Zero Defex's first show on our 2008 tour is tonight at Pat's in the Flats in Cleveland. Tomorrow we're at Kent Stage in Kent. The complete gig list is in the post below this one (too lazy to cut and paste this morning).
The weather here in Akron is gray and chilly. I love it! It's been so long since I've been able to enjoy some chilly gray-ness. Santa Monica is always sunny and warm. That's nice. But I enjoy clouds sometimes, and cold, and rain. Even snow.
I was noticing the other day how, when people want to try and get at some Zen teacher, they'll say "That's your ego!" It happens to me a lot and Brian Victoria tries the same thing with that monk at Antai-ji he writes to (see below). I guess this is supposed to be the most hurtful thing you could say to a Zen teacher or monk, and is intended to make that person defensive in return. It's not my ego, it's your ego!! I have no ego! Nyah! Sometimes it works, too. Just look at the Zen forums on the Internet. Leggo my ego! Cute stuff.
And speaking of cute stuff, I just saw that the latest photo set on Suicide Girls today features Dusti, one of my SG friends (though we've never met in person), posing with Noah Levine's book Dharma Punx. Nice set. She's cute.