Anyway, when I was driving from Memphis to Mississippi, the semi pictured above nearly ran me off the road when he moved into my lane. I got up right behind him to see if there was a "How am I Driving" number to call, and saw the graphic on the top left. It details the two paths in life, the narrow road to Jesus on the left and the wide road to "pleasure and greed" on the right. I have been on both "roads" in my life and feel there is not a big difference between the two, except one has a lot of rules and an imaginary friend to take along on your journey. I just wish God-fearing Christians wouldn't try so hard to get others to walk that road when they can't even stay on it themselves.
Honk if You Love Jesus
Author: blog xxxAnyway, when I was driving from Memphis to Mississippi, the semi pictured above nearly ran me off the road when he moved into my lane. I got up right behind him to see if there was a "How am I Driving" number to call, and saw the graphic on the top left. It details the two paths in life, the narrow road to Jesus on the left and the wide road to "pleasure and greed" on the right. I have been on both "roads" in my life and feel there is not a big difference between the two, except one has a lot of rules and an imaginary friend to take along on your journey. I just wish God-fearing Christians wouldn't try so hard to get others to walk that road when they can't even stay on it themselves.