And lunch. And dinner, midnight snack and brunch on Saturday and Sunday.
Yesterday (Tuesday), I topped the super hot athletic dude in the pic above. Honestly, guys I can't fffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkkkkiiiiiiinnnnnnnngggggggg believe it! This bro was SO incredibly hot, I was waiting for the bow chicka bow wow music to start when I opened the door. Yeah, I saw the body pic he sent in the email, but nuh uh. It wasn't even close to the heaven peering across the threshhold at me. Everything about this guy was beautiful, down to his breath and asshole (more on that in a minute).
I almost blew him off because I took him to be more bottom, which he was. In the email, he eventually told me he was more in the mood to take dick. Despite telling him I preferred to get and give, he convinced me he was versatile and popped over.
Flash forward to our first kiss. Picture it! It was around 12 noon, we were sitting on the bed side by side after a few minutes of easy chat and then it was just on. Very gently. Very lightly. Tasting the insides of each other's mouths. Hands started roaming and he went down on me first. More kissing. More groping. Flash forward again. Yadda yadda yadda. We're both naked. We swap head and boom! He jumps up and takes off his clothes.
And now a moment.
I swear I heard the Heavenly Chorus singing Ooompah Ooompah to Gloria in Excelsis Deo looking at that bro (inside joke). Not only were his legs and ass very muscular, but his chest and biceps looked inflated with a tire pump and his hole was...adorable! I mean, can rosebuds be adorable? It was powder pink, super clean (with a sexy little mole on it) and delicious. So I did what any man in my position would do. I ate the fuck out of it. His pleasure was so intense that he stopped fiddling with my dick (fiddling? what am I 85?) and just collapsed chest-first into the bed, giving me even better access to it. Finally comes the part we've all been waiting for. Yes, The Topping. It's like a coronation, only without the tiara and scept...okay only without the tiara (blush).
So I'm fucking him doggy style, right? And he's saying all the things I say when I'm getting fucked royally* by someone who's (*wearing a tiara) and REALLY taking care of business. "Oh. My. Fucking. God." My favorite? "I can feel you in my stomach!" Now, folks. I'm not that big. The camera phone adds weight, but still. It was a moment I think we both enjoyed. He didn't know I took a few pics. Tee hee. Ain't I a stinka?
Here's something funny. His ass kept squirting water like a pussy. Obviously it was from having cleaned himself out just before coming over. Everytime I'd pull out after having been balls deep inside him, water would gush out. It was messy, but hot because it was clean. The final straw was having him ride me for a while. Again, he lifts up and a bunch of water falls out all over my stomach. I'm still wearing a condom. He's jerking off over my chest. My thumb is up his ass and he says, "man I've gotta cum." Go for it, bro. He shot a pretty nice wad. Some of which ended up on my face. I finished myself off in the bag.
And scene.
To wrap up the day's activities: Around 11:15a I bottomed once with a condom (I didn't cum). Approximately 12n I topped with a condom (and busted). About 2p I bottomed without a condom (didn't cum). Then around 3:30p-ish I jerked off (and came again). Yeah. I know. You don't have to say it.
Here's a clip of a guy here in Boston I used to fuck around with before he met his current bf. His porn name is Maverick. He's the one with the gray hair and the HUGE dick. It's super hot to see him and his man making videos. I'll absolutely be renting them.