...to be interviewed about Live Nude Girl for Vocalo, hot on the heels of yesterday's Talk of the Nation appearance. Thanks, Vocalo. And extra thanks to Robin Amer for giving me a tour of the Chicago Public Radio offices while I was there, especially for showing me Peter Sagal's desk which I really wanted to take a picture of, except I decided maybe that would be weird? So here is this picture of a lighthouse instead:
Also, here is a link to post on the "Words, Emotions, Regurgitations, Et al" blog relating to the part in LNG where I talk about Elfriede Jelinek's (scary, depressing, accurate) formulation of the "relationship between man and woman as a Hegelian relationship between man and slave" and her assertion that "As long as men are able to increase their sexual value through work, fame or wealth, while women are only powerful through their body, beauty and youth, nothing will change." Thanks, Melanie.
And here is a link to a short review (compressed from the LA Times one) of LNG that ran a couple days ago in the Baltimore Sun. Thanks, Person Who Takes Longer Reviews and Compacts Them into Reusable Shorter Ones.
And last but not least, although it's technically not related to Live Nude Girl or In the Devil's Territory, my poetry collection, Oneiromance (an epithalamion) made the Small Press Distribution top 30 poetry bestsellers list! Weighing in at lucky number 13, it is two slots behind Zach Schomberg and one ahead of Sherman Alexie. My fellow Switchbacker Monica de la Torre is #25. Thanks, People Who Buy Poetry.
Tomorrow night at 7, Kyle and I will be reading at Shaman Drum Bookstore in Ann Arbor with Dan Wickett. We hope to see you there. In the meantime, we will be keeping our feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars, etc.