In talking with some people in Indiana (all lived in Elkhart and St. Joseph's Counties, which Obama won), I heard two reasons why Obama did better than expected in Tuesday's primary, and neither had anything to do with policy positions. The first, was that he started to hold smaller, more intimate events in the past couple of weeks, and Hoosiers love it when they can get up close and personal with a candidate. But more important than this, and something I heard several times, was the fact that Obama looked voters straight in the eyes, and Clinton did not. Through this eye contact, they felt Obama truly cared about them, and Hillary was only saying that she did.
I have gone back and forth between Obama and Clinton for the past several months, starting out as a Obama supporter, then moved to Clinton as he started to stumble a couple of months ago. As much as it pains me to say this, I do think it is time for Hillary to drop out of the race. I think she would have made a better President than Obama, but it is clear to me now that she does not have a chance to win the nomination, unless she gets ugly with Obama, and that is something Democrats can not afford.