Here's a little number called Truth as performed by Dimentia 13 at the Phantasy Theater in Cleveland probably in 1992. The line-up was me on guitar and vocals, Joe Nofziger on bass and vocals, Dave Swanson of Rainy Day Saints and sometime member of Guided By Voices on drums and Carl Olsen on keyboards. I added a bunch of overdubs to this recording around 2000. Joe sings lead on this, though I usually took the vocal in Dimentia 13. That whole night he dedicated every song to Laura. I have no idea who Laura was. Maybe our friend Laura Rachel? The song is by Chris Cacavas and Junkyard Love. Joe taped it off the radio when he lived in Germany and we learned it from his crappy cassette. I finally found the original much later. Our version is better. Note the little tribute to The Pretenders at the very end. I love the lyrics to this one. Wish I wrote it...
Graham Barlow kindly pointed out that ads for Gempo Roshi's Big Scam, Big Mind® have been appearing on this site in the little ads Google puts there. At first I thought I'd complain. But actually it amuses me that a few pennies of the massive loads of dough that charlatan rakes in with his fucked up fake Zen nonsense is going to me. Thanks for the pennies Gempo, you useless piece of shit. Gimme a ride on your motorcycle sometime.
As I've said, anyone who goes for Big Mind® gets what they deserve. Think you can get instant Enlightenment for a hundred fifty smackers? Go for it. And those of you who harp on me for harping on it all the time, make sure Gempo pays you for that. OK?
Also, some dude posted: We imagine the ground of being must be far, far way, off in a distant galaxy or buried deep in some mystical place we can only reach with the proper sitting posture or via cultivating some proper state of mind under a properly transmitted zen teacher. Such beliefs are just as erroneous.
Sounds nice. But it's wishful thinking, I'm afraid. And if you think I'm saying that just to get you to come study with me, you think pretty highly of yourself. I got enough trouble as it is. Still, I'm not gonna bullshit you. Proper posture is a requirement. No two ways about it. Sorry.