We'd call him a healer 'round these parts, but he doesn't consider himself that. Although he most certainly unblocked negative energy in my right shoulder. He told me why it was there and what to do not to allow it back. But I'm going too fast. This took place in Montreal last Thursday. I decided Wednesday night to purchase my ticket for the following morning to Quebec. I was disappointed Megabus didn't have a direct route from Boston to Montreal (I do LOVE their electrical outlets on every bus). I wasn't about to hop on the bus to NYC just to go to Canada. That would truly have been going around my asshole to get to my elbow, which I do enjoy occasionally. But I just wanted to get there. Thankfully, Greyhound had direct routes averaging about 7 hours of travel. I was sold. I had no local contacts, no place booked to stay, didn't even know the city, etc. However, I speak French well enough (even though the city is bilingual...thankfully) and I'd already decided I'd just use a bathhouse as my hotel. So I left South Station at 7:45a and arrived in Montreal a little after 2:30p. I quickly exchanged the US dollars for Canadian dollars right there inside the bus station and walked out to begin my adventure. I must preface this by saying that the entire trip was one of extreme intuition, spiritual (and sexual) energy and life expansion. I walked over to one of the Cafe Depots (they're plenteous there), ordered some light fare, plugged in my MacBook and settled in. Over the next 2 hours I chatted with a hot, bi stroke buddy in Boston; researched audition updates on BackStage; and logged into BBRT (naturally). It was this last endeavor that gave birth to what ended up being the single most importance reason for following my heart to Montreal on such notice, though I didn't know it at the time. How could I? Several hot Quebecois dudes hit me up and wanted to play. Though I was turned on by several, I kindly declined and/or played coy by explaining that a) I wasn't looking for right that moment, b) I didn't know how my evening was going, c) didn't know how to get around, d) couldn't host, e) had no where to stay yet, on and on. Then I get an email from E. Hmm. How to describe him? Oh I know: beautiful. No. Fucking beautiful. He had exactly 3 pics in his BBRT profile: dick, ass and a private face. Hot dick. Bubble ass. BEAUTIFUL face I'm tellin' ya. Within a few exchanges, he invited me over. I had no refusals of any kind. Instead, I gladly accepted.
Finishing up what I had to do, I quickly found the address and directions for Oasis Sauna (the "hotel" I'd be using), tried to make sense of the directions (okay, so I don't read a map so great sometimes) and got E's address as well. It turns out he lived right off Ste-Catherine, which was the street right at the end of the block. It also passes straight through the gay neighborhood. Haha. I just made a joke. STRAIGHT through the GAY. (Damn, I'm funny). I logged off and walked out. After walking a few short blocks, I found Gay Town and the various saunas, restaurants, bars/night clubs, video booths, etc. I made note of where my "hotel" was and jumped in a cab to visit this guy. He was a short 15$ ride away. When he let me in, he did not disappoint. I immediately spotted the massage table with white fabric and the white bolster pillow. "Are you a masseur?" "No. I do a type of energy work." "Oh, like reiki." "Well it is not reiki. There is no name for what I do. It is similar to reiki, but it is not that." Besides his beautiful accent (fluent English but no use for contractions whatsoever), I was struck by his comfort level with the body. He matter-of-factly asked if I had something to clean out with. When I told him it was just a regular Fleet enema bottle, he said, "oh no. I have something that will be faster." In his kitchen sink, he had a large clear glass bowl filled with warm water and a large plastic syringe. After using it, I've been looking for one ever since. It shoots water up your ass so fast. Following that, we showered together, played around a bit under the water, then hopped out to smoke a little cannabis (for our glaucoma, of course) and started the real fun. But first a quick thing here. Raise your hand if you've ever fucked an energy healer. No one? Really? Okay, then take my word for it. You needs to git out there and hit dat shit. Okay? I'll need to skip a lot of stuff because we fucked about 7 hours with approximately a one and a half hour break for him to share what he's learned telepathically about the universe, God, energy, etc. It was also during this time that he told me I had a blockage in my right shoulder and did I feel any pain in it. Yes, I did actually. He told me why that was (won't get into it here) and that he could feel it by moving his hands through the air over that spot. He laid his hand on it casually for a few seconds and it was gone. Nope. Not in my mind. It was there, then it wasn't. Okay, back to the anal pounding.
I have never been deeper in a person. We started with him riding my dick reverse cowboy. Man oh man. That's my least favorite position to watch in porn, but this dude showed me his beautiful back and squatted his delicious bubble down onto every inch of my dick. Suddenly, reverse cowboy was the position I was born to fuck in. He ground his hips slowly, deliberately and trancelike. Through the rest of the night, we worked our way through sexual configurations like we were rewriting an improved version of the kama sutra. I even tried to figure out how we could penetrate each other at the same time. Our dicks didn't naturally angle downward to make that possible. You have to get into a scissor-like shape and face opposite directions for that to happen. My favorite was putting him on his stomach and grinding his prostate like a mortar and pestle. We stayed like that for a while. Feeling his second hole massage my head brought me to the edge several times. In fact, I unloaded several small shots in him like that. When I told him later on during one of our breaks that he had my semen inside him, he literally looked at me, smiled the most radiant, childlike smile and said, "cool!" I took a few pics of him, but I wish I'd recorded his moans as I fucked him. It wasn't like those fake ass porn moans where it's all about, "mmm yeah fuck me, baby. Take that dick. Suck my cock. FUCK YEAH!" I'm not saying that not hot sometimes, but I've personally found that I have a stronger connection when we shut up and just tune in to each other. Once we're zeroed in, we can screech and maul each other like howler monkeys. But let's get into The Zone first. Eventually we switched off and he fucked me for a few hours. He fucked me so long that, for the first time EVER, I fell asleep while he was inside me. I should make this point: There were plenty of moments when we weren't completely hard, but still one inside the other. There was no rush at all. His gentle rocking and penetrating me with a semi hard erection as I laid on my stomach lulled me right to sleep. He woke me up by gentling whispering something with a laughing tone. "What? Did I just fall asleep?" "Yes. Oh and I peed in your butt." "You're joking." "No, I'm serious. When you pull off, make sure you hold your ass closed tightly or it will run out all over the bed." I wasn't mad. It was hot. I've had that fantasy for quite a long time. To be honest, I couldn't feel all that piss inside me at all. Didn't feel full or anything. However, I followed his instruction to get off him carefully. I went to the water closet (I fucking LOVE that the toilet was a separate space from the shower and sink) and relieved myself of a huge piss load for about 4 minutes. Wow. SO hot. After a little more play, he invited me to stay the night. Sleeping in each others' arms was beautiful. There was more sex that afternoon. He returned the favor and shot a load inside me. There was also more energy work. I left there recharged and happy. He also gave me his work card with his web address. And no he doesn't charge for his services ;O)
Oh look. Someone else working the Boston scene.
Can you bust a nutt in your own butt? You can't? Aww. Sucks to be you :o)
Great organization for Berlin sex workers. Thanks, M.
Someone I've written about on this blog. Maybe you can figure it out ;O)
I've truly crossed over into the land of WS. It's official.