While in Lexington, I drove over to my brother's family's house for dinner. Jackie made a pot roast in the crock pot with potatoes and carrots. It was delicious. She also made a peanut butter and chocolate cake that I wanted to take home with me, but settled for a slice. It was great to see my nieces and nephew, although they were all busy with school work and other activities, so I spent most of my time talking with Kevin and Jackie. Becca took this picture of her sister, Carmen, with my IPhone while I was talking. That look on Carmen's face is the same look I give people when I am assessing what they are saying and am skeptical. She is such an Eby. When I discovered this picture in my IPhone, I also noticed that Becca added a note on my shopping list that said, "Becca is my favorite niece." Now that made me laugh because it is totally something I would do. Then there is Adam. His friend Clay, the catholic, was over at the house. When it came time for dinner, he sat at the kitchen counter, watching TV and talking with us while we ate. Jackie invited him to eat with us, but he said he was eating pizza later with his family and wanted to play basketball with Adam after dinner. Everyone wants to be Adam's friend, including me.