And let's hope Will Smith can save us from whatever aliens attack.
I'm back in Santa Monica and hard at work on book #3. We will be having zazen on Saturday in spite of the fact that no one in their right mind would stick around on the big holiday weekend.
The fires near Tassajara are still burning away. The place got evacuated almost as soon as I arrived. Those of you looking for up-to-the-moment reports can check out the "Sitting With Fire" blog they set up.
Someone wrote me while I was away bemoaning the fact that people were posting numbers in the comments section of this blog. Like if their comment is #175, they just post the number 175 and the next guy posts 176 and so on. I've seen that too. What is that? I'm not even interested enough to bother deleting it. I'll never be able to comprehend most of what people do on the Internet anyway.
There was a big parade here today. Dah-dah-dah-daaaahhhhhhhh!!!!