Merry Christmas from the Eby's. Although the picture kinda looks Rockwellian, believe me, the atmosphere is not. Christmas lunch consisted of ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, and green bean casserole. But the way my mother acted all morning, huffing and puffing, talking about how exhausting cooking Christmas "supper" was, you would have thought the menu would have been more extensive.

Becca did not really care about Christmas lunch. All she wanted to do was play games and open her presents. I have a special bond with Becca, because I understand the way she thinks.

Adam and Carmen are the oldest and are polar opposites. Adam is loud, social, and a ham, while Carmen is quiet, introspective, and does anything to avoid the spotlight. They balance each other nicely.

Then, there is my mom and dad, or as I like to call them, Ken and Shirl. They are a piece of work. For example, when I came home, there was a huge floral centerpiece on the dining room table. I thought it was odd, because my dad would never spend money on something like that. I looked at the card, and it was addressed to the neighbors across the street. Apparently, the neighbors were not home when the UPS truck came, so my mom yelled to the driver that she would take it for them. When the "neighbor boy" called that he was coming over to take the centerpiece, my mom jumped up off her chair and grabbed the flowers, wrapped them in plastic, and stuffed them back in the box while my dad "distracted" the neighbor boy. Happy Holidays!!!