Dear Sally Kern:
I used to be like you. When I was a child, I thought the same way that you do now about homosexuality. That a person chooses to be a homosexual, that homosexuality is against God and immoral, and that all good Christians should come together and fight against the gay rights movement to protect our country and children.
But, you see, I went to college and I learned through my biology and genetics class that being gay is not much of choice. It is something a person is born into, and they can decide whether or not to act on it, but it is who they are. Then I leaned in my religion class that the Bible says a lot of things that people don't believe or follow now, like sacrificing their first born child and so many other things that I don't have enough time to type them all up. Then I learned in my political philosophy course that conservatives raise a lot of cash and rabid supporters by using gays and lesbians as the "villains" that good people need to stop. Given all of that, I learned that people like you are simply sad, pathetic, and ignorant. I was able to see the errors of my earlier beliefs, you seem stuck in them.
Also, the Jesus I was taught to believe in befriended prostitutes, healed the sick, cared for the needy, and told everyone that "we are all the sons of God," and "treat your neighbor as you would want to be treated yourself." I personally believe that you are a horrible Christian and that you will not see the the light of heaven with the amount of hate and intolerance you have inside of you. But, what do I know. I am one of those unhealthy gay people that you railed against in your little speech. Your desire to push what you think is God's will on other people, as a public official, is not what this country was built upon. You should go back and read what our founder father's wrote down when they were struggling to find our nation. They wanted to protect people from bigots like you, who think they have the answers and know better, when you clearly don't. How dare you invoke the name of God to promote hate. You should be ashamed. But also, you shouldn't care what I think. You need to care what God thinks, and I am pretty sure he will not be welcoming you into heaven.
I understand from your recent television interview that you don't care what people outside your constituents in Oklahoma think about your little speech. Well, you should care, because I am going to be sending whoever runs against you a lot of money to help defeat you in the next election. You need to apologize for your remarks, attend tolerance workshops, and ask for God's forgiveness. But then again, what do I know? I am just one of those evil, awful homosexuals.
Keith Eby