On the sidebar you can see two parts to the DC challenge. Now here's Part 3 based on what someone named Mike said in the comments section:
Surely believers will object to this, I know. You could step away more often though, for a day (?) or a week or a month at a time, just like fasting. Or you could limit your religious activities in various ways. You could tell your God that you need to do this in order to truly examine the reasons why you believe. Would he be so upset with you if that was the reason? I don't see why he would.
So step away from your community of faith just to see if it has a brainwashing, indoctrinating, and/or enculturating effect on what you believe. And if you're brave attend freethought group meetings.
Why not? Do you really want to know if what you were raised to believe is the truth or not?
I think the beginning of the end for me as a Christian believer was when I first left the institutional/traditional Christian church setting. Don't get me wrong. I was still a strong evangelical Christian believer. I just became convinced that many of the practices that happen in the western traditional institutional Christian church were unbiblical and based more on traditions of men than the "the word of god."If you'll read my original post I provoked such a response when I wrote:
From that I occasionally attended home fellowships, but not regularly and eventually never. So, I came to the point of being a believer but not being involved in any Christian "fellowship." That allowed me to seriously pursue questions that I always had for which I could never find a satisfactory answer. Not having all that group pressure and coercion played a significant role in allowing me to realize just how brainwashed I really was. It truly allowed me to be skeptical of not only other religions, but the religion in which I was indoctrinated: evangelical/fundamentalist Christianity.
Until I got to this point, no argument, as strong as it may be, could have possibly convinced me I was wrong. Link
I think I offer many good arguments that should convince others, but I know they won't convince many who are deluded. After all, how does one convince a brainwashed person so long as said person remains in the same company of other brainwashed people? "Interventions" require taking brainwashed people away from their brainwashed communities.So here is the challenge. If what Mike and I said is the case, then to truly examine your religious faith you must remove yourself from the community of your church. So do so. Step away from your church while taking Parts 1 and 2 of the DC Challenge. In one case that would demand a whole year and in the other six months. No Bible reading. No tithing. No praying, and no TV church either.
Surely believers will object to this, I know. You could step away more often though, for a day (?) or a week or a month at a time, just like fasting. Or you could limit your religious activities in various ways. You could tell your God that you need to do this in order to truly examine the reasons why you believe. Would he be so upset with you if that was the reason? I don't see why he would.
So step away from your community of faith just to see if it has a brainwashing, indoctrinating, and/or enculturating effect on what you believe. And if you're brave attend freethought group meetings.
Why not? Do you really want to know if what you were raised to believe is the truth or not?