That's the first line of the Frank Sinatra song "New York, New York." Actually, I'm sure Frank didn't write it.
Tonight (March 26, 2009 Thurs) at 7 I'll be at East/West Books, 78 5th Avenue (at 14th St.) New York, NY 10011. You better be there, or else!
Tomorrow is Monmouth College in West Long Branch NJ at 6 pm, the next day is the Brooklyn Zen Center at 11 am, and Sunday is at the Traditional Chinese Cultural Center in Washington DC at 10 am. Attendance at all functions is mandatory. You will not be released from the cycle of birth and death unless you're there! All the info you need is linked on the very first link over there to your left<<<<<<<<
Last night at the Interdependence Project was cool and groovey. That's one of my favorite venues. Friendly folks and great questions. Sold a couple-few books too, which is nice.
New York City is fun. It's cloudy outside today! After living so long on the West Coast that seems almost exotic. Last night I was introduced as being from the West Coast, which I almost resented seeing as I grew up mostly in Ohio. But maybe it's the tan. I don't sun myself. But it's sunny there and I spend a lot of time outside so to people "back east" I look all toasty.
I did an interview for a local public access TV show called A Better World and the interviewer asked, "Why Buddhism?" Why don't I just get rid of the silly robes and the other trappings and just teach, y'know, awakening and stuff (actually he didn't talk that way, I just can't recall what he said exactly).
I've thought about this a lot. In many ways I'm very much inclined to do just that, to ditch the whole Buddhism thing and go off on my own. To disrobe (heh-heh) as they say. But I feel that wouldn't be entirely honest. I know that one woman whose name I can never recall, the former student of Kapleau... dammit. People have told me her name at least half a dozen times and it instantly leaves my memory banks. Anyway I know she famously did that, got rid of all the Buddhist stuff and just teaches. And what I've seen of her work is very good (you can tell I've read a lot of it, can't you?).
But for me, it wouldn't work. I am a Buddhist. I accepted Dharma Transmission from a Buddhist Master and if I were to deny that I accepted that I'd be lying. People sometimes think I'm bragging when I say this. But really I'm almost embarrassed that I did this. It is very much out of character. I didn't ask for it. In fact I took a year or so to finally accept it when it was offered. But I did it and now I have to face the consequences.
It's an honor, sure. But it's also a burden. For better or worse I am part of something, a movement maybe, or a sub culture... I don't know for sure. Not a religion. But something else. And it doesn't belong to me.
By the way, I just got some terrible news. They've announced the cast for the Three Stooges Movie that's to begin shooting this year or next. Sean Penn will play Larry Fine, Jim Carrey will be Curly Howard and Moe will be played by Benicio Del Toro. It will not be a biopic, but will be a comedy with those three essaying the roles of the Stooges. I'm not making this up.
Please God, no!!!!!!!!
Whatever. I gotta get out of this dog goned hotel room. See ya tonight!