Dear Mr Cameron.
I would like to know what the government has planned to stop the Muslim take over of Great Britain, In fact the whole of europe. Tower Hamelets is now totally Islamified with other towns and city's soon to follow. Leicester. Birmingham. Bradford Rochdale and Oldham, will all be Islamified by the year 2016, just five years away. Spain have just started an Islamic party, and it won't be long before that spreads everywhere.
Everything is now for the Muslim, and to be White and English or British means nothing anymore.
The Muslims have said they will not only rule Great Britain, but the world. They are taking over europe at an alarming rate, and NO ONE is doing anything to stopt it, they say they do not need war to take over, but to get places in government, and that's just what they are doing with Muslim counselers everywhere, and in some towns it's just Muslims.
Two world wars was fought for our freedom, and now only to have our freedon taken away from us. Why did the Labour Party let this happen to our country, and why have you followed in the same steps as the Labour Party. Britain is now sunk to the point of NO return. Our Englishness and Britishness has been took away from us. We now have to eat Halal meat weather we want to or not. Why.
Our churches are being torn down for the Muslims to build Mosques Why.
It's racist to say anything against Muslims, but it's not racist for them to say anything against us.
Muslim pedo gangs are all over Great Britain grooming white girls, and getting away with it. Our country is now the pits due to letting Muslims come over to Great Britain.
People are dying in hospitals, and it's no wonder. Muslim doctors, have no need to wash their hands having been to the toilet, and we know they use their left hand to wipe their backside, and then run water over it, and then they go back to opporate on patients, and people wonder why people are dying with super bugs taking the lives of many.
Why has all this been allowed to happen, in thirty years from now the whole ot Great Britain will be under the flag of Islam, and i wonder if you are happy at what you have all done.
I would ask to to put your foot down and put a stop to this before it's to late, stopping immergration is now to late already, you can close the doors, but what is already here needs to be sorted right now.
I do hope you undersatand and will take action upon it. You seem to have lost touch with the people, if you want the people's support, then please stop this Muslim take over of Great Britain.
With kind Regards.