Yep, that's right cats and kittens, I'm back in Japan! And boy are my arms tired.
The flight I was on was full of junior high students so I got bumped up to business class. Classy!
Actually I've always had complete contempt for people who ride first or business class*. It just seems to wasteful and elitist. Yet there I was, up front with all the wasteful elitists. They even close off the doors between the two classes so those of us in business don't have to be bothered by seeing the suffering of the riff-raff in back of the plane. I did an interview in Montreal once where I was asked, "They say the Dalai Lama does meditation when he flies on planes. Do you do that?"
To which I answered, "The Dalai Lama probably flies first class. There's room to do meditation in those seats. I'm always in coach!"
But no, I did not do zazen in my giant wasteful seat. Couldn't have if I'd tried! The "full bed" function on those is better than you get in cattle car class, but not all that great. It's sorta tilted forward so you're always just about to slide out.
Anyway, that'll probably be my last chance to fly business class unless I get another plane full of pre-teens someday.
My European Tour of 2009 is now over. But it looks like there may be another in 2010. I'll keep you posted as news develops.
*Oh stop getting your panties in a twist! I don't really hate those people. It's just a reaction I have that goes way back. It's hard to get rid of these things.