When I landed at the airport in Chattanooga I was met by this sign. Normally, I would be all excited to see shirtless men, but the message of this advertisement was lost on me. Does this sign really make a business professional think, "Maybe I should move MY business to Chattanooga, where business is #1." And what is up with the tagline, "Chattanooga Can Do." Are you kidding me?

Then, walking out of the airport I noticed this sign. Was there a problem with people bringing guns into the Chattanooga airport that required this sign as a friendly reminder? It made me a little uneasy and made me think that everybody I ran into was packing heat.

I finally came around to liking Chattanooga, after using a gas station bathroom near the airport. Directly over the toilet was a condom machine, where someone wrote, "This gum tastes like rubber!!" It made my day and my trip.