Marc and I rented a convertible Mini-Cooper and drove around Los Cabos. On our way out of Cabo San Lucas, we saw this nightclub, which had a female stripper climbing into a martini glass. Stay classy Cabo!

We drove from Cabo San Lucas to a small town on the Pacific side called Todos Santos. Our butler at Las Ventanas, Armando suggested we shop there because it was less expensive than Los Cabos.

Todos Santos is a quaint artist colony town with several shops, boutique hotels, and nice restaurants. It had a very relaxed vibe with traditional Mexican architecture.

I thought this family represented old and new Mexico. The grandmother in traditional clothes and the granddaughter in trendy youth clothes.

We walked over to the edge of town to see what I thought would be a beautiful view of the countryside into the ocean and this is what we saw. Talk about a letdown, but it made me laugh.

On the drive home, we pulled off from the main road to check out the views. The dirt road was in good condition when we started, but after a bit the road deteriorated and we were kicking up quite a bit of dust.

You can see Marc wiping the dust from his mouth and face in this picture after getting out of the convertible. I thought the view was worth the trouble, but I am not so sure Marc agreed with me on that.

It was the perfect way to end a great day of shopping, eating, and driving around Baja California. I would love to build a house on the spot where we stopped, so I could enjoy this view every night.