WAR HERO and May 17th at BODHI TREE etc., etc.
Author: blog xxxThe good news just keeps on comin'! I just got word that the first 0DFx (Zero Defex) 7 inch vinyl EP is now available from GET REVENGE RECORDS. This record contains the demo we recorded in 1983 at a studio called The Island in North Royalton, Ohio. The guy who ran it was a total Neil-from-the-Young-Ones type hippie dude whose studio was decorated with all kinds of medieval swords and suits of armor and stuff. But the music is pure speedy thrashy hardcore in the style of Minor Threat and Negative Approach with a bit of psychedelia thrown in for good measure. For more about 0DFx as well as some samples of what's on the record GO HERE. It took 24 years to get it released. But here it is! Order yours today! In a month or so Get Revenge will bring out a second 7 incher containing another demo we did about 6 months prior to this one. And a couple months from now the contents of both 7 inch records plus a live show from 1982 and some recordings we did at our 2005 reunion will be available on a double CD.
And just so nobody forgets the stuff I posted yesterday, here it is again (thanks to Jinzang for help with the links):
I'll be doing a talk and book signing on MAY 17th, 2007 at the BODHI TREE BOOKSTORE which is located in West Hollywood, California (click for directions) at 7:30 PM. This will be the very first book signing event for SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!, my brand new book from New World Library. So show up, dammit! A good time will be had by all.
Also, there will be no Zazen class at Hill Street Center on Saturday May 12th cuz I will be in Japan.
AND, yesterday I got profiled for a story in the June issue of LA YOGA magazine. So look for that next month. They took loads of pictures and did a nice interview.
AND, an excerpt from SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP! will appear in WHOLE LIFE TIMES magazine in June as well. WHOLE LIFE TIMES is an LA based mag. But they're also affiliated with CONSCIOUS CHOICE magazine in Chicago and Seattle, and with COMMON GROUND magazine in San Francisco. So I think the excerpt will appear in those magazines as well.
AND on Sunday May 20th at midnight I'll be a guest on the SUICIDE GIRLS RADIO SHOW on Indie 103.1 in Los Angeles. I'm pretty sure this is avialable on the Internets and as a Podcast as well if you're not in SoCal.
On May 3rd I was a guest on Scott Cluthe's show POSITIVELY INCORRECT on Sirius Radio. I think there's a Podacst of this. But I'll be dog-goned if I can find it. If anyone out there finds it, let me know.
AND on May 23rd I'll be a guest on a radio show called THE GOOD LIFE with host JESSE DYLAN at 10:15 Pacific Time/1:15 Eastern. That's also on Sirius Sattelite Radio. My dad's got one of those in his car. So I hope he listens.
AND Saturday June 2nd, 2007 at 7 PM I'll be in Phoenix at the ARIZONA ZEN BUDDHIST SOCIETY giving A TALK (click for details & location). So be there or be square! I'm doing two other book signings in Phoenix on that Sunday (June 3rd) and Monday (June 4th). But I can't seem to find the details. I'll either revise this post or put up a new one when I get that info.
AND I'll be all over the San Francisco Bay Area the following week. Here's what's lined up so far:
Tuesday June 12th at the VIRGIN MEGASTORE in San Francisco
Thursday June 14th, 7PM at GATEWAYS in Santa Cruz
Friday June 15th After Dinner Talk at the SAN FRANCISCO ZEN CENTER
Saturday June 16th 7 PM at COPPERFIELD'S BOOKS 140 Kentucky St., Petaluma, CA 94952
Sunday June 17th at San Quentin Prison (this isn't open to the public, but all inmates reading this are invited!)
AND on Wednesday July 25th, 2007, my movie CLEVELAND'S SCREAMING! will have its world premier at the EGYPTIAN THEATER in Hollywood. So mark your calendars!
I'll put up more details as I get them. Basically book signings tend to start at 7 PM, so I'm guessing that'll be the time for most of these. The After Dinner Talk is a regular thing at the SF Zen Center, so probably if you look on their website there'll be info.
I'm also working on possible gigs in Boulder, New York City, Akron and Montreal. So I'll let you know how that goes.
Rock on!