I flew into Memphis last Sunday for a work trip. I really enjoy Memphis, because of its rich history and all of the interesting characters that live and work there. There is a lot to see and experience in Memphis, and every time I am there, something new grabs my attention.

The Hollywood Disco caught my eye because of their, "No Discrimination" and "No Illegal Drugs" policies that they wrote on their wall for all to see. It made me think that this is one classy place.

While walking toward Beale Street, I saw this horse drawn carriage being manned by a dog. But what really made me laugh was the sign in the background, "Dead Rock Star Costume Ball, April 3." I would go as Mama Cass.

When I arrived on Beale Street, which is the Bourbon Street of Blues in Memphis, I noticed that they had made an addition to the "NO" sign since the last time I was there.

I am very curious as to what happened that caused them to add, "No Animals/Reptiles" to the sign at the start of Beale Street.

While walking down Beale Street, listening to Muddy Waters sing the blues, I noticed this cartoon in a window. Um, honey...I think you feel strange because your gentleman friend is pinching your nipple. Just a thought.

I remember vividly when Elvis died. My mom got a call from my cousin, Barb, who was crying when she told my mom that Elvis died. I had never heard of him, so I could not understand why it was such big news. Elvis is still big news in Memphis, as this sign explains.

Finally, I could not help myself when I saw this trio of Elvis Pez that includes a CD of Elvis songs. I bought one, although I am not sure why. I felt compelled. I didn't go to Graceland this time around, because last time my girlfriend at the time yelled, "I am carrying Elvis' love child" which the real Elvis fans on the tour did not take very kindly.