National Masturbation Month is here!

During the month of May, we will celebrate National Masturbation Month with daily sex positive photos of people masturbating and sharing personal stories. This came about because I was asked if I had any tips for becoming more sex positive.  Without hesitation I said "Masturbate!"

Our sex negative culture tends to foster feelings of shame around the topic of masturbation.  Dominant religions teach that it is wrong, or a sin. When researching masturbation it is impossible not to stumble upon websites that talk about how to stop masturbating - how to solve your masturbation "problem".

I'm here to say otherwise. I'm not here to say you have to masturbate, but I'm here to say that masturbation can be a positive force in your life, and that it does not have to be tied up in feelings of shame. I'm here, with the help of an incredible group of people who have shared themselves and their stories with me, to do our small part to chip away at the stigma associated with masturbation.  We're here to so say proudly "I masturbate!"