Just a sexy crotch on the train from several weeks back: You know you love it.
Sunday was busy. To capsize - B woke me up at noon with a text (rude!) about how beautiful a day it was. It really was. So I agreed to hang with him. Only after agreeing, I realized I was going to have to miss out on a weed-smoking, porn-watching and dick-pulling episode with D. (In case I haven't mentioned him or you haven't been following, I mean who really knows at this point, this D is straight-identified, LOVES trannies to high heaven [swapped oral and cum with one a few weeks back], is always high [great for him, but I could never...], is a totally addicted masturbator, shoots massive and multiple loads [usually at least 2], has kids [I'm sorry; I just can't picture it] and loves bbc [yes the channel...uh no]). He's also the dude who brought a female over and fucked her raw in front of 3 of us guys while we sucked and stroked each other. Yes. Now you remember. Well, I couldn't bust one with him. I felt like it was important to try to build a friendship with B in a non sexual setting. That's something that can turn into a cool friendship.
After hanging with B for a few hours, I actually did want some sexual action. Right after making a Craigslist posting for a "Wild Fuck Group," J (the Italian guy from down the street) came over and busted another huge load on my asshole, which I greedily fingered in. Damn, I want him to fuck me one of these days. Out of the nearly 20 people who responded, there were a grand total of 7 of us, which was plenty to make an amazing group. One of my favorites, and the first to show up, was a white visitor to town of indeterminate ethnicity (Latino?) who had just arrived at his hotel before responding to my ad: sexy accent, uncut dick, big multishooter, 29 year old, fucking cute. He wanted my ass and I really wanted him to have it. We really didn't fuck because of others grabbing him and me, but his kisses were something I'd run to any day of the week. When he was having trouble getting an erection after his first nutt, I stood chest to chest with him, my face nuzzled in his neck and gave him all these super delicate kisses along his neck and shoulder. It wasn't long before his soft whimpering gave way to a full erection. Another dude there was a huge surprise. He'd been sending me messages for over 2 years off and on from my Craigslist postings. I'd never respond because the pics weren't great. The joke was on me. The guy is handsome, tatted (well, now anyway) with a shaved head, is a motorcycle rider, has lost weight and is super fun and funny. He was also the only one to fuck a load inside me. Yup. He'll be back.
The last bro to arrive was a youngish black guy with a big dick. I managed to get some of it for a few minutes. It was really all I could take. Literally, I felt like my insides were being moved around. He knew he was sizable. So he was very cool about not pounding me. He didn't bust this time around, but I'll definitely be hitting him up within a week.
And yesterday, I sucked off a married guy I know. Poor guy said he hadn't cum since his wedding anniversary: October 16th! Dayum, dude. He needs to lose about 30 pounds, but he's handsome, coaches hockey and has HUGE thighs and a nice big dick. I've got a couple of dicks on standby for today, but I'm not sure I'm going to be up for it. I mean, I have GOT to do laundry.