I'm not sure if some of you already know, but the good people who brought us Twisties (C'mon let's twist again!!! I'm sorry, the song just comes up whenever someone says twisties...) have came up with not corn twisties, not corn chips, but potato chips!!
Comes in 3 flavours:

(Screenshots from website)
See, even Genies cannot resist potato chips.
See, even Genies cannot resist potato chips.
I gave it a try, and I like it!! My favourite is the original (I always like original best, not too over-powering), and second is the sour cream... Unfortunately Mike ate the spicy one so no verdict on that...
Ok, I'm like racking my brains to describe the chips, but what can I say, right?
Chips are chips, and fried carbo is always gratifying (unfortunately for our weight)!! It's nice, and it's only $1++ (I forgot how much...), so go try it!!
When I was asked to write this advertorial, I had to hunt down Chipster!
Due to it being so new, some places still haven't started selling it - but I managed to locate the shiny packets in 7/11 at Giant Tampines.
The other sure location is at Carrefour. :D
As common with all new products, there will be a contest, and hopefully, super shiok prizes!!!
Chipster's contest is called "Nothing Else Matters", and unlike most online contests where we don't get much fun participating, this one is actually really fun!
Before you flip to some other blog, thinking, 'Not another contest??', here are the fabulous prizes:

Screenshot from the website
Awesome, right? (Whenever I see N95, a deep male voice just goes "It's what computers have become" in my head, I think I am going crazy.)
And bloggers who participate all stand a chance to win the Chipster Premium!! I have no idea what that is but I'm hoping they give me a Mercedes SLK. I know, completely irrelevant, but a girl can dream, can't she?!!
Here's how to participate:
1) Take a photo of yourself with Chipster, ie like this

I know la, the pose so boring... You think very easy to pose with chips is it?! You try to do better lar!
Although, come to think of it, you don't even have to take a photo with Chipster. There are people who uploaded photos of Ali G and Justin Timberlake and even Jack Jack onto the site, very unconvincingly photoshopped holding a packet of Chipster. (check out the gallery)
I'm not too sure if these people qualify though...
So anyway, as I was saying... Take a photo with Chipster, and then...
2) Log on to www.chipster.com.my and click on the "Nothing Else Matters" contest.
3) Upload your photo, and Chipster provides some tools for you to customise your photo with!
4) Be as creative as you can
Voila! You are in for the running for the grand prize of a Macbook!! (I'm more a PC person, but I don't mind getting a Macbook free to smack over-zealous Mac evangelists on the head with, hehehe...)
And I present to you, my creations:

Hehehe!!! Don't they look so funny?
I didn't put in a lot of effort to erase my background properly... It's not very easy you know!
I also cheated by including my speech bubble with photoshop instead of Chipster's software, but they didn't say cannot mah! I wanted pink speech bubbles. :D
Right now, the backgrounds available are only freaky monsters attempting to steal your precious Chipsters, but I think there will be more to come.
To entertain you all, I've came up with two more designs of my own:

Very psychedelic right!
Ok ok, I think I will win this contest. I already must think about what I want to do with my lifetime supply of Chipster (that's not a real prize but they might just oblige) and my route to Wheelock to whack Mac lovers with my new macbook.
They'd never expect it! I'd walk in with yoga-ish white loose clothes and funky green glasses, holding my Mac computer with a "my computer is the most stylish" swagger, and then... WHAHAHAHAHA!
That's it. Go buy your own Chipster and join the contest!!
Something's wrong with me! I know I haven't been blogging, but I seem to have lost interest in doing it. I also stopped trying to take photographs, somehow having a mindset that goes like, "Hiyah, also not very chio, who want to see you?" and... Bah!!
Hope this phenomenon doesn't last very long.
Meanwhile, I got invited as a special guest on talkshow "You Hua Jiu Shuo" (The one hosted by Quan Yi Feng and Desmond Koh), and as a special "surprise" for me, the producers also invited Steven Lim.
I almost imploded when I saw his retarded face and I told the producer I am not going to bloody go on a show with Steven Lim in it and have to jia jia pretend to be civil to someone I don't even like, but she was like pleading and saying that I cannot leave else there won't be a special guest.
I guess it was a pretty interesting half an hour after that, because I was seated right next to Mr Lim and the straight-talking hosts asked me questions including and not withstanding (is this the right word I am looking for?):
- What exactly did I write about Steven? Say it in his face.
- Was Maia and I in cahoots to get publicity for both of us? (Answer is apparently no)
- Am I being so controversial to get publicity?
- Blah blah etc questions, some asked in a rather rude way.
It's so weird to have someone be offensive to you on tv, it's like you are completely taken aback and can only smile with incredulous raised eyebrows... If you wanna catch all that, the show is on 20 Sept at 8pm, Channel U. Yes, in Chinese.
P/s: This short blog post is brought to you by Chipster, else I won't be bothered to blog. Le sigh....! Blogging bug, come back to me!!!