Of all the random holidays to garner me a day off of work, I had the lowest of low expectations for this Presidents Day. I had planned on trying to maximize the day off with a trip to the spa, but it was not to be. The combination of an unexpected ice storm and overbooked massage therapists left me high and dry. I decided to be productive instead. I cleaned the house and worked out. Now what?
I was settling in to spend some time online reading all of you lovely people's blog posts from the weekend, when who should call me? Fireman. He was done pouting over being bumped off the schedule by "The Man" on Friday and had managed to survive his night out at the strip clubs with his little brother with only getting kicked out of one and not arrested. (If you missed that drama, check out the Double Booked Friday post)
Fireman was excited to learn that I indeed had the day off and an empty house as he was needing to see me during his lunch hour. His words, not mine. My day was definitely looking up. It had been far too long since my last lunch time tryst so I was happy to oblige. He made remarkable time for coming from the other side of of the city in an ice storm but when that boy gets his mind set on something there is nothing stopping him. I guess that's why he makes a good rescue hero.
He had explicit instructions on how he wanted things to be upon his arrival. I gladly accommodated those requests. He is getting a little more assertive the longer we are together and I am finding it to be much a turn on for me. He was downright bossy today. I liked it.
We didn't have a lot of time as he had to get back to the firehouse for the rest of his shift but we managed to make the most of the time that we had. My not-so-exciting day turned around in an unexpectedly pleasant way. My hats off to the Presidents for making that moment possible. Who needs a parade when a girl has a Fireman? God Bless America!