10) Waited 2 1/2 hours at the DC DMV office to obtain a temporary parking pass. I called twice to make sure I was bringing the correct information. When I got up to the window, was told I didn't have everything I needed.
9) Spent an hour in line for DC Car Inspection, where the guy directing traffic ignored three lines of cars and focused on moving one line to let an attractive black woman get ahead of everyone. When I called him out on it, he contacted security and told the rent a cop that I was being "racist."
8) My house was broken into and all my electronic equipment was stolen, and because I can't find a few receipts, they are not covering several items.
7) As my house was being renovated, they discovered that my kitchen ceiling had rot and needs to be replaced, adding another month and $30,000 to the project.
6) While applying for life insurance, my lab results showed a possible kidney malfunction. I had to wait a week for a retest but turns out everything is fine.
5) I saw a guy and girl fucking on top of a car next to the building that I am currently staying. I drove around for 20 minutes looking for a parking spot and finally had to honk to get them to stop so I could park in the spot in front of them. They did not move so as I was parking the car, I could see the guys naked ass in my rear view window and nearly hit him.
4) While parking my car a week ago, a man came up to my car and yelled, "Do you live here," pointing to the building I am staying. I said, "No, I don't live here." He came right up to my face and said, "I live in this building and someone on the third floor is throwing cigarettes out the window onto my patio and it needs to stop." I responded, "I am sorry. I don't live here. I am not staying on the third floor and I don't smoke." He started to follow-me into the building and I said, "Sir, I don't know if you live here or not, so I am not letting you into the building. He pushed the door open and followed me up the stairs. I said, "Sir, stop harassing and following me. I told you I don't smoke, leave me alone or I will call the police." He yelled, "You will call the police? I will call the police." I closed the door on him. 15 minutes later, three police officers are at my door, lecturing me. I told them that they were talking to the wrong person and closed the door on them. Now I see the guy nearly everyday. I am Seinfeld, he is my Newman.
3)I have been consulting with my old company, The Advisory Board since November and have been traveling to small towns all across America. The pace of this kind of business travel and the fact that service workers don't give a fuck anymore about customer service, has stressed me out.
2) TV sucks and my old standby CNN now looks and feels more like Fox News and I don't care how many times you say, "The best political team on television" it does not make it true.
1) The thought of President John McCain makes me want to take a permanent vacation. He is not as independent as everyone thinks he is and I am looking forward to him losing his temper and pulling a Howard Dean at some campaign event.