Kevin, Marcia, David, Tom and I went bowling at Lucky Strike for Easter. This was after I had played tennis with Lori, Dan, Chuck, Joe and Gregg. I started out strong, but after three beers, I was not bowling very well.

If you will notice, our waitress kept walking across our lane while we were bowling brining drinks to other bowlers. She is either new and doesn't realize that walking in front of people who are bowling is not good, or she doesn't give fuck. I couldn't tell which one.

After finishing 2nd in the first game, the second game I was shooting for not finishing last. It was neck and neck between David, Marcia and me for last place. Thankfully, David took last place and I surpassed Marcia in the final frame with a spare and a strike.

We were all headed to Easter Brunch at Anne's house, and I jokingly said we should bring egg rolls since we were in Chinatown. I drove separately, and when we got to Anne's house, Tom had gotten a tray of egg rolls. They were delicious and so were Marcia's Easter socks.