My videos are awesome
Author: blog xxxNew videos yo!
Going Blonde

Ever thought of dyeing your hair blonde?
It's not as simple as a tub of bleach man! A lot of effort one ok!
Got guest appearance by Kaykay. Click to see. :D
The Poker Challenge

Going Blonde
Ever thought of dyeing your hair blonde?
It's not as simple as a tub of bleach man! A lot of effort one ok!
Got guest appearance by Kaykay. Click to see. :D
The Poker Challenge
Kaykay faces Paul Twohill in strip poker. Will kaykay lose all her clothes? Just joking la, it's normal poker! But still very funny nonetheless! Paul makes Kaykay hoping mad again, and for me, that's always fun to see. HAHAHA!!
Literal waitress

What happens when a waitress takes your orders literally?
Click to find out!
Literal waitress
What happens when a waitress takes your orders literally?
Click to find out!
If you got any suggestions for Guide to Life or Chick VS Dick episodes, like for example, you want to see a video guide on how I brush my teeth, etc, do send an email to! Your suggestion might just be taken up!
Lastly, here's my radio interview with Rosalyn Lee on 98.7FM. I love you Rozzie and the crazy intern!! muah muah!!
How come some people's embedding can be a chio pink colour frame one ah??
Be Absolutely You
Author: blog xxx
Advertorial sponsored by Kimberly Clark
Ok here's a fair warning... BOYS GO AWAY! This is a girl's entry and purely for females only!
I told you to go away!!
Fine! Read it if you want! I'm gonna be talking about PERIODS!
Frankly, I hate having my period. Everytime it arrives, it reminds me of my early secondary school days when I would get cramps so horrific I can honestly just faint man!
But thinking back now, I realised I don't really hate periods that much anymore. They are more of a come-and-go thing for me and don't really bother me much.
Gone are the secondary school days of staining skirts! And why am I the one who's always washing people's skirts for them as they hide in the toilet??! (BTW I once used chalk/liquid paper to cover up my stain coz my uniform was white. Haha... My mother wasn't pleased.)
As medicine is invented for my cramps, other things are also invented that are a God-sent.
The experience of having my period has come a long way since Feb 6 1995 when I first got it.
Yes! I still remember the exact date ok! I ran to my mother and told her, expecting her to hug me and exclaim, "Yes! You are finally a woman my little baby girl!" but she did nothing of that sort.
In fact she just nonchalantly gave me a pad.
A super thick pad!!
Nowadays periods are so much easier. Pads have improved drastically since 1995, and from slim, they become thin, and now... ultrathin!
They are no longer so heavy they make your panties look like diapers.They no longer leak from the sides.
My grandmama told me that during HER time, when pads were still not invented, women had to use pieces of cloth! And the women had to wash their own cloths coz they cannot afford to waste like that!
Can you imagine?? So yeah I guess we shouldn't complain about the circa 1990s thick pads.
There can now be so much freedom when it comes to that time of the month. BE ABSOLUTELY YOU!
As long as you use a good brand you can trust (Kotex for me!), you can still go about dancing, jogging etc. No problem. Especially with the super long kind that will never, ever leak. (Unless you are extremely filthy and don't change for 3 days la)
And of course, the best thing about having your period is knowing you are not pregnant. Eh... If you are not ready la. Which I am not, so it's always good for me. If you want to get pregnant and you are not.. Well erm... good for your husband/bf I guess!! Ok... awkward... Moving on!
I was at Watsons the other day and I saw this on the shelf:

Everything is so prettified nowadays!
The flora box contains:

1) Kotex Soft & Smooth Ultrathin 23cm 20 pcs
2) Kotex Soft & Smooth Overnight Ultrathin 28cm 10pc

Kotex Soft and Smooth Ultrathin pads - 28 cm
Now in a minute 5 pc pack!
This chic little package is really convenient as it is super tiny and can fit into any small bag! It only has 5 pads inside. It's awesome for travelling.
I imagine if you buy a lot of these and keep the boxes you can build a mini-cupboard with them. Haha!
Can also cam-whore with it!!

Hahaha... So boh liao.
So anyway, advertorials always end with a bit of goodies for the readers.
This one is a DAILY lucky draw!
Everyday there is a winner, and you can be a winner more than once!
With every purchase of $5 of Kotex Ultrathin products, you can stand to win $100 everyday! This starts from 1st July to the 15th of August - 46 long days.
If you still didn't win, fret not! Your entry will then be snowballed for the grand draw of $1,000! Sheesh, I don't mind getting that man. I'd totally get loads of Juicy stuff...! *salivating at the thought*
Get Kotex now! As my grandmama always says, don't wait until want to shit then go build the toilet bowl. *nods wisely in agreement*
p/s: Eh hello?? Reason why there are other bloggers blogging about this too is coz it's the advertiser's initiative? Nobody's copying anyone else as the drafts were all sent in before any publishing was done. OH GOD! People can be so stupid.
Ok here's a fair warning... BOYS GO AWAY! This is a girl's entry and purely for females only!
I told you to go away!!
Fine! Read it if you want! I'm gonna be talking about PERIODS!
Frankly, I hate having my period. Everytime it arrives, it reminds me of my early secondary school days when I would get cramps so horrific I can honestly just faint man!
But thinking back now, I realised I don't really hate periods that much anymore. They are more of a come-and-go thing for me and don't really bother me much.
Gone are the secondary school days of staining skirts! And why am I the one who's always washing people's skirts for them as they hide in the toilet??! (BTW I once used chalk/liquid paper to cover up my stain coz my uniform was white. Haha... My mother wasn't pleased.)
As medicine is invented for my cramps, other things are also invented that are a God-sent.
Such as pads so thin:

Kotex Soft and Smooth Ultrathin with wings
(Amazing hor...? And ultra absorbent too!)

Kotex Soft and Smooth Ultrathin with wings
(Amazing hor...? And ultra absorbent too!)
The experience of having my period has come a long way since Feb 6 1995 when I first got it.
Yes! I still remember the exact date ok! I ran to my mother and told her, expecting her to hug me and exclaim, "Yes! You are finally a woman my little baby girl!" but she did nothing of that sort.
In fact she just nonchalantly gave me a pad.
A super thick pad!!
Nowadays periods are so much easier. Pads have improved drastically since 1995, and from slim, they become thin, and now... ultrathin!
They are no longer so heavy they make your panties look like diapers.They no longer leak from the sides.
My grandmama told me that during HER time, when pads were still not invented, women had to use pieces of cloth! And the women had to wash their own cloths coz they cannot afford to waste like that!
Can you imagine?? So yeah I guess we shouldn't complain about the circa 1990s thick pads.
There can now be so much freedom when it comes to that time of the month. BE ABSOLUTELY YOU!
As long as you use a good brand you can trust (Kotex for me!), you can still go about dancing, jogging etc. No problem. Especially with the super long kind that will never, ever leak. (Unless you are extremely filthy and don't change for 3 days la)
And of course, the best thing about having your period is knowing you are not pregnant. Eh... If you are not ready la. Which I am not, so it's always good for me. If you want to get pregnant and you are not.. Well erm... good for your husband/bf I guess!! Ok... awkward... Moving on!
I was at Watsons the other day and I saw this on the shelf:

Everything is so prettified nowadays!
The flora box contains:

1) Kotex Soft & Smooth Ultrathin 23cm 20 pcs
2) Kotex Soft & Smooth Overnight Ultrathin 28cm 10pc

Kotex Soft and Smooth Ultrathin pads - 28 cm
Now in a minute 5 pc pack!
This chic little package is really convenient as it is super tiny and can fit into any small bag! It only has 5 pads inside. It's awesome for travelling.
After using up the pads, you can use it...

To put your own stuff!

To put your own stuff!
I imagine if you buy a lot of these and keep the boxes you can build a mini-cupboard with them. Haha!
Can also cam-whore with it!!

Hahaha... So boh liao.
So anyway, advertorials always end with a bit of goodies for the readers.
This one is a DAILY lucky draw!
Everyday there is a winner, and you can be a winner more than once!
To enter, easy - just call 1800-6222-888!
With every purchase of $5 of Kotex Ultrathin products, you can stand to win $100 everyday! This starts from 1st July to the 15th of August - 46 long days.
If you still didn't win, fret not! Your entry will then be snowballed for the grand draw of $1,000! Sheesh, I don't mind getting that man. I'd totally get loads of Juicy stuff...! *salivating at the thought*
Get Kotex now! As my grandmama always says, don't wait until want to shit then go build the toilet bowl. *nods wisely in agreement*
p/s: Eh hello?? Reason why there are other bloggers blogging about this too is coz it's the advertiser's initiative? Nobody's copying anyone else as the drafts were all sent in before any publishing was done. OH GOD! People can be so stupid.
Author: blog xxx
This is one of the first of Crumb's Mr. Natural strips. Here he is clearly called "Mr. Natural the Zen Master." Later on his designation as a Zen Master was dropped. But it's pretty clear that Crumb was referencing Zen teachers with Mr. Natural. Since he lived in San Francisco at the time he started doing the strips, I've often suspected he may have attended some of Shunryu Suzuki's talks or perhaps even had some relationship with Suzuki, Katagiri, Kobun Chino or others from San Francisco Zen Center. I don't know for certain.
Crumb usually gets it right, though, with the dialog he puts in Mr. Natural's mouth. My first teacher, Tim McCarthy was a big fan and I almost consider Mr. Natural himself as an early Zen teacher. He's often far better than supposedly legitimate books written about the subject. In this little strip he sets a very good example.
I had fun at the con. Didn't do a whole lot of what you might call "business," though I did get one deal sorta happening. We'll see if that materializes. Of course, I'm talking about my film biz work, not Zen. I was surprised to see, though, that Deepak Chopra attended the con plugging some sort of "spirituality in the comics" thing. Ha! Maybe I can get him interested in the often talked about but never acted upon graphic novel adaptation of Hardcore Zen.
I saw lots of Jedi knights there. Those robes are so close to Zen robes it's funny. I shoulda worn mine. I'd've fit right in with all the other geeks. Of course, in most senses that matter Zen people are precisely like comic book/sci-fi geeks. They do exactly the same things. And when they get together they act exactly the same way — always trying to out-geek the other geeks.
The thing with sci-fi geeks is that at home they're usually the only guy who's an expert in, like, Klingon syntax or whatever. Then when they get together with a bunch of geeks, suddenly their uniqueness is threatened. The response is to try and recover that uniqueness by out-geeking the other geeks. Totally the same thing happens in Zen places. It's hilarious! At some Zen factories (Eiheiji, Sojiji and all the rest included) it's even institutionalized with stuff like color coded rakusus (bib thingies that Zen geeks wear) to show you at a glance who's higher on the scale of Zen geekdom.
One day when the Jedi knights get their stuff more together maybe they'll have retreat centers and all the rest too. The San Diego Convention Center will become a place of holy pilgrimage. Hey, stranger things have happened. Look at Scientology.
A general article on my general thoughts on Plagiarism on blogs
Author: blog xxx
I wonder how you all will react if tomorrow you find out that a lot of my blog entries were plagiarised?
Copied wholesale from other sources. Other people's jokes, opinions, information etc... all passed off as if they were my own ideas?
Personally I think that the lowest a blogger can hit. A blog is meant to be an outlet for your thoughts and opinions - so if you have none, why bother to have a blog at all?
Why would anyone's blog be sewn together by bits and pieces of other people's ideas? That's just unfathomable to me.
Excuses people commonly give:
"I don't know how to write so I have to copy" - Better write shittily, or don't write at all; rather than copy.
"It's a personal blog" - Blogs are never personal, even the locked ones. Besides, as my current saga has taught me, it is NOT ok to anyhow write whatever I want on my "personal blog", right?
"I didn't know I had to cite" - Sorry, but ignorance is not an excuse. I doubt anyone older than a Primary Schooler would not know that copying is wrong.
I remember back in school, whenever someone gets caught for plagiarising, it is an immediate fail grade. Not only that, the plagiariser will be announced to the class to be shamed.
Passing off someone's else hard work as your own. Disgusting.
When applied to blogs, is just as grave an offence?
Or is it not that big a deal, because words in a blog are not used for academia measurements, therefore are not so important?
In this technological era, it is so easy to copy. Just a click of your mouse to select your favourite line, and a ctrl C and crtl V. Voila! You can sound as intellectual as you please.
I think it's an even bigger deal. Why? Because blogs are meant to be a platform for your opinions, and plagiarism just goes ahead to give this spirit a sharp slap on the face. Blogs are meant to be for you to express yourself... not pretend to be somebody else.
So in a sense, plagiarism on blogs stands for much more than that on acadamic papers.
On an exam answer sheet, plagiarism is done for an A.
On a blog... Why? It feels like something way more sinister.
By letting plagiarizers get away scot-free, we are endorsing the act of plagiarism.
Imagine you scored 80% in a test because you studied hard and wrote well. Tommy, your classmate, scored 80% because he cheated and copied.
Your teacher knows about this, and yet, Tommy still gets his 80% grade, although everyone knows he is a cheater.
Is this fair? Should Tommy get expelled and shamed?
WHY would bloggers plagiarise?
I can understand if you are lifting off paragraphs full of information, ie if you wanted to describe a movie, and you copy the movie's synopsis from somewhere.
What I cannot understand or tolerate is the lifting of other people's opinions, for example, copying someone else's movie reviews.
When someone reviews a movie it is his/her own opinions! How can you just copy the entire chunk and call it your own? Underhanded, lowly, and worst of all, EMBARRASSING when found out.
Do plagiarisers not have opinions of their own? Or maybe they are so incoherent they cannot piece their own opinions together into a decent blog entry?
A blogger IS his content. Without my words and my photos, I will be nothing. Who ARE plagiarisers then? Is he/she still considered a blogger if it has been proven time and again that his/her image and opinions are both dishonest and copied? What is this Frankenstein of a blogger considered?
I cannot emphasize how much I detest copiers and plagiarisers. As a writer (yes, I am a script-writer and I wrote for several columns before), it is an unforgivable offence in my book, and I hope to see justice served to such offenders all over the world.
Plagiarism is serious and should NOT be downplayed.
Remember: Plagiarism is tantamount to stealing.
Stealing an idea; it's the same as stealing a wallet.
It doesn't matter if you plagiarized only once, it is still wrong.
But in my opinion, people who resort to plagiarism are people who disrespect originality. People like that rarely resort to copying/cheating only once. It was probably done HUNDREDS of times already before it was finally discovered.
p/s: This article is not referring to anyone in particular, just felt the urge to blog about plagiarism suddenly, dunno why.
I am trying to change for the better by making my blog full of kindness, respect, charity, love and pancakes.
So I urge no personal attacks on anyone. If you wish to do personal attacks, please kindly make it anonymous by using the name, erm, "Monkey".
For example, you can write something like, "Monkey plagiarised more than 50 blog entries and he/she is so shameless can?!"
If your Monkey works under someone, the company can be called "The Zoo". So for example, if you are pissed off about your classmate Lilian copying work, and you're studying in RGS, you can write,
"This Monkey in my class plagiarized! The stupid ZOO still allowed her to get full marks! I am so angry!" --> Like that la.
I would of course have no idea who you are talking about, but it's ok, it's your comment and not mine.
Any mention of any names in the entry will be deleted.
p/p/s: I just want to thank my law firm Keystone Law Corp for their excellent job so far. I don't know how I would have gone through this without you guys, and couldn't have asked for better lawyers. (This is not written in exchange for a lower rate or anything btw.)
Copied wholesale from other sources. Other people's jokes, opinions, information etc... all passed off as if they were my own ideas?
Personally I think that the lowest a blogger can hit. A blog is meant to be an outlet for your thoughts and opinions - so if you have none, why bother to have a blog at all?
Why would anyone's blog be sewn together by bits and pieces of other people's ideas? That's just unfathomable to me.
Excuses people commonly give:
"I don't know how to write so I have to copy" - Better write shittily, or don't write at all; rather than copy.
"It's a personal blog" - Blogs are never personal, even the locked ones. Besides, as my current saga has taught me, it is NOT ok to anyhow write whatever I want on my "personal blog", right?
"I didn't know I had to cite" - Sorry, but ignorance is not an excuse. I doubt anyone older than a Primary Schooler would not know that copying is wrong.
I remember back in school, whenever someone gets caught for plagiarising, it is an immediate fail grade. Not only that, the plagiariser will be announced to the class to be shamed.
Passing off someone's else hard work as your own. Disgusting.
When applied to blogs, is just as grave an offence?
Or is it not that big a deal, because words in a blog are not used for academia measurements, therefore are not so important?
In this technological era, it is so easy to copy. Just a click of your mouse to select your favourite line, and a ctrl C and crtl V. Voila! You can sound as intellectual as you please.
I think it's an even bigger deal. Why? Because blogs are meant to be a platform for your opinions, and plagiarism just goes ahead to give this spirit a sharp slap on the face. Blogs are meant to be for you to express yourself... not pretend to be somebody else.
So in a sense, plagiarism on blogs stands for much more than that on acadamic papers.
On an exam answer sheet, plagiarism is done for an A.
On a blog... Why? It feels like something way more sinister.
By letting plagiarizers get away scot-free, we are endorsing the act of plagiarism.
Imagine you scored 80% in a test because you studied hard and wrote well. Tommy, your classmate, scored 80% because he cheated and copied.
Your teacher knows about this, and yet, Tommy still gets his 80% grade, although everyone knows he is a cheater.
Is this fair? Should Tommy get expelled and shamed?
In your opinion, what should be done?
WHY would bloggers plagiarise?
I can understand if you are lifting off paragraphs full of information, ie if you wanted to describe a movie, and you copy the movie's synopsis from somewhere.
What I cannot understand or tolerate is the lifting of other people's opinions, for example, copying someone else's movie reviews.
When someone reviews a movie it is his/her own opinions! How can you just copy the entire chunk and call it your own? Underhanded, lowly, and worst of all, EMBARRASSING when found out.
Do plagiarisers not have opinions of their own? Or maybe they are so incoherent they cannot piece their own opinions together into a decent blog entry?
A blogger IS his content. Without my words and my photos, I will be nothing. Who ARE plagiarisers then? Is he/she still considered a blogger if it has been proven time and again that his/her image and opinions are both dishonest and copied? What is this Frankenstein of a blogger considered?
I cannot emphasize how much I detest copiers and plagiarisers. As a writer (yes, I am a script-writer and I wrote for several columns before), it is an unforgivable offence in my book, and I hope to see justice served to such offenders all over the world.
Plagiarism is serious and should NOT be downplayed.
Remember: Plagiarism is tantamount to stealing.
Stealing an idea; it's the same as stealing a wallet.
It doesn't matter if you plagiarized only once, it is still wrong.
But in my opinion, people who resort to plagiarism are people who disrespect originality. People like that rarely resort to copying/cheating only once. It was probably done HUNDREDS of times already before it was finally discovered.
p/s: This article is not referring to anyone in particular, just felt the urge to blog about plagiarism suddenly, dunno why.
I am trying to change for the better by making my blog full of kindness, respect, charity, love and pancakes.
So I urge no personal attacks on anyone. If you wish to do personal attacks, please kindly make it anonymous by using the name, erm, "Monkey".
For example, you can write something like, "Monkey plagiarised more than 50 blog entries and he/she is so shameless can?!"
If your Monkey works under someone, the company can be called "The Zoo". So for example, if you are pissed off about your classmate Lilian copying work, and you're studying in RGS, you can write,
"This Monkey in my class plagiarized! The stupid ZOO still allowed her to get full marks! I am so angry!" --> Like that la.
I would of course have no idea who you are talking about, but it's ok, it's your comment and not mine.
Any mention of any names in the entry will be deleted.
p/p/s: I just want to thank my law firm Keystone Law Corp for their excellent job so far. I don't know how I would have gone through this without you guys, and couldn't have asked for better lawyers. (This is not written in exchange for a lower rate or anything btw.)
Author: blog xxx
Before I forget here's the link toVolume 4 of Shobogenzo translated by Gudo Nishijima & Chodo Cross. It's showing up listed as "Master Dogen's Shobogenzo" (no volume number) and doesn't seem to link to the other 3 volumes. My friend Peter is working on fixing this.
Secondly, someone wrote me an e-mail telling me there was stuff in the comments section recently saying I should take PayPal donations. I've stopped reading the comments section. It's too depressing and troll-dominated for me. But anyway, I wasn't belly-achin' that I need cash. I was trying to point out that when you go to a Zen place (any Zen place, not just mine) the stuff costs money. Pay up.
And speaking of stuff that costs money, I'm pimping a little for the Maezumi Institute Young Buddhists Retreat at which I'll be appearing August 28-31. It costs $200, which does not include lodging, but does include musical performances, talks, workshops, meals and other stuff (follow the link above for details). This is the first time I've ever participated in this kind of Buddhist event (I don't consider sesshins to be events). I'm very curious to see how it goes. $200 is comparable to a ticket to Burning Man or Coachella or Bonaroo or what have you. I think Burning Man is less per day. But it's still a substantial fee to ask for from the 18-34 year old audience they're trying to attract.
For my part, at the Young Buddhists Retreat I'm just gonna do what it is I do. If I'm to speak before an audience I'll be entertaining the way I am at a college or someplace like that. But since they're billing it as a Buddhist retreat, I'm gonna be as Buddhist retreat-y as I can be under the circumstances and hope it isn't too much like a rave or something. We shall see. In any case, I do expect it to at least be fun. Fun is OK by me.
Speaking of fun, I'm at the San Diego Comic Con this weekend on behalf of the people who pay my rent. That's fun. I won't be at Zazen at Hill St. Center this Saturday. But it's still happening. Last I heard they were still deciding if it'd be a one-day zazen fest or a regular day. If you want to know, write me & I'll forward the message.
I'll also be at the Great Sky Zen Sesshin at Hokyoji Monastery in Minnesota August 9-16. But I'm pretty sure they're already fully booked up. I don't know, tho, so if you're considering going please check with them. This is a traditional style sesshin and probably won't be near as fun as the Young Buddhists Retreat.
Secondly, someone wrote me an e-mail telling me there was stuff in the comments section recently saying I should take PayPal donations. I've stopped reading the comments section. It's too depressing and troll-dominated for me. But anyway, I wasn't belly-achin' that I need cash. I was trying to point out that when you go to a Zen place (any Zen place, not just mine) the stuff costs money. Pay up.
And speaking of stuff that costs money, I'm pimping a little for the Maezumi Institute Young Buddhists Retreat at which I'll be appearing August 28-31. It costs $200, which does not include lodging, but does include musical performances, talks, workshops, meals and other stuff (follow the link above for details). This is the first time I've ever participated in this kind of Buddhist event (I don't consider sesshins to be events). I'm very curious to see how it goes. $200 is comparable to a ticket to Burning Man or Coachella or Bonaroo or what have you. I think Burning Man is less per day. But it's still a substantial fee to ask for from the 18-34 year old audience they're trying to attract.
For my part, at the Young Buddhists Retreat I'm just gonna do what it is I do. If I'm to speak before an audience I'll be entertaining the way I am at a college or someplace like that. But since they're billing it as a Buddhist retreat, I'm gonna be as Buddhist retreat-y as I can be under the circumstances and hope it isn't too much like a rave or something. We shall see. In any case, I do expect it to at least be fun. Fun is OK by me.
Speaking of fun, I'm at the San Diego Comic Con this weekend on behalf of the people who pay my rent. That's fun. I won't be at Zazen at Hill St. Center this Saturday. But it's still happening. Last I heard they were still deciding if it'd be a one-day zazen fest or a regular day. If you want to know, write me & I'll forward the message.
I'll also be at the Great Sky Zen Sesshin at Hokyoji Monastery in Minnesota August 9-16. But I'm pretty sure they're already fully booked up. I don't know, tho, so if you're considering going please check with them. This is a traditional style sesshin and probably won't be near as fun as the Young Buddhists Retreat.
Thanks for the many supportive emails!
Author: blog xxx
So many of you emailed me! Very touched. And to the person who donated USD$100... Thanks!
As you've maybe seen on Straits Times, I am NOT going to apologize to Dawn.
As I said, if she wishes to embarrass herself she can go ahead and sue me. Those who live in glass houses should not be throwing rocks.
Got something to clarify though. I know many of you have asked me for my bank acct no or my paypal email, but there is still no need to donate anything right now. I can still afford it as of now... not THAT poor la!!
Hahaha!! If she decides to go ahead with the lawsuit I'll inform you guys. :D
Something's wrong with me lor... I keep waking up damn early and sleeping damn early recently.
But I am happy! Tomorrow going to 98.7FM for radio interview with Rozz and Shan at 5pm... Maybe another radio interview with 91.3FM and Power 98. Those still tentative.
I also finally watched BATMAN!! Is the joker funny or WHAT?? It saddens me to think that Heath Leger (did I spell correctly ah?) will never be able to act in that role again... Maybe they should get T-bag (Theodore Bagwell) from Prison Break?
I think Heath's perverse lip-licking is inspired from T-bag lor! But dead, cannot confirm with him.
Omg... I think batman doesn't want to kill him coz he also secretly thinks the joker is damn funny.
My favourite part was when the Joker was in the truck's passenger seat, and his driver got shot dead. He scooted to the driver seat, pushed the corspe aside, and politely told the corspe, "Sorry, got to drive..." and then kicked the corspe out of the truck.
AHAHAHAHAHHA!! I laughed DAMN HARD CAN!! It's just really funny! But to my horror, the entire theatre of people didn't laugh at all... Not funny meh? I think it's very funny leh! At this rate, my movie script will be a total flop lor!!
Oh sorry actually my favourite part is Joker dressing up as a NURSE!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!! GINGER WIG!!!!! HAHAHHAHAHA!!!
He very irritating lor keep telling people about his scar stories! Like those pesky evangelists!!
Then people not interested to listen he threaten people with his knife! Where got like that one?
Ok la I am off to play Mario VS Luigi before I sleepytime. It's 10pm lor! Gross. Zzzzzzz
(Comments regarding lawsuit is disallowed)
As you've maybe seen on Straits Times, I am NOT going to apologize to Dawn.
As I said, if she wishes to embarrass herself she can go ahead and sue me. Those who live in glass houses should not be throwing rocks.
Got something to clarify though. I know many of you have asked me for my bank acct no or my paypal email, but there is still no need to donate anything right now. I can still afford it as of now... not THAT poor la!!
Hahaha!! If she decides to go ahead with the lawsuit I'll inform you guys. :D
Something's wrong with me lor... I keep waking up damn early and sleeping damn early recently.
But I am happy! Tomorrow going to 98.7FM for radio interview with Rozz and Shan at 5pm... Maybe another radio interview with 91.3FM and Power 98. Those still tentative.
I also finally watched BATMAN!! Is the joker funny or WHAT?? It saddens me to think that Heath Leger (did I spell correctly ah?) will never be able to act in that role again... Maybe they should get T-bag (Theodore Bagwell) from Prison Break?
I think Heath's perverse lip-licking is inspired from T-bag lor! But dead, cannot confirm with him.
Omg... I think batman doesn't want to kill him coz he also secretly thinks the joker is damn funny.
My favourite part was when the Joker was in the truck's passenger seat, and his driver got shot dead. He scooted to the driver seat, pushed the corspe aside, and politely told the corspe, "Sorry, got to drive..." and then kicked the corspe out of the truck.
AHAHAHAHAHHA!! I laughed DAMN HARD CAN!! It's just really funny! But to my horror, the entire theatre of people didn't laugh at all... Not funny meh? I think it's very funny leh! At this rate, my movie script will be a total flop lor!!
Oh sorry actually my favourite part is Joker dressing up as a NURSE!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!! GINGER WIG!!!!! HAHAHHAHAHA!!!
He very irritating lor keep telling people about his scar stories! Like those pesky evangelists!!
Then people not interested to listen he threaten people with his knife! Where got like that one?
Ok la I am off to play Mario VS Luigi before I sleepytime. It's 10pm lor! Gross. Zzzzzzz
(Comments regarding lawsuit is disallowed)
Author: blog xxx
Ho was skeptical at first about the fish, which are called garra rufa but typically known as doctor fish. They were first used in Turkey and have become popular in some Asian countries.
Ho believes his is the only salon in the country to offer the treatment, which costs $35 for 15 minutes and $50 for 30 minutes. The spa has more than 1,000 fish, with about 100 in each individual pedicure tank at any given time." (AP)
Redneck Wedding
Author: blog xxx
Rich and Lori recently spent a weekend in the mountains of Virgina, and returned with a Daily News Record article that detailed the story of a country wedding with colors of Victorian lilac and camouflage. Below are actual quotes from, "Nothing Can Camouflage Their Love" that you must read to believe.

Their love story, like all love stories, had a memorable beginning. Theirs began at Wal-Mart in the fall of 2006.
Mutual friends thought May and Milstead might make a good pair. May, a truck driver for Werner Enterprises in Omaha, Neb., was a laid-back country boy who liked going to tractor pulls, car races and drives in the country. Milstead, who is fondly described as "a redneck girl" by everyone from her parents to her friends, loved driving her truck, going to tractor pulls and car races, and taking drives in the country.
Soon after the proposal, she said, ‘You really CAN find anything you need at Wal-Mart.'
Then, while shopping for tuxedos at Classic Tuxedo in Harrisonburg, they spied a swatch of Mossy Oak Break-Up camouflage among the dozens of coordinating vest and tie colors offered by the store. "I asked him, ‘Do you want to go with sage green or this?' " she said, indicating the camo. He picked the camouflage; but, really, they concluded, there wasn't any doubt once they'd seen it.
David May said the leadership of the church they planned to marry in, Bridgewater Church of the Brethren, had questions about the type of camouflage the couple had chosen. Fortunately, "the church kind of came on board once they knew it was hunting camo," he said.
By the time the reception rolled around, tensions disappeared as tux-clad groomsmen changed into T-shirts and caps, bridal attendants donned flip-flops and shorts and everyone rushed to the floor to shimmy to Gretchen Wilson's "Here For The Party." Typical reception small talk was punctuated occasionally by a pumped fist and "Git ‘R' Done!" ringing throughout the hall.
Camouflage tulle intertwined with garlands of twinkling clear lights on a trellis behind a brown fondant-covered cake and a groom's cake in the shape of a John Deere tractor.
Thomas "Moose" Milstead, the bride's father, happily mingled with guests as he proudly showed off his camouflage vest. "I knew it would be different," he said, "but it works good." Both Twila May and Tina Milstead agreed the colors "had come together real nice."
"Everything turned out to be elegant," David said, as he held tight to Ginny's hand and examined their new rings. He and Ginny laughed as they said their choice may have kicked off a trend; several friends and relatives have also picked camouflage for their upcoming weddings.
After a honeymoon in Pigeon Forge, Tenn., Ginny planned to ride off into the sunset with David, spending the next two months riding shotgun as he crosses the country in his truck.
Author: blog xxx
Guys , i love porn ..really ! i love it , because i love sex. Exploring and knowing new people and their bodies is amazing.All Those bodies have a different scent inside them.I want you to view those hot sex scenes i have prepared for you and enjoy them.

I would like to be inside those scenes, i would like to be shot while i am performing those positions with those hot people.There are so many scenes which are not shot in my sex life which could be as hot as those ones , but it gives me a different pleasure to view others' sex scenes, as you might expect..

Lawyer's letter
Author: blog xxx
Since I've been accused that this is a publicity stunt, and also, since some of you have requested to see it, here is Dawn's lawyer's letter to me.

Comments are not allowed. If you wish to tell me anything, please email me instead.
Loves~! Thanks for the support, guys.
UPDATE: Shuyin just told me this entry LOOKS as if I am apologizing. I am not. I am merely showing you the contents of her letter, which includes her desired template for my apology. I repeat. This letter does not in any way represent my decision whether or not to comply to its contents.
UPDATE 2: I have blurred out the contacts on the lawyer representing her out of professional courtesy.

Comments are not allowed. If you wish to tell me anything, please email me instead.
Loves~! Thanks for the support, guys.
UPDATE: Shuyin just told me this entry LOOKS as if I am apologizing. I am not. I am merely showing you the contents of her letter, which includes her desired template for my apology. I repeat. This letter does not in any way represent my decision whether or not to comply to its contents.
UPDATE 2: I have blurred out the contacts on the lawyer representing her out of professional courtesy.
Author: blog xxx
I was a latecomer to non-Christian, non-Broadway, non-Lawrence Welk music. The religion I grew up with did not appreciate movies, dancing, or any type of "the devil's music." In fact, the church I attended had a record burning one evening. I stood there dumbfounded as I saw someone throw a Barry Manilow album into the fire.
Because of this, it was not until 1987 as a sophomore in college that I first heard "Upstairs at Eric's." I was at my boyfriend Tony's apartment and I had just gotten stoned for the first time. He really wanted me to hear Yaz while I was high, and told me that it would be an amazing experience. Even though I freaked out a bit (I thought I was having a heart attack) he was right about Yaz being an amazing experience and I have been listening to "Upstairs at Eric's" ever since.
Given that Yaz had broken up by the time I discovered them, I assumed I would never hear them live. Given that, In 1992, I went to see half of Yaz, Alison Moyet, on the tour for her solo album, "Hoodoo" at the 930 Club. I was dating a guy that worked for Sony Records at the time, so we went backstage to meet Alison, who was very sweet, although I could barely understand anything she said because of her accent. I told her that I was listening to her voice the first time I got high, and she said, "Not the first time I have heard that, sweetheart."
When I discovered that Yaz was coming to the 930 Club, it was already sold out. I was thankful when Chris let me know he had an extra ticket for the concert. Chris, Mike, Josh, Kevin, Todd, and I went together and had a great time. The concert was excellent, probably one of the better concerts I have been to in some time. Alison still sounds incredible and I think they played nearly all of their songs from their two albums. Here is hoping they make another album together!


Got a new article up on SuicideGirls this morning.
I may come back and write more here about it later. But for now, this is the link.
The pic up there is what my friend Yoga instructor Patrick of Yoga Garden in Tokyo drew for me when I asked him what Yoga poses are good for people who want to work up to sitting 1/2 or full lotus. If you click on it you should be able to see a bigger version. It's saved so it can be blown up to A4 size, which is about the same as American standard letter size.
And finally, the folks who are putting on the Young Buddhist Retreat, which I'm gonna be at August 28-31 asked me for my mailing list. I have no mailing list. I feel bad just giving out the addresses of people who've written me saying "nice book" or whatever. So if you want to be on my mailing list, send an e-mail to and make the subject heading "Mailing List." I will then construct a mailing list out of the addresses I get. This will be used for the Zen Peacemakers thing and future stuff. I promise you won't hear much from me because I'm very technically challenged.
14 DOLLAR (Make Me Holler)
Author: blog xxx
So yesterday we had our usual weekly zazen thing at Hill Street Center in Santa Monica (details at the link on your left). I'd say between 8 and 10 people attended. I really don't know for certain. Coulda been as many as 11. I took the money out of the donation box and counted it later. There was 14 dollars.
It costs $240 per month to rent the meditation room space at Hill Street Center. I spend another $50 to $100 per month on sundries used at exclusively or at least mainly by the group — tea, food for the one-day retreats, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc. Even when everyone who attends contributes $5 a person, which is what I ask for on the website, it usually doesn't cover everything. This was not a problem when I was working full time for the film company I still rep for. But I'm no longer full time with them, so they pay me a pittance. I'm sure as hell not getting rich off book sales either. J.K. Rowling or Dean R. Koontz get rich writing books. Guys who write paperbacks about Buddhism don't. I don't have any wealthy sponsors behind the scenes either. What I get in the donation box is it, period.
So if you come to sit at Hill Street Center, please keep this in mind. I don't have any desire to make money off the zazen sittings. But I can't afford to pour my own cash into it either. When I could afford to, I did. Now things are different.
I hate to be a televangelist about all this. And I won't.
The bottom line for me with the Saturday morning things is this: I sit from 10 to noon on Saturdays at HSC and you're welcome to join me. The end. I'm not trying to start a movement or even a sangha. But I can't do this for free. It isn't free for me and it isn't free for the people who come join me.
Now, and this is totally unrelated but I was amazed someone put this on the Internet, listen to The Troggs Tapes.
It costs $240 per month to rent the meditation room space at Hill Street Center. I spend another $50 to $100 per month on sundries used at exclusively or at least mainly by the group — tea, food for the one-day retreats, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc. Even when everyone who attends contributes $5 a person, which is what I ask for on the website, it usually doesn't cover everything. This was not a problem when I was working full time for the film company I still rep for. But I'm no longer full time with them, so they pay me a pittance. I'm sure as hell not getting rich off book sales either. J.K. Rowling or Dean R. Koontz get rich writing books. Guys who write paperbacks about Buddhism don't. I don't have any wealthy sponsors behind the scenes either. What I get in the donation box is it, period.
So if you come to sit at Hill Street Center, please keep this in mind. I don't have any desire to make money off the zazen sittings. But I can't afford to pour my own cash into it either. When I could afford to, I did. Now things are different.
I hate to be a televangelist about all this. And I won't.
The bottom line for me with the Saturday morning things is this: I sit from 10 to noon on Saturdays at HSC and you're welcome to join me. The end. I'm not trying to start a movement or even a sangha. But I can't do this for free. It isn't free for me and it isn't free for the people who come join me.
Now, and this is totally unrelated but I was amazed someone put this on the Internet, listen to The Troggs Tapes.
I am ok!
Author: blog xxx
Boohoo! Poor me being threatened with a lawyer's letter!
Yes yes, I know my pre-surgery nose is on the cover page of Straits Times!!
Gross! They asked me for a photoshoot but I was too tired yesterday so I declined. Oh well!! Totally regret it now!
Anyway, I'm gonna go see my lawyer on Monday to discuss the case. We'll see what happens from there then.
Gross, ST! Props for the neutral POV (I thought they would be biased coz someone's from Stomp) but boo on the "reigning queens"!!!
This whole thing started with me saying I don't want to be compared with her, and it ends with me still being compared to her!! Nabehness.
And no, I DO NOT NEED EXTRA HITS. It was maintaining at a steady 20,000 before... Even if it is 50,000 now, the ad prices are still the same! I can definitely report I am not earning any more than usual.
Thanks to the people who offered to donate money to help my cause. It is very touching!! Especially to those who offered hundreds... My most generous donor offered $2k!! Mad not!!
Comments allowed but heavily moderated as it may affect the lawsuit. You can leave comments pledging your support or your donation and the amount though!! That would be nice!! :D
Yes yes, I know my pre-surgery nose is on the cover page of Straits Times!!
Gross! They asked me for a photoshoot but I was too tired yesterday so I declined. Oh well!! Totally regret it now!
Anyway, I'm gonna go see my lawyer on Monday to discuss the case. We'll see what happens from there then.
Gross, ST! Props for the neutral POV (I thought they would be biased coz someone's from Stomp) but boo on the "reigning queens"!!!
This whole thing started with me saying I don't want to be compared with her, and it ends with me still being compared to her!! Nabehness.
And no, I DO NOT NEED EXTRA HITS. It was maintaining at a steady 20,000 before... Even if it is 50,000 now, the ad prices are still the same! I can definitely report I am not earning any more than usual.
Thanks to the people who offered to donate money to help my cause. It is very touching!! Especially to those who offered hundreds... My most generous donor offered $2k!! Mad not!!
Comments allowed but heavily moderated as it may affect the lawsuit. You can leave comments pledging your support or your donation and the amount though!! That would be nice!! :D
Author: blog xxx
Every couple months someone writes me to say that they tried to order Gudo Nishijima’s translation of Shobogenzo from Amazon but that the only thing they came up when they searched was a used copy for $187 or some such thing. I really don’t understand this. The original run of the books sold out ages ago. That’s what the crumb bums out there are fobbing off as “collectibles.” But new copies have been available as print on demand books for a few years. Whenever I search “Shobogenzo” on Amazon these are the first things that pop up.
I just went and did it again and the first three volumes came up right away. Here are the links:
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4 indeed showed up only as a high priced collectible when I checked Amazon today. But that shouldn’t be the case. I’ll check into it.
In any case, info on ordering volume 4 from other sites appears here on Windbell Publications’ site. It’s also listed at Amazon UK for a reasonable price. OK?
I just went and did it again and the first three volumes came up right away. Here are the links:
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4 indeed showed up only as a high priced collectible when I checked Amazon today. But that shouldn’t be the case. I’ll check into it.
In any case, info on ordering volume 4 from other sites appears here on Windbell Publications’ site. It’s also listed at Amazon UK for a reasonable price. OK?
Walrus Cloudy, Now It's Clear
Author: blog xxx
New vid updates!!
Author: blog xxxI give famous and non-famous hawker food taste tests to see if there is a difference! See, I'm so kind... Now you will know if it's worth it to wait 45 mins for your hokkien mee.
Woo this ep of C vs D is my favourite ever!! Paul and KK try to style each other and it's hilarious!! (Btw the concept also suggest by me hor... I am awesome)
That's all for now!!
Author: blog xxx
So I went and saw The Who last Saturday at their VH1 Rock Honors thing over at Pauley Pavillion, the basketball stadium at UCLA. It was a pretty amazing show. The opening bands included The Flaming Lips, Pearl Jam, The Foo Fighters, Incubus, and Tenacious D. Adam Sandler, Sean Penn, David Duchovney and the hot black-haired chick from That 70s Show also appeared. She's got blonde hair now, a major disappointment. Each band got about 10 minutes to do their own versions of Who songs.
Flaming Lips were the best beyond any doubts with their medely of songs from Tommy. Wayne Coyne did the thing where he goes into the audience encased in a giant transparent rubber ball. I've always felt some affinity for the Lips. Back in the 80s, my band Dimentia 13 and the Flaming Lips were both so-called "neo-psychedelic" bands on indie labels. Probably sold about the same number of records to roughly the same audience. Wayne and I both worked tedious day jobs to support our bands, both lived in the middle of nowhere,etc. I first heard of the Lips when I saw their name appear in reviews of Dimentia 13 records. Sometimes I look at what they're doing and wonder what would've happened if instead of moving to Japan in 1993 I'd gotten a touring line-up of Dimentia 13 together and really put my efforts into that.
Pearl Jam was much better than I expected. I was never a big fan of that band. Not that I dislike them. They're just sort of there, y'know. Like linoleum. They did some Quadrophenia tunes backed by a string and horn section. The bass player even did a note perfect rendition of John Entwistle's part from 5:15. The Foo Fighters also were pretty OK. Incubus had the world's worst light show to accompany a well done version of I Can See For Miles, not an easy song to play.
The Who themselves were in fine form, although Townshend did stop a performance of You Better You Bet in the middle because he couldn't hear the monitors or some such thing. But he made up for that with a rousing version of My Generation in the style of the version on Live At Leeds. I first saw them live on the first tour they did after Keith Moon died. They seemed so old and tired. When I saw them again in Japan in 2004 they looked and sounded 20 or 30 years younger than they had in the 80s. They're still rocking. On stage that night Roger said they'd keep doing it till they were 90. I wouldn't be surprised.
Anyway, they're showing this thing on VH1 Thursday night at 9. If anyone can tape or put that on a DVD-R, please let me know. I'll pay or trade for it. I don't have cable TV myself. Write me at
Below is an article my friend Ren Kuroda sent me for the NY Times. Enjoy:
July 14, 2008
In Japan, Buddhism May Be Dying Out
OGA, Japan — The Japanese have long taken an easygoing, buffet-like approach to religion, ringing out the old year at Buddhist temples and welcoming the new year, several hours later, at Shinto shrines. Weddings hew to Shinto rituals or, just as easily, to Christian ones.
When it comes to funerals, though, the Japanese have traditionally been inflexibly Buddhist — so much so that Buddhism in Japan is often called "funeral Buddhism," a reference to the religion's former near-monopoly on the elaborate, and lucrative, ceremonies surrounding deaths and memorial services.
But that expression also describes a religion that, by appearing to cater more to the needs of the dead than to those of the living, is losing its standing in Japanese society.
"That's the image of funeral Buddhism: that it doesn't meet people's spiritual needs," said Ryoko Mori, the chief priest at the 700-year-old Zuikoji Temple here in northern Japan. "In Islam or Christianity, they hold sermons on spiritual matters. But in Japan nowadays, very few Buddhist priests do that."
Mr. Mori, 48, the 21st head priest of the temple, was unsure whether it would survive into the tenure of a 22nd.
"If Japanese Buddhism doesn't act now, it will die out," he said. "We can't afford to wait. We have to do something."
Across Japan, Buddhism faces a confluence of problems, some familiar to religions in other wealthy nations, others unique to the faith here.
The lack of successors to chief priests is jeopardizing family-run temples nationwide.
While interest in Buddhism is declining in urban areas, the religion's rural strongholds are being depopulated, with older adherents dying and birthrates remaining low.
Perhaps most significantly, Buddhism is losing its grip on the funeral industry, as more and more Japanese are turning to funeral homes or choosing not to hold funerals at all.
Over the next generation, many temples in the countryside are expected to close, taking centuries of local history with them and adding to the demographic upheaval under way in rural Japan.
Here in Oga, on a peninsula of the same name that faces the Sea of Japan in Akita Prefecture, Buddhist priests are looking at the cold math of a population and local fishing industry in decline.
"It's not an exaggeration to say that the population is about half of what it was at its peak and that all businesses have also been reduced by half," said Giju Sakamoto, 74, the 91st head priest of Akita's oldest temple, Chorakuji, which was founded around the year 860. "Given that reality, simply insisting that we're a religion and have a long history — Akita's longest, in fact — sounds like a fairy tale. It's meaningless.
"That's why I think this place is beyond hope," Mr. Sakamoto said at his temple, which sits atop a promontory overlooking a seaside village.
To survive, Mr. Sakamoto has put his energies into managing a nursing home and a new temple in a growing suburb of Akita City. That temple, however, has drawn only 60 households as members since it opened a couple of years ago, far short of the 300 said to be necessary for a temple to remain financially viable.
For centuries, the average Buddhist temple, whose stewardship was handed down from father to eldest son, served a fixed membership, rarely, if ever, proselytizing. With some 300 households to cater to, the temple's chief priest and his wife were kept fully occupied.
Not only has the number of temples in Japan been dipping — to 85,994 in 2006, from 86,586 in 2000, according to the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs — but membership at many temples has fallen.
"We have to find other jobs because the temple alone is not enough," said Kyo Kon, 73, the head priest's wife at Kogakuin, a temple here with 170 members. She used to work at a day care center while her husband was employed at a local land planning office.
Not far away at Doshoji, a temple whose membership has fallen to 85 elderly households, the chief priest, Jokan Takahashi, 59, was facing a problem familiar to most small family-run businesses in Japan: finding a successor.
His eldest son had undergone the training to become a Buddhist priest, but Mr. Takahashi was ambivalent about asking him to take over the temple.
"My son grew up knowing nothing but this world of the temple, and he told me he did not feel free," he said, explaining that his son, now 28, was working at a company in a nearby city. "He asked me to let him be free as long as I was working, and said that he would come back and take over by the time he turned 35.
"But considering the future, pressuring a young person to take over a temple like this might be cruel," Mr. Takahashi said, after giving visitors a tour of his temple's most important room, an inner chamber with wooden, lockerlike cabinets where, it is said, the spirits of his members' ancestors are kept.
On a recent morning, Mr. Mori, the priest of the 700-year-old temple, began the day with a visit to a rice farming household marking the 33rd anniversary of a grandfather's death. Bowing before the home altar, Mr. Mori prayed and chanted sutras. Later, he repeated the rituals at another household, which was commemorating the seventh anniversary of a grandfather's death.
Increasingly, many Japanese, especially those in urban areas, have eschewed those traditions. Many no longer belong to temples and rely instead on funeral homes when their relatives die. The funeral homes provide Buddhist priests for funerals. According to a 2007 report by the Japan Consumers' Association, the average cost of a funeral, excluding the cemetery plot, was $21,500, of which $5,100 covered services performed by a Buddhist priest.
As recently as the mid-1980s, almost all Japanese held funerals at home or in temples, with the local Buddhist priest playing a prominent role.
But the move to funeral homes has sharply accelerated in the last decade. In 1999, 62 percent still held funerals at home or in temples, while 30 percent chose funeral homes, according to the Consumers' Association. But in 2007, the preferences were reversed, with 28 percent selecting funerals at home or in temples, and 61 percent opting for funeral homes.
In addition, an increasing number of Japanese are deciding to have their loved ones cremated without any funeral at all, said Noriyuki Ueda, an anthropologist at the Tokyo Institute of Technology and an expert on Buddhism.
"Because of that, Buddhist priests and temples will no longer be involved in funerals," Mr. Ueda said.
He said Japanese Buddhism had been sapped of its spiritual side in great part because it had compromised itself during World War II through its close ties with Japan's military. After Buddhist priests had glorified fallen soldiers and given them special posthumous Buddhist names, talk of pacifism sounded hollow.
Mr. Mori, the priest here, said that after the war there was a desire for increasingly lavish funerals with prestigious Buddhist names. These names — with the highest ranks traditionally given to those who have led honorable lives — are routinely purchased now, regardless of a dead person's conduct in life.
"Soldiers, who gave their lives for the country, were given special posthumous Buddhist names, so everybody wanted one after that, and prices went up dramatically," Mr. Mori said. "Everyone was getting richer, so everyone wanted one.
"But that gave us a bad image," he said, adding that the price of the top name in Akita was about $3,000 — though that was a small fraction of the price in Tokyo.
Indeed, that image is reinforced by the way the business of funerals and memorial services is conducted. Fees are not stated and are left to the family's discretion, and the relatives generally feel an unspoken pressure to be quite generous. Money is handed over in envelopes, and receipts are not given. Temples, with their status as religious organizations, pay no taxes.
It was partly to dispel this bad image that Kazuma Hayashi, 41, a Buddhist priest without a temple of his own, said he founded a company, (obohsan means priest), three years ago in a Tokyo suburb. The company dispatches freelance Buddhist priests to funerals and other services, cutting out funeral homes and other middlemen.
Prices, which are at least a third lower than the average, are listed clearly on the company's Web site. A 10 percent discount is available for members.
"We even give out receipts," Mr. Hayashi said.
Mr. Hayashi argued that instead of divorcing Japanese Buddhism further from its spiritual roots, his business attracted more people with its lower prices. The highest-ranking posthumous name went for about $1,500, a rock-bottom price.
"I know that, originally, that's not what Buddhism was about," Mr. Hayashi said of the top name. "But it's a brand that our customers choose. Some really want it, so that means there's a strong desire there, and we have to respond to it."
After apologizing for straying from Buddhism's ideals, Mr. Hayashi said he offered his customers the highest-ranking name, albeit with a warning: "In short, that this is different from going to a shop in town and buying a handbag, you know, a Gucci bag."
20 Of My Bestest Purchases!!!
Author: blog xxx
Thanks for the comments. Some may not have been published but rest assured I read them all!
So far, no lawyer's letter from beautiful Dawn, although she did delete the line on her blog that says she accepts my apology. Oh well!
She also added that I upped her hits to 30,000 (I upped mine too! Now 50,000! Who want to advertise??).
Since bloggers earn money based on hits, I guess I didn't cause her any losses but instead gave her some gains then, huh?? So what's there to sue about? LOL!! She ought to be thanking me, really!! -insert xanga heart smiley-
Oh dear Dawn Wayang is down! Wonder why? Anyway, the new site seems to be up here. I do not endorse anything that's written inside, as they are all lies, it seems to me. Lies! Why do you slander Dawn so, Mr Wayang?? You must be just jealous!
Here's a blog entry I wrote halfway a million years ago, to applease you all.
Sometimes, you buy some non-descript stuff and it turns out to be so absolutely fantastic and so wu chao suo zhi (value for money) that you just wanna rave about it and tell the whole world!!
And these, my lovely blog readers, are the top 20 products!!
Of course, there are the very chio stuff too like $10 dresses and all my Juicy products, but these are products that are useful to everyone! By everyone I mean everyone who has a use for them la. Mostly females. Hahaha!
What it is: Metal wires have an electrical current running through them after you turn the apparatus on. Holding the handle, smack or swipe the air where the insect you wish to kill is.
Have you ever seen a mosquito that bit you, and as you try to smack it, it flies away, ESCAPING THE HORRIBLE DEATH IT DESERVES???
With the Electronic Bug Zapper Racket, that incident happening to you just reduced like 100%.
This is what happened to me:
The fun doesn't stop with the sadistic pleasure that's associated with bug-killing.
Oh no of course not!
Not only does the mosquito get electrocuted as it flies unwittingly through the racket, it EXPLODES WITH A LOUD POP AND EMITS A BRIGHT BLUE SPARK!!
It's almost like insect fireworks, except much better.
The dead mozzie then floats to the floor, where you can pick it up with a tissue and at the same time, squash it to see how much blood it drew from you.
Loudly, you can ask the mosquito, "IS IT WORTH IT TO DIE LIKE THIS FOR THIS MEASLY AMOUNT OF MY BLOOD, HUH, HUH?!?!?!"
Rhetorical, of course. The mosquito is dead and cannot answer.
I bought this racket since around 1 year ago, and the amount of insects it had helped me kill probably consisted of 10% of the insects in the world.
It also works on:
- Cockroaches (yes it does! Mike killed a baby one just a few weeks ago. As for the adult ones, the racket burns it feelers so it gets disoriented, then you can go ahead and smack it with newspaper.)
- Golden beetles
- Moths (killed after like 7 sparks, one with each of its feeble attempts to escape, until it decides death is better)
- Baby lizards (never tried on bigger ones)
- Flies
- Flying ants
- Humans you don't like
Hiyah it can be used on ANYTHING LAH! And the best part is, the racket doesn't seem to get dirty! I thought with each kill the racket is going to get steadily more and more disgusting, but it seems to look just as pristine as the blessed day I bought it.
Available at: Mustafa and other neighbourhoodish household stores. I even saw pink ones can!? Requires D-sized batteries but can be used for a long time unless you stay at some insect-infested place. $3 or something cheap like that.
What it is: Extra-large wad of cotton on top of a plastic stick. Feel free to use it to dig anything.
I don't know who set the standard size for cotton buds, but it is too fucking small!! Cmon, whose ear crevice is that tiny?
Guardian decided it's time for a revolution!!
When I first saw the XL cotton buds, I wanted to get it coz I use cotton buds to clean my nostrils (since, fragile from the nose job I can't dig them) and the normal buds are simply too small and flimsy!
Then, I put another one into my ear to try.
3 secs later I shouted at Mike, "BABY YOU HAVE TO TRY USING THIS!!!"
It was really fun to watch coz he was groaning and making shiok faces, hahaha!
We never looked back since and now, we scoff at normal-sized cotton buds.
You know what they say... "Once you go black you can't go back"! Same theory.
Available at: Guardian of course. $1.95
What it is: A pink and chio extension cord
I bought this at some random neighbourhood appliance shop, so I don't know where you can get it, but it's only 5 bucks!!
And it's transparent pink, and and... it can plug in any sort of plug, including the US ones!!
However, I've heard horror stories about the illegal cords exploding and burning down houses before... It seems to work fine for me leh! And it's pink so it's matchy matchy my room! :D
Available at: I really don't know where you can find it, but I bought it along Bedok reservior road.
What it is: A little flat baggie with a multitude of transparent compartments that can be used to put whatever you like.
After years and years of searching, I've found the best storage solution for earrings!!
Before this, I put my earrings on those metal rolley things, like this:

Unfortunately, the problem with those things is that it uses to much space to be put into cupboards, and if you leave it on a table it will get very dusty and dirty.
Worst of all, the earrings after a while start to rot because of the humidity in the air!!
Tadah!! Solution!! This way it won't take up much space at all, and you can see all the earrings at one go without having to spin!!
Wait till you hear the price.
Available at: DAISO outlets!! $2 of course!! CHEAP CHEAP!!
What it is: Amazing moisturizer that can make your face slim down.
I don't know if it works for everyone, but this magical cream has a measuring tape inside it to guarantee that your face will lose at least 1 cm after usage!! Amazing not!!
Qihua swears by it.
Only problem is that it is a tad oily. I only use it on the sides of my face when I feel extra fat.
Available at: City Plaza's those rubbish perfume stores you know? $28. At Watsons or Guardian also have... $40 there!
What it is: Portable game console
Best purchase EVER!!!
So far not a day of my life has been bored since I have my DS Lite to accompany me through queue-waiting, shitting-time, etc!!
I've introduced... 8 people to buy the DS, and everyone loves it!!! (NINTENDO PLEASE REWARD ME DUH!!!)
Besides awesome games like Super Mario/Phoenix Wright (playing Apollo Justice now, for those of you who know. It's awesome!! thanks Timmy!!)/bomberman/Mario kart etc etc etc, the DS can also be used to play songs and videos!
Is it more fun than the PSP? Yes, I'd definitely say so, and everyone who owns both consoles all agree with me.
Comes in a variety of fun colours so there is one for everyone!!
Baby pink (mine, but without crystals of course)
Baby blue
Red and Black
Metallic Rose (like reddish brown colour)
Navy Blue
Yellow (limited edition only avail in Japan's Pokemon centers)
I LOVE MY DS SO MUCH! I never ever leave the house without it.
Available at: Sim Lim, or other electronic stores. Around $310 for everything included - $210 for empty set without R4 card or memory card.
What it is: Double layer panty liner!! Rhymes too!
I don't know about girls who don't use panty liners, but girls who do, swear by them. I'm one of them!
What we hate though, is when you had a long day, and you wanna have a change of liners, but didn't bring any.
A genius at Sofy then thought, "Well, since pantyliners are so goddamn cheap, why not stick two layers as one?"
It is an amazing idea!!!
Now, if you feel like the first layer is dirty, just peel it off, and there you go... second layer spanking clean!!
Not only that... if you get your period on the first layer... Don't fret; just peel!
If you go into a coffee shop toilet and there is no toilet paper?
At the very least you have always your top layer of liner to wipe on. :) (OEI! Stop judging me! Better than don't wipe right?!?!?)
Available at: Guardian/Watsons. $3 like that for 52 pieces.
What it is: A portable hair curler, for curling on-the-go.
Does your curled hair always go limp in the middle of the day? Or are you always late because you are curling your hair before leaving the house?
Now you don't have to be!! Hair curling can now be done on the taxi (or on the MRT/bus if you are more buay paiseh) to save you precious make-up time!
Not only that, if preverts try to molest you you can stuff this hot tong up their asshole!!
Or... You can meet your date on time, then quickly disappear into the toilet for 15 mins and come back out with amazing hair. Isn't it so awesome?!
Comes with safety lid, so after using you can put it straight back into your bag.
Now Braun came up with a straightening iron that's portable too!! I love them all!
Available at: I bought mine at Mustafa. $89 or something...
What it is: Extra hard nail polish from Sally Hansen
There is no arguing what the best nail polish is. OPI, of course! But OPI only gives very vivid, long-lasting colours... not sure about the strength.
Sally Hansen's HARD AS WRAPS nail polish is damn amazing though!! It is ALMOST like acrylic nails... it is so goddamn hard!!
Nail breakages no more!
Expensive though, but still much cheaper than acrylic.
Available at: Guardian? Watsons? Everywhere also have la... $17 I think.
What it is: Your secret to an awesome tan
It's an open secret. Have you been to the beach/pool and seen loads of tanned, golden bodies lazing around?
Beside them is always this little bottle of tanning elixir.
How do I get my tan? Banana boat la!
My favourite activity is to go to my condo's pool with girlfriends (or gay friends) and laze around.
Armed with...
Another good product! Despite the dumb name, this is a totally awesome MP3 player! $99 only!
Pictured here with my $75 Sennheiser baby pink ear phones (zhng-ed with diamantes) which are also super awesome and totally worth its price.

The best thing about it is that it has a really good speaker for such a tiny player. I love to put the speaker to max volume and listen to disgusting Chinese pop songs. I don't care if other pool dwellers (usually none as people got to work) don't like it. They can buy their own Stone Plus if they want!!
Anyway, I don't use earphones at the pool because my hands are all oily!
Batteries last for around 4 hours playing on the speaker, no problem.
Better than iPod coz I don't need to use bloody iTunes to upload songs! (Drag and drop)
So anyway, as I was saying about my favourite activity...
I like to laze beside the pool, half submerged in water, listening to music, and gossiping with girlfriends/Mike.
The sun will be a-shining and I will become steadily more golden... then beside me... a bowl of Nissin XO seafood cup noodles bought and cooked from my condo's convenience store, and a bottle of ice-cold Vanilla coke.
Back to banana boat.
Comes in varying tanning n00bness starting from SPF 8 (if I am not wrong.. green cap) to SPF 4, to SPF 0 (red cap) for hardcore tanner!
SPF 0 tends to give me sunburn, so I usually stick to 4, unless T-I-N-S. (Tanning lingo: There Is No Sun)
Is it possible to tan without the oil? No... not for me anyway. I just turn lobster red and peel afterwards. But not with the oil. Turn golden!
Here's a little trick. Instead of spraying onto your body, which in my opinion wastes a lot of the oil, spray into your palms and rub it onto your skin. Remember to reapply every half hour!
Available at: Watsons and Guardian. $11.
What it is: Bottle for nail polish remover
Self-explanatory. Press down and remover comes up.
Hate that whole process where I open and close the cap of the polish remover while removing nail polish, then finally, spill the whole bottle. Don't laugh! Happened many times! Very smelly and melts plastic lor!!
Available at: Sasa. Around $3??
What it is: How applicators should all be
Finally! Someone realised that applicators without caps are staining things left right center!
Now you don't have to find a particular applicator for a particular colour. All on one jolly good stick.
Available at: Sasa again. I think its $3.80.
What it is: A portable book light
Got a sleeping someone beside you but you want a book to read before going to bed?
This is perfect!
Also good for scaring your partner by shining under your face, if you want.
Batteries lasted me for half a year and still going strong.
Available at: Giant/Carrefour. $13+ if I'm not wrong.
What it is: A portable epilator! God bless engineers!
Finally! The day has arrived! Epilators are really a god-sent.
For those of you who don't know - epilators pluck out hairs, except it's a many at a time. A spinning mechanism kiaps the hairs as you roll the epilator across your skin. Voila! Hairless armpits! In 2 mins or less!
It sounds painful, but imho, better than plucking right?
What's even better than corded epilators? Cordless ones!
Available at: I don't know. Courts? I forgot the price but it's like $60. Awesome for travelling.
What it is: Cheapest blushers ever
$2 blushers. Colours look awful here but look good when applied (not heavily la of course).
Light pink on the apples of the cheek, and the dark ones to accentuate cheekbones. I love them!!
Available at: Daiso la! $2 each!
What it is: Your solution to an ungainly moustache.
Black eyebrows look DISGUSTING when you have dyed brown/blonde hair.
So dye your brows too!
Why pay so much to dye your brows at Browhaus (whatever that place is called) when you can DIY at home?
Just bleach them until they turn the colour of your hair (range from dark brown to blonde la... obviously not colours like purple/red), and wash off!
Excess can be used to also bleach your moustache, arm hairs, pubes etc if you want. Hahaha!
Available at: Mustafa. $13 or something. Can be used many times, unless you have an extremely thick unibrow...
What it is: Binds up ugly wires!
Remember that incident where a dead lizard was trapped in the midst of my computer wires and was radiating the worst smell ever??
From then on I had enough of long wires/cords!! Why the hell do they always have to be so bloody LONG anyway?
Bind up everything with these cute colourful binds, and everything will be much neater and of course, not tangled!
Available at: Daiso. $2! That place is awesome.
What it is: Best books ever
Ok, I just had to add these in. I love my Harry Potter books and have read each one at least 10 times already. I now read from 1-7, stop for a few weeks, then start from 1 again. It never gets boring!
Everyone should own a set!
Available at: All reputable book stores. Price? You can put a price to the joy Harry Potter books can bring you.
I'm not sure if this is still available. The last time I checked, back in January mind you (my gf wanted one), the uVibe was sold out throughout Singapore! I didn't know quite so many people had sore necks like me.

Available at: Osim stores. Don't buy from Mustafa as it is $89 there. Normal Osim stores only $69, or something like that.
That's it! Have fun shopping!
p/s: Yesterday I got my third XIAO SAN YUAN!! It was the shiokest game every lor!! First I got 2 of my own flowers.. MONEY!
Then got 1 more animal...
Then I GANG a 7 tong after ponging... MONEY!
Then I pong a hong zhong...
Then I self-GANG a fa cai! MONEY~!!
After I gang the fa cai, I got left 4 cards inside...
1 Bai ban, 2 Yi Tong, and 1 Er Tong
THEN I DREW ANOTHER BAI BAN!! Of course I throw the er tong right?
So wait Bai ban and Yi tong la!!
Then Chups (the guy I was playing with) throw the yi tong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Major win a lot of money!!
and let me count... 3 flowers, pong pong, half colour, xiao san yuan... 10 doubles is it??
I know. SOOoooo not interesting for non-mj-ers. Whatever!!! Makes me happy to read it!
So far, no lawyer's letter from beautiful Dawn, although she did delete the line on her blog that says she accepts my apology. Oh well!
She also added that I upped her hits to 30,000 (I upped mine too! Now 50,000! Who want to advertise??).
Since bloggers earn money based on hits, I guess I didn't cause her any losses but instead gave her some gains then, huh?? So what's there to sue about? LOL!! She ought to be thanking me, really!! -insert xanga heart smiley-
Oh dear Dawn Wayang is down! Wonder why? Anyway, the new site seems to be up here. I do not endorse anything that's written inside, as they are all lies, it seems to me. Lies! Why do you slander Dawn so, Mr Wayang?? You must be just jealous!
Here's a blog entry I wrote halfway a million years ago, to applease you all.
Sometimes, you buy some non-descript stuff and it turns out to be so absolutely fantastic and so wu chao suo zhi (value for money) that you just wanna rave about it and tell the whole world!!
And these, my lovely blog readers, are the top 20 products!!
Of course, there are the very chio stuff too like $10 dresses and all my Juicy products, but these are products that are useful to everyone! By everyone I mean everyone who has a use for them la. Mostly females. Hahaha!
1) Electric bug-zapper thingy

What it is: Metal wires have an electrical current running through them after you turn the apparatus on. Holding the handle, smack or swipe the air where the insect you wish to kill is.
Have you ever seen a mosquito that bit you, and as you try to smack it, it flies away, ESCAPING THE HORRIBLE DEATH IT DESERVES???
With the Electronic Bug Zapper Racket, that incident happening to you just reduced like 100%.
This is what happened to me:
- Mozzie bit me.
- I saw it land on the side of my couch.
- Couch is soft and white.
- If I attempt to smack Mozzie it won't die (due to soft surface) and even if it does, couch gets stained.
- Take bug zapper.
The fun doesn't stop with the sadistic pleasure that's associated with bug-killing.
Oh no of course not!
Not only does the mosquito get electrocuted as it flies unwittingly through the racket, it EXPLODES WITH A LOUD POP AND EMITS A BRIGHT BLUE SPARK!!
It's almost like insect fireworks, except much better.
The dead mozzie then floats to the floor, where you can pick it up with a tissue and at the same time, squash it to see how much blood it drew from you.
Loudly, you can ask the mosquito, "IS IT WORTH IT TO DIE LIKE THIS FOR THIS MEASLY AMOUNT OF MY BLOOD, HUH, HUH?!?!?!"
Rhetorical, of course. The mosquito is dead and cannot answer.
I bought this racket since around 1 year ago, and the amount of insects it had helped me kill probably consisted of 10% of the insects in the world.
It also works on:
- Cockroaches (yes it does! Mike killed a baby one just a few weeks ago. As for the adult ones, the racket burns it feelers so it gets disoriented, then you can go ahead and smack it with newspaper.)
- Golden beetles
- Moths (killed after like 7 sparks, one with each of its feeble attempts to escape, until it decides death is better)
- Baby lizards (never tried on bigger ones)
- Flies
- Flying ants
- Humans you don't like
Hiyah it can be used on ANYTHING LAH! And the best part is, the racket doesn't seem to get dirty! I thought with each kill the racket is going to get steadily more and more disgusting, but it seems to look just as pristine as the blessed day I bought it.
Available at: Mustafa and other neighbourhoodish household stores. I even saw pink ones can!? Requires D-sized batteries but can be used for a long time unless you stay at some insect-infested place. $3 or something cheap like that.
2) Guardian Extra-Large Cotton Tips

On the shelf, hidden innocently among it's inferior friends

A comparison to normal-sized Q-tips

On the shelf, hidden innocently among it's inferior friends

A comparison to normal-sized Q-tips
What it is: Extra-large wad of cotton on top of a plastic stick. Feel free to use it to dig anything.
I don't know who set the standard size for cotton buds, but it is too fucking small!! Cmon, whose ear crevice is that tiny?
Guardian decided it's time for a revolution!!
When I first saw the XL cotton buds, I wanted to get it coz I use cotton buds to clean my nostrils (since, fragile from the nose job I can't dig them) and the normal buds are simply too small and flimsy!
Then, I put another one into my ear to try.
3 secs later I shouted at Mike, "BABY YOU HAVE TO TRY USING THIS!!!"
It was really fun to watch coz he was groaning and making shiok faces, hahaha!
We never looked back since and now, we scoff at normal-sized cotton buds.
You know what they say... "Once you go black you can't go back"! Same theory.
Available at: Guardian of course. $1.95
3) Illegal extension cord

What it is: A pink and chio extension cord
I bought this at some random neighbourhood appliance shop, so I don't know where you can get it, but it's only 5 bucks!!
And it's transparent pink, and and... it can plug in any sort of plug, including the US ones!!
However, I've heard horror stories about the illegal cords exploding and burning down houses before... It seems to work fine for me leh! And it's pink so it's matchy matchy my room! :D
Available at: I really don't know where you can find it, but I bought it along Bedok reservior road.
4) Earring/assorted rubbish holder

Hanging on my wardrobe door

Hanging on my wardrobe door
What it is: A little flat baggie with a multitude of transparent compartments that can be used to put whatever you like.
After years and years of searching, I've found the best storage solution for earrings!!
Before this, I put my earrings on those metal rolley things, like this:
Unfortunately, the problem with those things is that it uses to much space to be put into cupboards, and if you leave it on a table it will get very dusty and dirty.
Worst of all, the earrings after a while start to rot because of the humidity in the air!!
Tadah!! Solution!! This way it won't take up much space at all, and you can see all the earrings at one go without having to spin!!
Wait till you hear the price.
Available at: DAISO outlets!! $2 of course!! CHEAP CHEAP!!
5) Bioessense face-lifting cream

What it is: Amazing moisturizer that can make your face slim down.
I don't know if it works for everyone, but this magical cream has a measuring tape inside it to guarantee that your face will lose at least 1 cm after usage!! Amazing not!!
Qihua swears by it.
Only problem is that it is a tad oily. I only use it on the sides of my face when I feel extra fat.
Available at: City Plaza's those rubbish perfume stores you know? $28. At Watsons or Guardian also have... $40 there!
6) Nintendo DS Lite

What it is: Portable game console
Best purchase EVER!!!
So far not a day of my life has been bored since I have my DS Lite to accompany me through queue-waiting, shitting-time, etc!!
I've introduced... 8 people to buy the DS, and everyone loves it!!! (NINTENDO PLEASE REWARD ME DUH!!!)
Besides awesome games like Super Mario/Phoenix Wright (playing Apollo Justice now, for those of you who know. It's awesome!! thanks Timmy!!)/bomberman/Mario kart etc etc etc, the DS can also be used to play songs and videos!
Is it more fun than the PSP? Yes, I'd definitely say so, and everyone who owns both consoles all agree with me.
Comes in a variety of fun colours so there is one for everyone!!
Baby pink (mine, but without crystals of course)
Baby blue
Red and Black
Metallic Rose (like reddish brown colour)
Navy Blue
Yellow (limited edition only avail in Japan's Pokemon centers)
I LOVE MY DS SO MUCH! I never ever leave the house without it.
Available at: Sim Lim, or other electronic stores. Around $310 for everything included - $210 for empty set without R4 card or memory card.
7) Sofy Double Fresh Pantyliner
(Boys please skip to 8, oh wait that's a hair curler...)

(Boys please skip to 8, oh wait that's a hair curler...)

What it is: Double layer panty liner!! Rhymes too!
I don't know about girls who don't use panty liners, but girls who do, swear by them. I'm one of them!
What we hate though, is when you had a long day, and you wanna have a change of liners, but didn't bring any.
A genius at Sofy then thought, "Well, since pantyliners are so goddamn cheap, why not stick two layers as one?"
It is an amazing idea!!!
Now, if you feel like the first layer is dirty, just peel it off, and there you go... second layer spanking clean!!
Not only that... if you get your period on the first layer... Don't fret; just peel!
If you go into a coffee shop toilet and there is no toilet paper?
At the very least you have always your top layer of liner to wipe on. :) (OEI! Stop judging me! Better than don't wipe right?!?!?)
Available at: Guardian/Watsons. $3 like that for 52 pieces.
8) Braun hair curler

What it is: A portable hair curler, for curling on-the-go.
Does your curled hair always go limp in the middle of the day? Or are you always late because you are curling your hair before leaving the house?
Now you don't have to be!! Hair curling can now be done on the taxi (or on the MRT/bus if you are more buay paiseh) to save you precious make-up time!
Not only that, if preverts try to molest you you can stuff this hot tong up their asshole!!
Or... You can meet your date on time, then quickly disappear into the toilet for 15 mins and come back out with amazing hair. Isn't it so awesome?!
Comes with safety lid, so after using you can put it straight back into your bag.
Now Braun came up with a straightening iron that's portable too!! I love them all!
Available at: I bought mine at Mustafa. $89 or something...
9) Sally Hansen Hard As Wraps nail polish

What it is: Extra hard nail polish from Sally Hansen
There is no arguing what the best nail polish is. OPI, of course! But OPI only gives very vivid, long-lasting colours... not sure about the strength.
Sally Hansen's HARD AS WRAPS nail polish is damn amazing though!! It is ALMOST like acrylic nails... it is so goddamn hard!!
Nail breakages no more!
Expensive though, but still much cheaper than acrylic.
Available at: Guardian? Watsons? Everywhere also have la... $17 I think.
10) Banana Boat tanning oil in SPF 4

What it is: Your secret to an awesome tan
It's an open secret. Have you been to the beach/pool and seen loads of tanned, golden bodies lazing around?
Beside them is always this little bottle of tanning elixir.
How do I get my tan? Banana boat la!
My favourite activity is to go to my condo's pool with girlfriends (or gay friends) and laze around.
Armed with...
11) Creative Zen Stone Plus

Another good product! Despite the dumb name, this is a totally awesome MP3 player! $99 only!
Pictured here with my $75 Sennheiser baby pink ear phones (zhng-ed with diamantes) which are also super awesome and totally worth its price.

The best thing about it is that it has a really good speaker for such a tiny player. I love to put the speaker to max volume and listen to disgusting Chinese pop songs. I don't care if other pool dwellers (usually none as people got to work) don't like it. They can buy their own Stone Plus if they want!!
Anyway, I don't use earphones at the pool because my hands are all oily!
Batteries last for around 4 hours playing on the speaker, no problem.
Better than iPod coz I don't need to use bloody iTunes to upload songs! (Drag and drop)
So anyway, as I was saying about my favourite activity...
I like to laze beside the pool, half submerged in water, listening to music, and gossiping with girlfriends/Mike.
The sun will be a-shining and I will become steadily more golden... then beside me... a bowl of Nissin XO seafood cup noodles bought and cooked from my condo's convenience store, and a bottle of ice-cold Vanilla coke.
Back to banana boat.
Comes in varying tanning n00bness starting from SPF 8 (if I am not wrong.. green cap) to SPF 4, to SPF 0 (red cap) for hardcore tanner!
SPF 0 tends to give me sunburn, so I usually stick to 4, unless T-I-N-S. (Tanning lingo: There Is No Sun)
Is it possible to tan without the oil? No... not for me anyway. I just turn lobster red and peel afterwards. But not with the oil. Turn golden!
Here's a little trick. Instead of spraying onto your body, which in my opinion wastes a lot of the oil, spray into your palms and rub it onto your skin. Remember to reapply every half hour!
Available at: Watsons and Guardian. $11.
12) Nail polish remover bottle

What it is: Bottle for nail polish remover
Self-explanatory. Press down and remover comes up.
Hate that whole process where I open and close the cap of the polish remover while removing nail polish, then finally, spill the whole bottle. Don't laugh! Happened many times! Very smelly and melts plastic lor!!
Available at: Sasa. Around $3??
13) Applicators

What it is: How applicators should all be
Finally! Someone realised that applicators without caps are staining things left right center!
Now you don't have to find a particular applicator for a particular colour. All on one jolly good stick.
Available at: Sasa again. I think its $3.80.
14) Energizer book light

What it is: A portable book light
Got a sleeping someone beside you but you want a book to read before going to bed?
This is perfect!
Also good for scaring your partner by shining under your face, if you want.
Batteries lasted me for half a year and still going strong.
Available at: Giant/Carrefour. $13+ if I'm not wrong.
15) Panasonic Epilator

What it is: A portable epilator! God bless engineers!
Finally! The day has arrived! Epilators are really a god-sent.
For those of you who don't know - epilators pluck out hairs, except it's a many at a time. A spinning mechanism kiaps the hairs as you roll the epilator across your skin. Voila! Hairless armpits! In 2 mins or less!
It sounds painful, but imho, better than plucking right?
What's even better than corded epilators? Cordless ones!
Available at: I don't know. Courts? I forgot the price but it's like $60. Awesome for travelling.
16) Daiso blushers

What it is: Cheapest blushers ever
$2 blushers. Colours look awful here but look good when applied (not heavily la of course).
Light pink on the apples of the cheek, and the dark ones to accentuate cheekbones. I love them!!
Available at: Daiso la! $2 each!
17) Sally Hansen Creme Hair Bleach

What it is: Your solution to an ungainly moustache.
Black eyebrows look DISGUSTING when you have dyed brown/blonde hair.
So dye your brows too!
Why pay so much to dye your brows at Browhaus (whatever that place is called) when you can DIY at home?
Just bleach them until they turn the colour of your hair (range from dark brown to blonde la... obviously not colours like purple/red), and wash off!
Excess can be used to also bleach your moustache, arm hairs, pubes etc if you want. Hahaha!
Available at: Mustafa. $13 or something. Can be used many times, unless you have an extremely thick unibrow...
18) Daiso wire binds

What it is: Binds up ugly wires!
Remember that incident where a dead lizard was trapped in the midst of my computer wires and was radiating the worst smell ever??
From then on I had enough of long wires/cords!! Why the hell do they always have to be so bloody LONG anyway?
Bind up everything with these cute colourful binds, and everything will be much neater and of course, not tangled!
Available at: Daiso. $2! That place is awesome.
19) Set of Harry Potter books

What it is: Best books ever
Ok, I just had to add these in. I love my Harry Potter books and have read each one at least 10 times already. I now read from 1-7, stop for a few weeks, then start from 1 again. It never gets boring!
Everyone should own a set!
Available at: All reputable book stores. Price? You can put a price to the joy Harry Potter books can bring you.
20) OSIM uVibe
What it is: An extra-strong neck massager
I'll let the website explain:

Ahem! It can be used in the following places...

I personally like using it on my sole. Hahaha!!
What it is: An extra-strong neck massager
I'll let the website explain:

Ahem! It can be used in the following places...

I personally like using it on my sole. Hahaha!!
I'm not sure if this is still available. The last time I checked, back in January mind you (my gf wanted one), the uVibe was sold out throughout Singapore! I didn't know quite so many people had sore necks like me.

Available at: Osim stores. Don't buy from Mustafa as it is $89 there. Normal Osim stores only $69, or something like that.
That's it! Have fun shopping!
p/s: Yesterday I got my third XIAO SAN YUAN!! It was the shiokest game every lor!! First I got 2 of my own flowers.. MONEY!
Then got 1 more animal...
Then I GANG a 7 tong after ponging... MONEY!
Then I pong a hong zhong...
Then I self-GANG a fa cai! MONEY~!!
After I gang the fa cai, I got left 4 cards inside...
1 Bai ban, 2 Yi Tong, and 1 Er Tong
THEN I DREW ANOTHER BAI BAN!! Of course I throw the er tong right?
So wait Bai ban and Yi tong la!!
Then Chups (the guy I was playing with) throw the yi tong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Major win a lot of money!!
and let me count... 3 flowers, pong pong, half colour, xiao san yuan... 10 doubles is it??
I know. SOOoooo not interesting for non-mj-ers. Whatever!!! Makes me happy to read it!
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