When 140 Characters Just Isn't Enough


Everyone knows I'm a big fan of Twitter...

However, Twitter does have its limitations, and everyone knows what it is: It's only limited to words, links, and these all have to be within 140 characters - the same length as an sms!

As Twitter grew in popularity, people have been trying to work around its flaws, like using URL shorteners or other sites to post photos on Twitter... Singaporean users can't even use SMS for Twitter because it's a USA number!

So, to fill up this void for the more avid Twitter users, here comes MOBJET.com!!

What IS mobjet.com?

Think of it as a mixture of Twitter + whatever blog engine you are using. Twitter without a word limit, and you can post ANYTHING on it!

I'm really impressed. When they say anything, they REALLY mean anything!

You know how people nowadays are really into using their mobile phones right? Yup. So you take a video of, say, a colourful butterfly that you saw while waiting for the bus. It's gorgeous, fluttering away... And you want to post this on the internet??

Easy - through your mobile phone, send it via email to post@mobjet.com - and it will be posted on your mobjet page!

Want to record yourself singing in the bathroom and let everyone be tormented by your screechy voice? You can go ahead and do the same thing!

Now here's the MAGIC of mobjet: Not only are all uploads swift and easy, they are all CONVERTED!

Even if you have a weird mobile phone which records audio in funny formats, Mobjet automatically converts your files for you, so that when it's posted, it's a universal format, such as mp3! Thousands of formats, numerous conversions each day!

If you wish to hear an audio clip on your phone from someone else's jet (this word is used like 'tweet') and your phone only plays a weird format, Mobjet also detects your phone and plays it for you! Sounds really complicated but some geeks out there are handling it, so all you have to do is just email stuff!

Isn't that cool? As far as I know, no other website makes it SO easy for you.

Digressing, I bought new contact lens from this brand called Solotica some time ago and they just arrived! The colour is gorgeous, a very light grey. Basically everyone has been asking me to snap pictures of me wearing them, so I put on some make up and snapped shots on my webcam!!

Since I wanted to also test out Mobjet, I posted all these photos on my mobjet stream!

Here's how my page looks like now!

Neat isn't it? All I did was to post a series of photos as attachments in the same email (sent to post@mobjet.com), and they get sent as a mini photo album!

When you click on the post, here's what happens:

Getting carpal tunnel from all the clicking? You can select it to play as a slideshow.

Took a vertical photo and now it looks stupid on the internet? Rotate it!

Want to see my face in its full glory? Expand to full screen!

What I love most about Mobjet is the ability to upload MUSIC!

Or rather, I guess audio files.

I uploaded a song, and it is not only very fast and easy to do so, it is also easy to play it back... Plus they allow embedding and downloading too! Click here to hear it!

And Mobjet's launching with a big bang!

This Oct 22nd, get your ass down to
The Arena at Clarke Quay
for the Mobjet Launch Party!!!!!!!

Shan and Rozz from 98.7 FM will be hosting the event and I will be there too! I heard the hosts are supposed to grill me on stage. Gah!!

Famous Singaporean band Wicked Aura Batucada will also be there!

If you want to win free tickets to the event, all you have to do is to be a mobjet user via emailing ANYTHING you wish to to post@mobjet.com, and at least 18 years old.

To get your invite to this fab party, click HERE!

Come come come!!

And don't say I'm not letting you have a chance to win goodies!!


To win, all you have to do is to be a fan of the Mobject Facebook page, register, and GET MOBS (Followers) to follow you!!

The person who gets the most number of Unique followers win the top prize of $6,000, so it's best to start EARLY, ie NOW!

Ahem. I'm also participating in the contest so do follow me too!! MUAHAHA!! My link is HERE!!

Post salacious stuff and people will follow you - so good luck!

p/s: I shall allow soliciting of followers in the comments so feel free to link to your mobjet page and ask people to follow you!

p/p/s: Your username will automatically be your email address, so mine is "Xiaxue" coz my email is "Xiaxue@gmail.com".