It was interesting being in New York City the day that Governor Elliot Spitzer resigned because of his extramarital affairs with prostitutes. I am glad he resigned, not because he was having sex with prostitutes, but because he was a huge hypocrite, and nothing grates me more than hypocrites.

And now the press discovered the identity of the prostitute as Ashley Alexandra Dupre. She does not look like the poor, victimized woman that all of these female talking heads have been describing on news shows. You see, there are women and men that actually enjoy selling their time for sex. They are not victims, they are not poor. They choose this as a profession and enjoy it. Now granted, there are some examples of people being forced into prostitution and this is where these advocacy groups should be focusing their time and attention.

The other thing that has been bugging me about the news coverage is how women are portraying Mrs. Spitzer as being manipulated, being forced to stand next to her husband to show her support, and how she had to have known he was cheating on her. Excuse me, but unless you have spoken to her and she told you these things, how the hell do you know? I wish these whiny women's groups would just focus on more important issues like single mothers who are living pay check to pay check, or women who are sold into prostitution, or obtaining equal pay for equal work, and so on. Stop projecting your insecurities on everyone else and leave Mrs. Spitzer alone.