Every couple months someone writes me to say that they tried to order Gudo Nishijima’s translation of Shobogenzo from Amazon but that the only thing they came up when they searched was a used copy for $187 or some such thing. I really don’t understand this. The original run of the books sold out ages ago. That’s what the crumb bums out there are fobbing off as “collectibles.” But new copies have been available as print on demand books for a few years. Whenever I search “Shobogenzo” on Amazon these are the first things that pop up.

I just went and did it again and the first three volumes came up right away. Here are the links:

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Volume 4 indeed showed up only as a high priced collectible when I checked Amazon today. But that shouldn’t be the case. I’ll check into it.

In any case, info on ordering volume 4 from other sites appears here on Windbell Publications’ site. It’s also listed at Amazon UK for a reasonable price. OK?
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