Had dinner with Mike at Chili's (Tanglin Mall) finally! He was sooooooo excited about eating USA food!!
To our pleasant surprise, the service there was fantastic even though it was full! (I supposed that's also mirroring the states coz service there is always awesome as people have to work for tips!)
The food was fab, ribs were tender, and the drinks are huge + unlimited refills, just like the real Chili's! Nice.
Here's our queso with unlimited corn chips. I think the one I had in texas had meat bits in it, which was nicer, but still taste pretty authentic USA!
Cheesy goodness
My crazy huge baby back ribs with 2 side dishes chosen by me :D
Mike's fajitas or whatever they are spelt. I don't really like Mexican food.
Abrupt end on this thread.
Rozz invited 10 of her friends for a nice dinner at her friend's new restaurant...
Erm it's Indian fusion food. Krish at 9 Rochester Park!
Joan and Gillian... Yes that girl on the right shot me and Kaykay's video, and is the owner of clicknetwork.tv!!
People are always expressing surprise that it's a girl who shoots such "smut". LOL!!!!
(Digressing, new videos are out, please go watch!!!!!!!)
3 of us...
Pretty but scary ceiling
Lentil soup... Nice but on top of the bread got PARSLEY!!!!!!!!
Samosa thingy... I think with eggplant?
Roast beef!! :D Very tender and yums
Rozz, her bro Ryan and Ryan's gf Steph...
Our dessert, lava cake!! I can also cook it HAHAHAHA!
Ryan said true Indian food must eat with hands, so they were making him eat the lava cake with no cutlery!
Without Rozzie outside... I love my topshop dress + matching heels (gojane.com)!!
Random pic
Went to St Regis on Dr Georgia Lee's invitation to a special premiere of Victor Victoria!!
The dress code was "Androgynous"!!!!!!
Gorgeous chandeliers
Can't really see, but famous jazz singer Laura Fygi is on stage serenading us! She even sang "The Moon Represents My Heart" can?? In pretty accurate Mandarin!
Here I am in my androgynous clothes!! Ok lah that's as androgynous as I managed to go.
The top is from F21 and the back is only a ribbon! I just saw Kristen Bell wear it on Heroes season 2! Very pleased with my own taste LOL
In preparation for Nuffnang Awards
OMG! I did so much shit before going for the Awards!! Afterall it's the first time anyone threw a gala dinner for bloggers mah!! Ahem.
Who's this frustrated-looking person??
It's FIZZY, who met up with me to design my NN awards dress!!!
He's only 21 and he already designed dresses for 2 past Ms Sg Universes!!
There he is with me!!
Fizzy is great!!! We were discussing the dress and right that night he already draped the design on a mannequin to show me!! :D :D :D
This is the kinda enthusiasm that designers need!
You can see his masterpiece on me in a bit.
Emailed Dr Georgia Lee that I want to go for lip fillers and she very kindly sponsored me!!
She's the best there is so if you wish to do aesthetic stuff such as acne treatment or fillers or whatever, here's her website!
On top of lip fillers I'm also going to undergo Ulthera, an ultrasonic treatment to reduce fats, wrinkles, and tighten skin!!
At the clinic...
Waiting inside the stylish room.
Here's Dr Lee putting a clear gel on my double chin fats and doing ulthera for me!!
It feels kinda like IPL and I won't lie, it IS painful!!
When I went home, I could literally SEE a difference in my jawline. Used to be flabby and it was tight omfg!!!!!!
I posted the picture on POTM, so if you missed it, scroll back a bit.
The thing shoots eletrical pulses DEEP into your skin.
I think Ulthera costs $3k plus... If you are interested do call them up!!
I guess those people following me on twitter already heard me raving like a mad woman about ulthera so I'd stop here.
Here's Dr Lee holding Restylane, the stuff that's in my lips now!!
Can you believe she has 2 kids?? -_- Look so young wtf...
She was so pro lor the whole procedure was done in 5 minutes flat. -_-
I had a lot more fillers this time than the last time (I requested for it) so I was walking around looking duckish for 2 days...
Here's day 1:
So in love with new lips.....!!
Went out to Aly's birthday party and scared everyone there with my face. LOL!!
Us girls at the poolside
And off to Celab Nails to bling up my nails!!
Goodbye awful self-painted nails...
Here's my glamourous manicurist Deniz, nail extraordinaire to the stars!
Chio! Looks a lot more bling irl but somehow the pictures don't do them justice.
Guess whose giant watch it is in the background??
It's Joanne Peh's! She's looking pretty even without make up!
We were chatting on Twitter about going to the NN awards together (she was nominated for best celeb blog), and it was so coincidental that she was scheduled to do her nails with Deniz after me!
Here's us with dolled up nails... Actresses quite cham, in order to look consistent in episodes they can't have crazy nails or cut/dye their hair in the middle of filming!
Thanks for the nails :D
MOBJET party
one day before NN awards!
With Mike
There's Shan and Rozz hosting, although they can't be seen much in the dark...
Was fun but I was exhausted so I went back home pretty early. Really man, I can't even club nowadays!! I'm OLD!
What's this?
It's our own limo with driver!! Thanks so much for the awesome ride Mobjet! :D
We couldn't resist camwhoring... Here's Mike acting cool with his Evian.
And me in my reclined seat! I could get used to life like this. :)
Here's one pic of me doing my hair at Mosche (67355443) before the awards... I wanted it big! I'm wearing sunglasses not to act cool but coz the fringe was poking into my eyes, ok?

Effort of so many people! HAHAHA...
Kinda regret wearing my solotica contacts though...
They don't look that fab in photos I feel.

Handsome date for the night

Who doesn't??

My table-mates. Cruz Teng (Nominee Best Celeb Blog), with date.
Kenny Sia, who won for Best Entertainment blog...

... Shaking hands with Mr Gadget, Jehzlau's Concepts looking on

Effort of so many people! HAHAHA...
Kinda regret wearing my solotica contacts though...
They don't look that fab in photos I feel.
Handsome date for the night
Who doesn't??
My table-mates. Cruz Teng (Nominee Best Celeb Blog), with date.
Kenny Sia, who won for Best Entertainment blog...
... Shaking hands with Mr Gadget, Jehzlau's Concepts looking on
Here's Mr Gadget himself with me. He won for Best Geek blog!
Mike really looks like a bodyguard can? -_-
Host Allan Wu on stage
Typical food pics
Wanted to snap a shot of the table's decor but here's Kenny making a funny face
Cruz + date
With Joanne! I hate her lor she's so effortlessly stylish even in just a pant suit.
And there she is, on stage giving a speech after winning Best Celebrity blog!
Here's one more candid shot of her with her manager...
Pic of me on stage getting an award!!
I must say I am so in love with Joanne lor... I'm not like gao poring her or anything but she actually took the initiative to help me use my camera to snap pics!!
So helpful!!!
After getting the trophies the winners are to go outside on the carpet to snap pictures, and she followed me out, with my camera, to help me snap a pic!!! Mad love!!
I am sorry I didn't help you do the same thing babe!!! T_T (Her award was before mine ok I am not so terrible, I just wasn't zi dong enough)
Here's another Joanne Peh photography pic. I think I was telling a joke or something, which nobody laughed it.
Wait Allan Wu laughed!!
Here I am with trophies for:

Trophy sharing time with Lionel, my AWESOME designer!!
- Best Original Blog Design
- Most Influential Blog
- And best of all, REGION'S BEST BLOG!!!!
Trophy sharing time with Lionel, my AWESOME designer!!
Fuck everyone who said I don't deserve to win coz I didn't even design my own blogskin.
I'm sorry, but how the FUCK do you know how much design was done by me? Is it not my vision, my time too?
Like this only actors who write their own scripts can get acting awards?? Or race car drivers who don't build their own cars cannot win races also lah??
What bullshit is this?
It was won for HTTP://XIAXUE.BLOGSPOT.COM, my BLOG, not my person. Does that make crystal clear sense?? I didn't win as a designer. My BLOG won as a design.
If you knew beforehand....
1) People who didn't design their own blogskin can also qualify, and;
2) It was 50% based on votes.
And you thought you didn't have a chance against my so called minions, then WHY JOIN??
It seems silly to me to whine and bitch afterwards. *rolls eyes*
Two pics with Cheesie!
Check out the second one with awesome blurry spinning background!
Kenny moved the cam after he took the pic LOL
Manslave holding the FUCKING heavy trophies
Next day... CNA interview and 93.8 Live interview with the bloggers from around the region!
Left to right: Cheesie, Boss Ming, Lady Melbourne, and Super Kawaii Mama!
So fun meeting all of them!! I love the Aussie bloggers man, they are all so vain! And I'm going to go to Disneyland with Cheesie in a week! Can't wait omg!!
ANYWAY... Really pleased about the award's results. Would not have done it without you guys!! *tears* Thanks so much for all the votes...
And not to worry, I'm definitely gonna fulfil my promises for those blog entries!! However, the love story's time is not right yet. Definitely within this month though. ;)
I must say, it was a lucky day for me the day I decided to join Nuffnang... :)
3 trophies, 3 reasons for me to continue to put in effort blogging!!!
And reason no. 4 got cashed out some time ago:

Another cheque. What should I buy??
I'm gonna have to pay taxes...
p/s: Feeling LOVEEEE for all blogders!! Muah muah muah!! :D