James Michael McHaney,a Senate aide who worked as a scheduler for Maria Cantwell (D-WA) was arrested in a sting operation after he allegedly tried to arrange a sexual encounter in DC with someone he thought was a 13-year-old boy, according to
charging papers.
According to those charging papers, one of Mike's friends became a "cooperating witness" with the FBI and DC police and set him up by telling Mike a 13 year old boy wanted to have 3-way with the two of them. Apparently, when Mike found out the child did not have "pubes" he thought it was "hot." Gross!

I found
Mike's Friendster page and discovered that he is originally from Little Rock and likes "politics, clubs, golf, working out, going out" and apparently having sex with minors. My favorte thing about his profile was a comment left by one of his friends, "The best thing I like about Mikey is that he will stop at nothing for Dick." Truer words were never spoken.