lebanese' (arab) gang members entrence into the arena brings new levels of violence. Follow the links at the bottom of my Danish post about the matter: Australien: Update March 20Hells Angels overfaldet af rivaliserende bande én dræbt AK81 are said to be recruting among members of hooligan group 'Blue Army'. Update February 26 2009The gang war has continued until now, authorities are in despair, and contemplete new laws; extradition of armed aliens no matter how long in Denmark is proposed. There are almost daily shootings, and this has been going on for quite a while. There would be a lot more to tell, but I haven't got the time. Jyllands Posten february 26 2009 - Politicians plot to deport weapons violators Update November 5, 2008 Bikers in AmagerAfter 19-year old Osman Nuri Dogan was shot and killed in Tingbjerg on August 14, the conflict between the ethnic minority groups and the Hells Angels has resulted in several shooting episodes in Copenhagen, Århus and Odense. Since August 1 the Copenhagen Police has recorded nearly 30 public shooting episodes but only two episodes in Amager. More at Politiken November 5 2008 - Gang war combatants on speaking terms | ||
Update October 9, 2008 | ||
Gang warfare continues Fourteen people were arrested yesterday following weapons confiscations and fighting. Police arrested 14 people in various parts of the country yesterday in connection with the ongoing battle between bikers and immigrant gangs. The trouble started in Odense where a member of the Hells Angels AK81 support group was beaten with a baseball bat. Two members of an immigrant gang were later detained. Politiken Oct 9 2008 - Gang warfare continues | ||
Gunfight in Nørrebro There has been a daylight gunfight in the Nørrebro district. A gunfight broke out just before 3 p.m. on Lundtoftegade in the Nørrebro district in what appears to be part of the ongoing biker-immigrant war. “One person has possibly been hit in the arm,” says the Copenhagen Police Chief Investigator Peter Steffensen. According to eyewitnesses a man began shooting at a group of youths on the street outside a building. The young men sought safety in between housing while the gunman made his escape on foot. Eyewitnesses told an Ekstra Bladet reporter that the young people reappeared shortly afterwards – this time most of them fully armed – and began shooting. Politiken Oct 9 2008 - Gunfight in Nørrebro | ||
Update October 7, 2008 | ||
International Club - Immigrant gang | ||
Danny Abdallah | Ahmet Erbas | |
The leader of one of the larger groups in gangland demands punishment and blood money to stop the current conflict with the Hells Angels. Den Internationale Klub’s Leader Danny Abdallah has demanded that the three named members of the AK81 group be handed over for punishment, and that the Hells Angels pays four million kroner in blood money for the death of 19-year-old Osman Nuri Dogan who was killed outside a pizza bar in August. More: Politiken October 7 2008 - Gang wants three HA supporters More shooting in Copenhagen Update September 15 2008 This afternoon 3 shots were fired against a Hells Angels related Tattoo shop 'House of Pain' in Bragesgade in the infamous Noerrebro district of Copenhagen. Two perpetrators of foreign ethnicity drove by on a red moped and fired 3 shots to the windows. Three men were in the tattoo shop; one of them was hit in the neck by a projectile, and was taken to a hospital. His life is no longer in danger. A baby was sleeping in a carriage directly outside the shop. A bullet went through the window missing the infant by only one meter. House of pain is situated directly next to the Hells Angels support fashion shop Route 81. The victim’s wife and baby were in the shop while the shooting took place. So far no arrests were made. Source: TV2 Yesterday September 14, 2008 Two immigrants were hit by bullets in Rantzausgade, Noerrebro Copenhagen. One was shot in the back and one in the leg. At least 11 shots were fired, a white Ford Mondeo and a Toyota Picnic are thought to be involved. The victims were immigrants standing in the doorway of the Internet café Surf & Play, a well known meeting place for criminal immigrants. The nature of the weapons involved is not yet clear, but they were probably automatic weapons. Riots broke out, when at least 5o immigrants quickly gathered at the scene, yelling and pushing up against the police officers who were at the spot. The officers had to release their dogs to disperse the crowd, until 10 patrol cars arrived and blocked off the scene. According to TV2 News, this is the 15th episode involving fire arms this month. Police sergeant Poul B. Hansen said there was no direct proof of involvement by AK81. Jyllands-Posten Several residents said they were considering about moving out of the danger zone for good. The district of Noerrebro has been a regular battle zone for immigrant gangs and communist rioters for years. | ||
Elderly woman, one of the victims who were beat up with iron pipes by left wing extremists at a SIOE demonstration against Saudi delegation’s participation in human rights conference. | ||
The police were present in great numbers, but still left wing anarchists managed to find SIOE demonstrators in a parking garage, and attacked them with iron pipes and knifes. The incident was first denied in the press, went unreported by most major TV stations and newspapers, and the police never seriously investigated. The attackers went free. Only a few weeks ago a 82 year old female demonstrator in Hobro was attacked and brutally thrown off her feet by a muslim youth. | ||
Public feels safer with AK81 Police unable to protect citizens | ||
Saint Jønke and the Jackal | ||
Jonke (Jørn Jønke Nielsen) is a spokesman for Hells Angels Denmark who recently became famous for publishing the so called 'Jackal Manifesto' which resonated deeply with large parts of the Danish public and even a number of mainstream politicians. | ||
The Jackal Manifesto We use the word “jackal” about those we despise for good reason. A term that fits well in this context, and, seen from the true character of the animal, is well chosen. Jackals are easy to recognize from their stupid attitudes and cowardly patterns of conduct. Using this term for them is not based on prejudice or narrow-minded unwillingness to understand their “difficult circumstances”. Instead it is a term chosen after extensive consideration based on countless experiences and a life among them. From when there were just a few of them until today, when they are numerous enough to gather in groups. The Jackal Manifesto is not to be considered a derision of people with a certain tone of skin or a particular religion, nor is it a derision of the animal whose name is being used. Some self-righteous individuals will probably think of it in that way — peace be upon them, and then leave the victimization to them. No, the Manifesto is to be thought of as a usable tool for understanding those individuals who through threats, terror and violence hold innocent Danes, children, young and older, of all races and both genders, in an iron grip of fear. More |
The rates for violent crime and especially rape related cases have gone up dramatically with the increasing number of muslim immigrants.
Large numbers of Danes, not otherwise interested in motorcycles or gang related criminal activity, are reported to sign up under the new banner of the HA support group AK81 '81' being synonymous with the letters HA), and AK probably referring to the famous AK 47 'Kalashnikov' submachine gun, as well as meaning Always Ready [Altid Klar] in Danish.
For many years motorcycle gangs such as the illustrious Hells Angels and muslim dominated street gangs managed to exist side by side in relative peace, in the struggle for control of the market for illegal drugs, especially cannabis, but also other forms of crime.
The later years the ethnic Danish gangs such as Hells Angels were increasingly coming under pressure from the muslim gangs, who showed to be far more relentless in their methods, and much less afraid of the possible judicial consequences of their actions, besides being much more numerous, and able to draw upon support from much of the immigrant community not otherwise involved in similar crime.
Police and helped immigrant gangs by keeping down Danish bikers
One of the reasons that the immigrant gangs have been able to gain in strength, is because they are much less visible for the police than the motorcycle gang members, who are easily identified, because of their style of dress with visible logos, their more limited numbers and often also because of their physical stature.
The Hells Angels are tightly organized, and almost all members are known by the police, who have kept these groups under constant observation, making it increasingly difficult for them to defend themselves and their territories from the muslim gangs, who are much more loosely knit, are not easily identifiable and have their respective languages to complicate things for the Danish police.
In the recent past Hells Angels' members have been attacked openly by members of the ethnic crime syndicates, and one of their properties has been attacked and demolished by immigrant gangs. Some chapters closed after that. But not only the police has for all practical purposes more or less taken the part of the immigrants. The press too has been an active player in minimizing the problem with the many criminal immigrants, at the same time deamonizing any similar Danish groups. The words racism creep in everywhere, although it seldom has any relevance in these cases.
AK81, the new Hells Angels' support team
Now a newly established support group of 'hangarounds' has been established, and the Angels are openly recruiting for their team, saying that it is not neccesary to own a motorcycle to be a member. This has had a dramatic effect, and large numbers of young Danes are volunteering for the new movement, hoping that they will be able to contribute to the fight against the muslim invaders, who so far have been successful in obtaining almost total street domination.The police, who have used all their resources at keeping the bikers in check, have used a far more soft touch towards the muslim gangs. Very often the police withdraw from confrontations, and leave demolishing hordes of immigrants untouched, contrary to a simple house search or an arrest relating to the Bikers' gangs, when they arrive in overwhelming numbers, ready with bullet proof vests and automatic weapons.
Jaegersborg Street in Copenhagen
Only little more than a week ago, a gang of about 50 immigrants rampaged a whole street in Copenhagen Jægersborgsgade, a local neighborhood where some HA members have their homess, indiscriminately smashing up a number of cars. The police watched helplessly, and no arrests were made. The action was a display off of power, after bikers and their new supporter from AK81, had held a silent and non violent march through to demonstrate their willingness to fight for their turf.Police powerless against immigrant gangs
Partly this is part of a government and EU strategy, which puts great restrictions on the police when dealing with immigrants and immigrant gangs. There always are the accusations of 'racism', and the muslim gangs are also feared much more than the bikers when it comes to their threats to harm individual police officers or their families. Many policemen whose identities are known by the immigrant gangs, would rather not have their house torched or their loved ones attacked by the invaders who have taken their extremely violent mentality with them straight from the Middle East.Cell phone Jihad
One of the most powerful weapons of the immigrant gangs is that they are able to gather large numbers of supporters in the run of a few minutes. They do this using cell phones. They have been using this method, not only for criminal gang related activity, but it is often used when immigrants get involved in traffic accidents. They are on the spot in large numbers ten times faster than the police, when one of their fellow ethnics 'needs support'. Recently a family father was knifed in the back during a standoff about a completely minor traffic accident. Anybody who gets into a confrontation with one of these often knife wielding immigrant thugs, risks getting into a war with a whole brotherhood, which doesn't shy away from threatening witnesses, even in court, or on the steps of the court house.
The mainly muslim immigrants supported perhaps by a few Danish renegades, have often completely blocked off accident sites, to the extent that ambulances either could not reach the spot, or in other cases were attacked with stones and other forms of violence. The same scene often plays out when the fire brigade is sent to an ethnic neighborhood to put out a burning car or a waste container, and firefighters in some cities now refuse to work except under police protection, which often means a long delay when alarmed about a fire.
The cell phone organized criminal jihad of course benefits greatly from the immigrants use of Arabic, Urdu and other languages, making it much harder for the authorities to monitor their communications, while the content of communication between the native groups is much easier to access.
Left wing extremists and immigrant thugs
But the biker groups, their AK81 supporters and the immigrants are not the only players in this game.The extreme left in Denmark, known under various names such as AFA, Antifa, ARN, autonome [autonomous], SUF and countless other aliases also is involved. The last mentioned SUF group, actually is an official part of the organized left wing extremist party Enhedslisten, which is represented in parliament. But reality shows, that although there are many such groups, the people involved are largely the same across these red fascist groups.
The extreme left even has its own intelligence service, the secretive REDOX, and the closely related DEMOS outlet.
Both groups which have managed to appear in the mainstream media, as so called 'neutral observers and documenters ' of 'the racist activities of 'right wing extremist groups', as they like to present themselves.
This notwithstanding the fact that e.g. the DEMOS personel through the years has maintained close connections with convicted members of Denmarks first and most dangerous left wing terrorist groups the internationally connected Blekingegade Gang, revering the same ideologists and sharing the same sympathies for organizations such as the PFLP and the South American terrorist group FARC.
During the last at least ten years, these red fascist groups have been able to turn any and all expressions from anti-immigration or anti-islamic organizations and individuals into a battle zone.
No matter who demonstrated for any purpose the anarchists deemed unworthy, even congregations mainly consisting of pensioners, were met in the streets by yells of 'Nazis go home', stones, paint bombs, firecrackers, fists and iron pipes.
Old ladies past their 7oth birthday have been knocked to the ground or hit with iron pipes, as happened recently in Copenhagen before a SIAD (a non violent anti-racist organization against islamization) demonstration, where two cars filled with people were attacked in an underground parking garage.
The left wing extremist groups have on several occasions been supported by some immigrants, who are always looking for an opportunity to riot, and the left wing extremists have also supported angry muslim mobs during demonstrations.
Vejle: violent clashes between 'neo-Nazis' and left wing extremists.
Just a few days ago, on Thursdag september 11, a short but intense fight devellopped in the city of Vejle in Jutland, as members of the left wing extremist group SUF, were confronted by a group which in the media was described as 'neo-Nazies', but as it turns out more likely was made up of some members from the AK81 support group.
This time the red fascists suffered severe defeat, and several were injured.
According to the left wing extremists themselves, they were attacked by 'neo-Nazis', which was repeated in the press, even though the statements given by the police were not supporting that theory:
The local newspaper Vejle Amts Folkeblad amongst others wrote the following:
.. The police would not corroborate the newspaper's information, that any of the groups involved were actually 'neo-Nazis'.The police got a phone call telling that some red fascists had been attacked by a group of 'neo-Nazis.We could not confirm that they were really neo-Nazi, but we do not believe that there is any neo-Nazi presence in the city of Vejle.There are autonomous [= leftwing extremists] groups in all major cities, says Jens Soegaard, leader of the special patrol of the local South Jutland police.Nevertheless, the Vejle newspaper unashamedly used this title for its article:'Neo-Nazis and left wing extremists clashed in street confrontation'
In the wake of this latest and other similar incidents, the chief of the Police Intelligence Service PET; Jacob Scharf appeared on TV saying that all sides in the conflict were acquiring fire arms.
In its latest annual report, the same intelligence service admitted for the first time, what most honest observers knew already more than ten years ago, that most of the political violence in Denmark is perpetrated by the left, and that conflicts mainly occur when 'right wing' manifestations are attacked by left wing radicals.
Well perhaps all this balance is about to change now. With the appearance of the AK81 group on the scene, this situation may suddenly become reversed.
Bikers critized for being unpatriotic
Interestingly, groups such as the Hells Angels have so far never had any sympathy at all from the political right, patriotic circles, anti-immigrationalists or however you'd like to define it.They were actually criticized apart from being criminal providers of drugs, for cooperating all too closely with the criminal immigrant gangs, and I believe there were several non natives in, or very close to the organization.
In the past the Hells Angels and similar groups have never in any way let patriotic, ethnic or other such moral concerns come between them and their business interests. The Bandido’s group for example was or is ethnically diverse, but I am not an expert on these groups, so don't take my word for that. I don’t know if this group plays any role today, but I'll probably be updated on that in the days to come.
Well, it is impossible to describe all the details of the biker, muslim and patriotic conflict here.
But it seems like it's a hard rain gonna fall..
Update September 20:
Hells Anges not Racist
A few days ago the Danish Hells Angels have announced on their website that they are not racist, and that they as well as their AK 81 support group have many members who belong to ethnic minorities.
It has also become clear that it was a Hells Angels member (or an AK81 member) of foreign origin who committed a recent murder which by a number of sources has been said to have been be the spark which ignited the current conflict between the Hells Angels and the immigrant gangs.
Hell’s Angels applications increase tenfold in connection with immigrant showdown.The Hell’s Angels biker group is experiencing a flood of new applications for membership, in particular for its support group AK81. The group normally receives only few enquiries in its web-based guest book, but the past week alone has seen 250 queries.Seventy-five of those enquiring have asked to become members of the AK81 group, or to be invited to Hell’s Angels parties in order to gain affiliation.
Interview with threatening immigrants; promise to kill Hell's Angels (English subtitles) |
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Related left wing extremists: