Here is my inspiration from Kat today via twitter: Keeping w/ ur randy blog theme (wink wink) idea 4 a blog post is most inappropriate time u became randy & how u handled it.
Here it is kids,
Inappropriate, yes I am. Or at least I can be. But not in the usual ways. I don't speak out of turn, use obsessive profanity in public, or dress like a hooker. Well, not all of the time anyways. I can be inappropriate in many other ways. Most of which lately however, seem to involve ridiculously younger men.
To accept Kat's challenge, I must make a confession to you kids as my most inappropriate time I became randy and how it was handled has up to this point been locked away tightly in my scandal vault. Call Geraldo Rivera boys and girls, because we are cracking into that bitch right about now.
I love everything about Chicago. The city, the people, everything. I especially love Chicago immediately following a Cubs game. Wrigleyville is out of control and totally alive. Tens of thousands of people line the streets, the bars are packed to capacity, and if they won, it is no-holds-barred for the level of craziness that will ensue.
It was Memorial Day weekend a year ago when I found myself in quite the predicament in a post-Cubs victory night in Wrigleyville. My long-time friend S, who luckily lives nearly 6 blocks from said festivities, and I were out enjoying the craziness. We were dancing and drinking and flirting as only we can when I happen upon a group of 20-somethings that seemed to be having an equally good time. It was mere moments before the darling boys had set upon us. Despite throwing down his best game, big brother came up short on the charm. It was little brother that caught my eye. He was a dead ringer for Ryan Reynolds. Yes ladies, THAT Ryan Reynolds. People's Sexiest Man Alive Ryan Reynolds. I had to. How could I not?
Within moments, we had established that he was entirely too young for me but that neither one of us was overly concerned with that fact in that moment. He was in college for Christ's sake. He had roommates. Really? Didn't matter. Within the hour we were up against the wall in a dark corner in the back of the bar and there might as well have not been anyone else there because we couldn't have cared less who was watching.
Playing the role of the classy older woman ( I know, a stretch at this point right?) I suggested we take our festivities to somewhere with a better view. My friend S was on the third floor of a five story brownstone that just happened to have the most amazing rooftop view of the skyline and was open to the whole building as it also had a community greenhouse on the roof . Within minutes we were sneaking up the back stairwell of the building, giggling like teenagers (which makes sense considering he basically was one), and preparing to take in the view of the city.
There were more than stars and city skylines enjoyed from that rooftop on that chilly night. It is safe to say that I blew his mind that night and gave him something to remember long into his late twenties.
So there you have it kids, hope you enjoyed my most inappropriate randy moment (at least thus far) and appreciate the task I faced in narrowing it down to just one. Randy girl is back to the sex posts. Thanks for the great challenge Kat! #Katrocks