I had to go to Orlando for a health care technical conference. As an exhibitor, we had no choice in the hotel, and I was assigned a room at the Blue Heron Beach Resort. It is a condominium located near Disney World, designed for old people and people with families. My room had bunk beds. I knew I was in trouble when I called for directions and they told me to turn at the "large volcano" in front of the hotel.

The conference was huge. It felt like what I imagine a boat or car show in a large conference center would feel like. There were some ridiculous displays, including one with a race car, which as far as I know, has nothing to do with health care technology.

The booth I worked was a bit more subtle and the group working the floor with me were a lot of fun. I was doing computer demos for hospital executives, including a woman from Malaysia that did not speak any English. She kept nodding her head like she understood what I was saying. When I asked if she had any questions, she replied, "I speak very little English."

I lucked out on the last night, when a room became available at the Peabody Hotel located directly across from the Orlando Convention Center. I moved to the Peabody and had a nice dinner at Oceanaire Seafood Room, which made my last night very enjoyable. That said, I don't think I will ever go back to Orlando unless I am forced.