There are times in a man's sexual life when he must ask for help. Call for reinforcements. Summon in the troops, as it were. Today was one of those days. I had one such moment while hosting W, an insatiable bottom who proved to be way too much for me all by my lonesome. So I did what I always do in these situations: I called in The Enforcer aka my roommate. While the two of them fucked, I watched, stroked, got head and pitched in a fuck occasionally. But it wasn't my show and I was too glad. I'm not at the point where I typically get enjoyment from playing with a strict bottom. Too boring. I like dick, too. That being said, keep reading. Thursday's connection is a highlight. It also bears mentioning that, upon W's arrival, I thought I recognized him, but couldn't place him. Shortly thereafter, I remembered that he and I had fucked at Main Street Video. It was a similar situation that day, too. He just wanted to get pounded non stop while he took hit after hit after hit of poppers. I enjoyed his beautifully worked out body, handsome face, bubble butt and so forth. But he just doesn't talk much. In fact, he barely makes any noise at all. No. Dish Mop Sex is not on the agenda, I don't care how fine you are. That day at MSV, I eventually thanked him and left the booth. At one point at our apartment, I was trying my darndest to telepathically communicate with my roomie, "will you make this motherfucker cum already? JEEsus Christ!" hehe
I've already had 2 very quick hooks with 2 regulars. The first was a client, but I didn't even have the heart to charge him. He's late 40s, super masculine, married with kids, seems to be in construction, is always on duty/on call when he arrives and has a fantastic slim body. I ate his ass like birthday cake. (I love birthday cake. It's always a favorite.) The reason I didn't charge is because his work phone rang the entire time. He told me beforehand he'd only have 20 minutes max. He's one of the few I'll even allow to bother me for a half hour session, but again, he's fucking sexy. I made him cum anyway. That was for me. *grin* The other guy was J, the Italian from down the street. He recently told me that he's a kindergarten teacher. That made him even sexier and cuter. I can just see him gently teaching the little ones. As usual, he only had about 15 minutes. (Another quickie, but sometimes that's okay. That's life, bitches.) Damn I want to kiss his mouth! Probably because I don't think he'll let me. What's up with always wanting what isn't readily available to us? Anyway, he shot all over my asshole and up to my right shoulder. Mmm! I didn't even bother to clean it off. I never do. Some shot onto the bed cover. I reached down and licked it off my fingers. What was immediately around my hole, I pushed it in with 2 fingers. (What? You can't stick two fingers in your asshole anytime you want? Oh.) He'd just cum the day before, but he said the nutt he gave me was bigger. Fuck yeah! Long story short, I've already connected twice. So why am I on BBRT and A4A? Haha. I'm going to call it a day and head for the gym. There's the possibility of heading to NY Jacks early evening tonight. I exchanged emails and pix with the organizer yesterday. He's a cute older gent. I've never been, but have been aware of the group for nearly 10 years. If I go, you KNOW I'll tell you all about it ;O)
Tonight I connected with K, a versatile bottom from BBRT (his screen name is anonymousStud.) Even if you're like me and don't have religion, his ass, legs, body and utter whorishness will make you scream "good GODDAMN!" Besides that, he's got a big dick (not that he uses it much) and is super cute (his online pic doesn't do him justice.) To prepare for his arrival, I bought an inexpensive bottle of red wine, which we enjoyed. (I must admit to getting into the few times he'd come back to bed with a mouthful of wine, lean over me and let it drain into my mouth. His kisses should come with a warning.) This dude yelled out so much and ground his hole back onto my meat until HE was satisfied. He asked if his loudness was a problem. I told him to do whatever the fuck he wanted. I'm still not completely used to being a total top for some people, but I'd better GET used to it because there are some hot dudes out there who prefer it on the bottom. However, he did promise to fuck me at some point. I won't hold my breath *big grin*. Another high point is he let me put a lot of my hand in his hole. Couldn't get the entire thing in there, but I was SOOOOOOO close, though. We were both very turned on by that. His ass, happily, was super clean. (I should know. He sat over my face for about 40 minutes while I licked, chewed, sucked his pucker and rubbed my nose, chin and beard everywhere back there. All done while gently giving his incredibly leaky FAT penis the world-famous Reach Around.) Sadly, there are no pics, but I know you'll be good little boys and check out his profile to see what I'm talking about. I know. I know. They look fake. I, too, had questioned the veracity of those images...until he took off his clothes and stood in front of me in a pair of tiny black underwear that would have made the straightest man in the known galaxy want to fuck a hole clean through Fort Knox just to get to LOOK at that booty. Whew. I'm tired thinking about it again. Hooking up with K brought it full circle. It turned out he knows W, the insatiable bottom from Sunday. I didn't even say any names. I described the dude and he asked, "is he Colombian from Dorchester?" "Yeah." "Oh that's W. He and I are good friends." Well, isn't that special? lol
This afternoon, I traveled to Fitchburg to meet up with a married gay male couple, M and W, who contacted me from www.dudesnude.com. I'm going through a period of accelerated spiritual evolution. More of the guys I meet are mystics/agnostic/seekers, etc and into energy work. One of the boyfriends, W, is also a musician. From the moment I walked into the backyard where they were lounging around the pool with a friend, these two were extraordinarily warm, welcoming and sexually free. (Obviously. They invited me into their house and bedroom.) We all hung (hanged, hangerededed?) around for a good 40 minutes with drinks before I got a partial house tour, bid farewell to the guest, then we all 3 disrobed and retreated to the bedroom. (After 2 special-made margaritas I was relaxed and feeling verrrrrrry good.) W topped us both, but I'm happy to say I got both loads :O) I swear I wasn't being a Greedy Gus. It just worked out that I got them both. What really happened is that M busted early, way before W and I, and he was pretty much done with getting fucked. So I, naturally, became Mikey from the Life cereal commercials: Can't find a place to put your nutt? Put it in Kenneth. He'll take anybody's cum. (Okay, that's not true. I would not let Beyonce cum in my ass and I am UNANIMOUS in that!) I got a chance to top M, while W was inside me. I didn't cum the whole time, but I didn't need to. W's dick was a perfect fit inside my hole. It made me sore, but in a good way. After the first fuck, I could still feel him inside me and wasn't sure I'd be ready for the literal Second Cumming or if there'd be one. There was and I was ready for it. Yum.
The image above is from my trip to Montreal. It's the syringe I used for an enema. I still haven't found one. It works really well.
These guys are hot.
Oldie but biggie, um, I meant goodie.