Besides being a favorite tune of mine by Shakira, it's something I'm always wondering about. What do certain people look like under their clothes? This big, tall guy was on the train next to me last week. Admittedly, the way his clothes were hanging on him didn't reveal any bulges or anything like that, but that doesn't always mean anything. How many times have you been pleasantly surprised to get someone naked and realize s/he had a lot more to offer than you expected?
Speaking of hot, just tonight I was reminded of my last cop sex experience. There have only been 2.5: One didn't count. The best policeman hookup was several years ago when I was living in Dorchester. I had the day off and was up to the usual mischief that ensues when I've got too much me in my hands. I got a response from a Craigslist ad I'd posted about a day earlier. The guy said he wanted to come over and get head. He sent his stats, they were hot, I said let's do it. He warned me he was "on duty." I didn't put 2 and 2 together, but I was like, buddy, whatever. Just get your dick over here. Maybe 15-30 minutes later I get the text, "I'm across the street." So I walk downstairs and peer through the door's window. At first I didn't see him (it was a little window). Then I noticed a hot officer crossing the street.
Oh dayum.
Of course I had a few thoughts of whether I'd get in trouble, but I was also aware that nothing we were doing was illegal. It's perfectly okay to have sex with a police officer. It might've been more of a hassle for him to be fucking around on company time, but oh well. I let him in and we headed upstairs. He didn't really appear too nervous, which was great. He also didn't look like he did it all the time either...unlike me. After another minute, he sat on the bed in front of me and I was like, "so how do you want this? Standing up? Lying back? 69" on and on. (Hey, I believe in the power of options). His response was something like, I don't know. lol. Funny and endearing I guess. It didn't take too much figuring out, since these things kinda just go the way they go: Somebody pulls a dick out of somewhere; it gets put in something (mouth, ass...usually just those two); nutt is produced, ingested (or used as facial mask, wall decoration, whatever); zippers, belt buckles, buttons, shoe strings, hair pieces are put back in place; farewells are made and that's the end of it.
I had never undone police pants and boots before. It was a fucking pain in the ass, but in a hot way if that makes any sense. Because the belt was equipped with extra fasteners, it was slower going, which added to the eroticism. With his help I finally undid the belt (watching that fucking gun the entire time) and unbuckled him. Undoing all those strings on the boots just wasn't going to happen. Maybe if we had all day, but we didn't. So we pulled his pants over those powerful furry white legs, which was even better than being fully naked. Surprisingly, he wanted to suck some dick too and he did a truly excellent job of it. I don't remember if he swallowed, but I absolutely throated every drop that flew out of that meaty dick. (I'm not going to make any allusions to a night stick. Nuh uh. Nope. Not gonna do it). Unfortunately, the whole scene only lasted about 15 minutes. Even though we never hooked up again, it's a great memory. So I'm sharing it.